My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 606: Surprise and sales

How can you not be excited?

Since he knew Shen, Shen Zheng has been paying attention to him, from "The Soul of the Game" to "Steel Refining". Although he has not read all the content, he has watched the serialization of "ComicFuture", except for the envy of him. Besides, there is only admiration.

The envious other half is actually jealous.

When envy arises, it is inevitable that a strange thought will not arise in the heart.

Compared with Shen Zheng, what does he lack? Or to put it a bit more white again, why can he get the current results?

It is said that literati are indifferent to each other, and this is not the case in the comics circle.

Had he not accidentally watched Shen Xin's speech on "The Spirit of Chess: Beidou Cup", he might not have had the age when he created "My World". If it weren't for Shen Xin's "sweeping votes" incident, he might have been unable to continue to create.

As a result, jealousy turned into gratitude and admiration.

If he were in Shen Zheng's position, he would have drifted far away.

He also took the time to watch "Steel Refining". Compared to the complete story, he valued a concept in "Steel Refining".

Equivalent exchange!

Yes, as long as you work hard to create works, you will definitely gain.

The autograph book sales meeting two days ago is a good example.

But...Wait a moment, what should I say when I see Teacher Shen?

Hello, am I your fan? Or, hello, I am Zuo Yuan?

Is it too straightforward? Will he recognize himself?

Probably not, after all, he doesn't have much intersection with him.

Thinking of the end, Zuo Yuan unexpectedly felt a little impetuous and excited in his heart, holding the hand of the booklet, sweat was also oozing out.

Really look forward to it.

"As expected of Teacher Shen...There are so many readers..." said a staff member who passed by pushing the cart from the aisle.

No, this is Teacher Shen.

Zuo Yuan's mouth was slightly tilted.

"But... only Teacher Shen can be so popular? In the last two days, some booklets have not been sold at all." Another employee sighed.

"Yes, I can't figure out the reason. However, this line is getting harder and harder to do."

The two people's voices were not too loud, but Zuoyuan, who was standing outside, still heard the conversation between the two.

Can't sell! ?

He gave a chuckle in his heart, and quickly turned his head to look at the two who were talking.

He has worked here, but he hasn't met them. These two people should be newcomers.

"Um... two brothers, I want to ask one thing." Zuo Yuan stopped the two people quickly.


One of them stopped and looked at Zuo Yuan.

"I want to ask, how about the sales of "Return to 12" that was released two days ago?"

This is what Zuo Yuan is most concerned about.

""Returning to the age of 12"?" The speaker raised his head, thinking for a long time, "Sorry, I can't remember. However, the sales volume of the booklet has not been good these days."

"Yes...Is it?" Zuo Yuan's eyes rolled round and his heart was half cold.

"Hey, can't you go, there is a space in front." The people behind Zuo Yuan were a little impatient.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Zuo Yuan gave up his position and quickly walked out of Jiman Bookstore.

It's not so good... What will be the result of "Back to 12"? Should be almost the same?

Shall we call Teacher Yan first?

After telling Yan Fei of his worries, Zuo Yuan turned his head and looked at Ji Long. He was now in a state of confusion and had no intention of meeting Shen Xin again. He looked around and his eyes fell on an Internet cafe across the road.

Stay there for a while, right? I hope Teacher Yan can be faster.

Crossing the road, Zuo Yuan entered the Internet cafe.

"Mom... hurry up, I'm coming in."

In less than ten minutes, a little girl took a woman's hand and entered the Jiman bookstore.

The sky at this time. There was a drizzle.


When Yan Fei received the call from Zuo Yuan, she was working with other editors on the follow-up issues of the novel.

Hanging up, Yan Fei returned to the editorial department again.

"What's the matter?" an editor asked.

"It's nothing, the author's business..." Yan Fei was a little absent-minded.

"Does it matter?" the editor asked.

"It's okay? An author is asking about the sales volume of single-line books..." Yan Fei frowned, folded her arms around her chest, and looked at the screen, but she was always thinking about Zuo Yuan in her heart.

After struggling for a long time, Yan Fei said to another editor, "You... or stare at first, I'll go to the sales department."

"Ah... it's not over here."

"At most half an hour...please." Yan Fei ignored the reaction of another editor and left the editorial department.

The usual work of the sales department is also very heavy. What they have to face is not just the magazine "ComicFuture", but all the magazines of Yishu Culture, as well as the income of electronic editions and copyrights.

Unless it is a top cartoonist, or a new work that is focused on above, will follow up in the first week of sale, otherwise, the sales department cannot make daily statistics, basically once a week.

After Yan Fei informed the sales department of her intentions, the statisticians still shirk their excuses, because "Return to 12" has just been released for 4 days, and it hasn't been a week.

Statistics are not cumbersome, but finding data is quite troublesome. Moreover, due to limited manpower, it is impossible to do it at all.

Yan Fei repeatedly rolled up his sleeves, and the statistician who was nearly pulling went to the manager Jiang Zhong, and the other party was only convinced.

Check the data, and then add it up.

As soon as the results came out, the statistician rubbed his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Yan Fei saw that the statistician's face changed slightly.

"No... it seems that the statistics are wrong... I will calculate it again." After the statistician checked the data again and confirmed that it was correct, his face changed drastically, and he turned to look at Jiang Zhong who was sitting inside, "Manager, something went wrong!"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Zhong looked at the statistician in surprise.

"I'll give you the report, you will know it by yourself--" The statistician sent the report to Jiang Zhong, and Yan Fei also turned around and looked at the statistician's laptop screen.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand... 3842? This is absolutely wrong!" Yan Fei was also anxious seeing this number, "Are you missing one zero?"

If there are only a few thousand or even 10,000 copies, it may be explained by the market. The current situation is obviously not the case.

"Xiaoyan, don't worry...I don't know what the problem is, or the original data is wrong." Jiang Zhong also stood up, clapped his hands twice, and focused everyone's attention. "Now you put aside your work, and count all the data from the past few days-what are the data of "Ding Shi" in the past two days? Quickly calculate it..."

By the way, there is "Ding Shi"!

Yan Fei's mind was a little confused. Recently, her mind has been focused on the novel and she has forgotten the sales of "Ding Shi".

The sales staff immediately counted.

"No, Manager Jiang, I only have one question." Yan Fei turned to look at Jiang Zhong, "Is there not much difference in the other data you have collected in the last few days?"

"No! However, the statistics we made are basically the signature comics of "Qi Chuang Library" and "Shoun Future". The sales of these works are not high. The 50,000 first edition is very good, and the decline is limited. "ComicFuture" has been on the shelves in the past week, only "Steel Refining" and "Return to 12 Years Old"." Jiang Zhong explained.

"What about the "CF" app?" Yan Fei asked again.

"You don't know what the status of the app is. The benefits are not good. Moreover, it is still based on monthly subscription. Within three or four days, the data will not change significantly." Jiang Zhong explained.

Yan Fei rubbed her forehead, how could this happen?

"Mr. Jiang, the weekly sales of "Ding Shi" have come out." An employee stood up.

"How much?" Yan Fei asked immediately.

"The sales volume from the 17th to yesterday was 6,637 copies." The employee's face was ugly.


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