My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 596: Advantage

"Don't you yearn for freedom and rights? Hoinheim!"

The darkness in the flask sent out questions to torture the soul.

Hoinheim, the former slave No. 23, was unable to answer this question.

How could he not desire freedom, but, as a slave in Xelkesais, it is impossible for him to be free at all.

"May I teach you knowledge? Hoinheim!"

The black ball in the flask made a hollow sound.

"Then you...what should I call you?" Hoinheim looked at the flask with a solemn expression.

"The villain in the test tube (Hormonks)!"

On the last page of "The Little Man in the Test Tube", Roy ignited the information he got from the code he communicated with Wen Li.

"Selim Bradley is... an artificial human? It's impossible, isn't it?"


"The story turned to Keselkses, and Dad was once a slave..."

"Although I guessed that Dad is related to Kessel Kesais, I never thought that he was from Kessel Kesais!"

"No, he's just a slave. How could he make the Xelxes? A slave is not a citizen."

"Don't raise the bar... But in this way, the origin of "Steel Refining" is there. Dad Dou used his blood to create Hormonks."

"But how did he make it?"

"Test tubes, it’s already clearly shown in the comics. Before, Hoinheim, or Slave 23, cleaned up in the laboratory. The laboratory’s commonly used instruments, such as test tubes, flasks, jars, and Erlenmeyer flasks , These are clearly appearing in the comics, but in this era of Edward, these instruments are rarely seen..."

"Could it be that before Hormonks appeared, there was no'alchemy' in this world?"

"No, there should be alchemy. Alchemists in reality will also use some instruments to conduct experiments. But before the appearance of the "little man in a bottle", there should be no formation."

"I remember, it was not mentioned in the comics that the alchemy of Amestolis was transmitted by the Sage of the East."

"Sihyun and Donghyun... will they be Hoinheim and "Father"?"


"Oh... so to speak, it is true."

"But who is Xi Hyun and who is Dong Hyun?"

"It's not clear yet..."

"Anyway, it's all under Teacher Shen's pen."

"I thought that the previous plot was already exciting enough, like the section of'The Signpost of the Soul', which almost revealed the secrets of the entire story, but I didn't expect that there is a plot of Kessel Kesais in "Steeling". ."

"You said, how many things will there be about the content of Kessel Kesais?"

"I don't know, I guess according to the current plot, it will take about 5 words."

"There is no urine point throughout "Steel Making", it is impossible to give five words...I guess three words."

"Just look down. I hope that the next chapter will reveal the part of Xerxes."


After Kessel Kesais appeared in the comics, the plot aroused discussion among readers, which made "ComicFuture" completely become the stage for "Steel Refining" to stage a "one-man show".

In fact, not only readers, but even some cartoonists, recommend "Gang Lian" on Weibo.

Generally speaking, the quality of a work is from high to low, and then decreases in turn. This is because if a work is to be serialized, the previous plot must be polished repeatedly.

The same applies to the Internet. The buyout is based on the quality of the previous article. Therefore, the tens of thousands of words at the beginning must be revised after repeated scrutiny, and the division must be polished at the beginning. Generally speaking, the author will prepare a detailed outline to ensure the quality of the first two to three million words.

After the serialization, due to time and energy, the creators are not allowed to carefully polish the outline. In addition, as the story progresses, the world and the plot spread, making the creation of the work more difficult, and the creator's strength is also restricted. The quality of the work.

But these problems didn't happen in "Steel Refining". As the story unfolded, one after another mystery was uncovered, which made the story more exciting.

If you can't tell the results for such a work, then there is no comics that can achieve results.

On Friday, the editorial department of "ComicFuture".

After proofreading the manuscript, Wang Wenhong took a sip of tea.

The recent fire in "Steel Refining" has made him extremely excited. Especially, the sales department has heard news that surprised the entire editorial department. If counting from November, until now, "Steel Refining" has continued 14-17 volumes have been published, and the total sales have exceeded 8 million copies. If we push forward for another six months, the sales will almost reach 10 million copies.

However, the animation of "Steel Refining" is still going on. The implication is that the bet between Shen Xin and Bao Jiyi is set.

If you continue, don't talk about 10 million copies... or even 15 million copies are possible.

What this means for an animation is self-explanatory.

Shen Xin, undoubtedly, has stood at the top of China's cartoonists.

Wang Wenhong put the teacup on the table and took a deep breath.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Wang Wenhong knows this truth very well. In particular, the performance of "Steel Refining" is significantly higher than that of other comics. If "Steel Refining" is over, I am afraid that "ComicFuture" will be affected much more than last year. "The Legend of the Dragon King".

Shen Xin also gave Wang Wenhong a time in advance. This year will not end, but it should be almost at the end of next year.

At the end of next year-

To be honest, it seems a bit faster.

Just when Wang Wenhong was thinking about it, an email was sent to the desktop.

"Little book!?"

Wang Wenhong glanced at the topic, and it was indeed the latest issue of the little book.

The first place is undoubtedly "Steel Refining". The number of votes in this issue is as high as 684 votes, which is 126 more votes than the second place "King of Rock".

As long as Shen Xin does not King of Rock and Roll" is basically impossible to catch up with "Steel Refining".

Further down, there are "Alien Restaurant" and "Hunting Abyss" in the final stage, followed by "Ding Shi".

What surprised Wang Wenhong was "Returning to 12 Years Old", which ranked 8th in this comic.

Is it true that as Shen Xin said, as long as there is an opportunity to make an animation, this comic may be a great success?

Wang Wenhong glanced at Yan Fei, only to see her drinking coffee, leisurely and contented.

No wonder, who made her two works have good results?

Although it is not the top-notch one, but the top ten accounts for two, it is already very powerful, especially, in the two works, there is also a comic by Zuo Yuan.

At this moment, Shang Haozhi was holding a stack of documents and walking towards the comic with a serious face.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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