My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 600: In the words

Shen Xin stood up and quickly went downstairs, Gao Hang and others also surrounded him.


"There is a D version of the comics website, and a lot of comics are posted. It is a bit unexpected."


"On the website, has the most comics."

Wang Wenhong knows that this is not very kind, but seeing's comics appearing on such a website still inevitably chuckles.

"ComicFuture" and are in a competitive relationship, and they competed for a whole year. puts pressure on ComicFuture far more than other magazines.

Under such circumstances, Wang Wenhong's unfortunate misfortune has already given a lot of face when his opponent has suffered such losses.

In fact, facing the current situation, it is difficult for him to take pleasure in the misfortune, because on this website, whether it is the click list, the favorite list, or the recommended list, the first place is "Steel Refining".

When Shen Xin saw "Steel Refining" ranked first, he couldn't laugh, so he could only sigh helplessly.

"However, there is good news." Wang Wenhong looked back at Shen Xin who was standing beside him.


There is good news for this kind of thing.

"The content of "Steel Refining" is incomplete. For the time being, there are only the last 50 words.

The muscles on Shen Xin's face twitched. Hearing the news, he was really not happy at all.

Even if there are only the last fifty episodes, "Steel Refining" is still ranked first in the rankings of the D version of the website, and Shen Xin did not expect it.

As for the content of the last 50 episodes published on the website, it actually hurt him and "Steel Refining" quite a lot, because the 18th volume has not been released so far.

Saying that it does not affect sales, ghosts believe. He would rather the website post the first 50 words.

"Other comics, "Ding Shi" have all of them, "Rock King" has 30 episodes, "Hunting Abyss" 40 episodes... There are basically all comics within 50 episodes, and other magazines are the same. However, it has been The comics at the end of the serialization are not complete. Without "Soul of the Game", "The Legend of the Dragon King" is only part of it. In contrast, the comics on are quite complete." Wang Wenhong explained.

"Why? Is "Steel Refining" not better than those comics on the Internet?" Gao Hang behind him watched for a long time, and after understanding the reason, he said unconvinced.

"Are you stupid? Is this a good thing? If all of them are posted on the Internet, "Steel Refining" will not be sold." Liu Rui glared at Gao Hang.

"Don't say it, I already understand it." Gao Hang waved his hand quickly.

"The difficulty is different. There are many comics on the Internet. That's because they can pick up the pictures. As for the comics of "ComicFuture", they either have the source of the comics or buy the scans of the comics themselves. The sales of Volume 18 will definitely have an impact... It is estimated that the sales of Volume 14 will not be able to sell." Shen Xin frowned, feeling bad.

The pictures are posted, it's weird if they sell well.

Xi Muhan was also crying when he saw this scene.

This kind of thing is uncomfortable to anyone.

In particular, the first edition of Volume 18 of "Steel Refining" is 2.3 million copies. It is hard to say that it hasn't been printed yet, but the list must have been ordered.

If "Steel Refining" is not sold, or if it only sells less than 500,000 copies, then the loss will be really great.

"Sister Yan, what's going on with you?" Shen Xin turned to ask Xiang Yan Fei

"My side is slightly better, it is the D version of the site in District 11. However, "ComicFuture" is mostly comics. also has them, but except for a few more popular comics, which have been translated into Japanese, the others are all in Chinese. Yes. Now, "Ranto Dancer" also has a Japanese translation."

Yan Fei stared at the screen and kept tapping the keyboard with her fingers.

"Why are you still typing on the keyboard?" Wang Wenhong puzzled.

"Chat with Teacher Yuchuan and ask him if he knows about the D version of the website."

"What did he say?" Shen Xin asked.

"He said that he knew that this website was only recently available. He said that this website was originally just a forum, and some D-version Chinese comics were circulated in private, but later, the resources increased and I saw comic websites come out. , The income was good, so they raised a sum of money, plus they originally had membership funds, so they built a server and built such a website."


Shen Xin rolled his eyes, and it seemed that there was no pure land anywhere.

"Doesn't "Youth Leap" sue them?" Wang Wenhong asked suspiciously.

"No, because their websites are all Huaxia cartoons, and if the copyright owner himself does not file a lawsuit to stop them from infringement, it will be useless for others to oppose it." Yan Fei explained, "Moreover, this website does not "Steel Refining" and "Young Leap" have nothing to do, and I don't bother to negotiate with them."

"This is not the most terrible..." Shen Xin laughed dryly, "Because of the'safe haven principle', even if these websites embezzle comics, they will not be punished in the first place."

"'The principle of safe haven'?" Xi Muhan heard this kind of thing for the first time, and Yan Fei had only heard it a little bit, and hadn't understood it deeply.

"The'safe harbor principle' means that if network service providers only provide space for storage, but do not produce content, they will be obligated to delete after they are accused of infringement. However, if the network service provider does not store on the server and does not tell which Content infringement, then, they are not liable for infringement. That is to say, we can only notify them first, and then let them delete the content to solve this matter." Wang Wenhong explained.

"How could this be?" Xi Muhan looked frustrated, holding his little hand tightly, "Then what shall we do?"

"Go step by step. Even the'safe harbor principle' has a prerequisite. Internet service providers must not know beforehand. Therefore, for these websites, the'safe harbor principle' is not a'shangfang sword'... What's next? To do it, just look at the magazine and Duo Man. Do you remember what I said just now? The D version'kill' will not kill us, but we can't stop the D version. Now, the situation has only become more severe..." Shen Xin is weak Tao.

When this kind of thing happens, the authors are often very powerless. Even if they bring the infringer to court without talking about the "safe haven" principle, even if everything goes well, it will be several months until the result comes out It's even a year later.

Even Shen Xin didn't have the energy to take these things into consideration.

"It's not difficult to find this website. The site in District 11 does not rule out the follow-up of "Steel Refining", Yan Fei, wait for you and "Young Leap" over there, let them pay attention to this website...I Guess, "ComicFuture" should have noticed this website. Mr. Shen, recently, your workload is very heavy, and you have to set aside one day for signing and selling books, so if you really can’t stick to it , Then tell me in advance, I will ask the magazine for leave."

Yan Fei also nodded. Although the suspension of publication has a great impact on the magazine, the body of the cartoonist is obviously more important.

Shen Xin rolled his eyes, "You don't know what I am doing? If you really want to help me, just handle this matter quickly. If you keep this kind of thing in your heart, it will definitely not be comfortable."

Xi Muhan nodded again and again.

"Don't worry, the magazine is more anxious than you...2.3 million copies, this is really a big deal." Wang Wenhong counseled.

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