My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 620: Countermeasure

Shang Haozhi has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Recently, if the operation is not good, "ComicFuture" is likely to crash, so you must be careful, careful, and then careful.

"First of all, I talked with Yelaoshr and asked him to extend two more episodes. In other words, "Hunting Abyss" has 6 weeks to end... The results of Shen's side have also come out. It will take about 6 weeks to take care of Shen. We extended the teacher’s body to 8 weeks. Therefore, Mr. Ye will have a short comic after finishing "The Hunting Abyss"."

Shang Haozhi told Bao Jiyi about the results of the communication with Ye Hexu yesterday.

"When did Teacher Ye get so good at talking?" Bao Jiyi asked suspiciously.

"I assure him that if his new book can reach the sales volume of 500,000 copies per week, I will sell his comics to animation companies in District 11."

"This way..." Bao Jiyi nodded slightly, "But, did you pack the ticket to him? This kind of thing is very accidental. If there is anything, tell it in advance, don't come, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. "

"I know that by then, he will also be involved. If it is really not possible to negotiate, he should have nothing to say."

"Well, you just need to know what you have in mind. Also, after the suspension of "Steel Refining", what do you have to prepare? Just rely on "Hunting Abyss"... I'm afraid not?

"There is also "The King of Rock and Roll". At the beginning, "The King of Rock" was able to get the first place, although it was related to the repression of the plot of "Steel". After all, it was talked about the "Ishvar Annihilation", but it also showed that "Rock and Roll" "The King of Rock" itself also has good quality. If it weren't for a certain show that had opinions about this comic, the whole thing would have been stirred up, otherwise, the results of "The King of Rock" would not plummet."

"What can you do?" Bao Jiyi asked.

"Push! Push hard! Let Teacher Luo know that we support him. Now the manga we can rely on the most is "The King of Rock". Anyway, we must be steady before "Gang Lian" returns. Live the sales of "ComicFuture"..." Shang Haozhi said.

"That's true." Bao Jiyi nodded.

"Also, "Ding Shi" is also true. In fact, "Ding Shi" also has potential." Shang Haozhi submitted a report to Bao Jiyi, "As of now, the sales volume of the first volume has reached 460,000 copies. Volume, influenced by the D version, sold 194,000 copies. Among the new books, it is already very good."

"Yeah." Bao Jiyi nodded and looked at the report in his hand. "The novel of "The Journey of Two People" seems to be published too?"

"The first edition is 100,000 copies." Shang Haozhi said.

Originally released 200,000 copies for the first time, but now, before the D version takes control, he can't do much.

"100, problem." Bao Jiyi nodded, "By the way, should you also consider the works of Teacher Shi and Teacher Han?"

"Of course, Mr. Shen's rest time is two months, these works, there are opportunities." Shang Haozhi smiled.

"Well, having said these works...Should we also talk about how to deal with the first volume of "Returning to the age of 12". Well, as you know, the magazine can eat nearly 120,000 copies. If this comic keeps selling thousands of copies a week, don’t even think that its first edition will exceed 100,000 copies. So, I’d like to ask your opinion. Give up this comic, or try 120,000 copies sold?"

This matter is very important, even more important than Shen Xin's two-month suspension.

It seems that this matter is related to the 120,000 pamphlet of "Returning to the Age of 12", but in fact, it is not only the case.

If they can sell the remaining leaflets of "Return to 12" at a not too high price, it means that they can effectively reduce the harm caused by the D version.

"Actually, I think so... the decisions we made related to "ComicFuture" and app operations may be wrong." Shang Haozhi said in a deep voice.

What he said involved the operation of magazines and apps. These were not things he should have been involved in, but the current situation does not allow him to back down.

Bao Jiyi frowned, "Then what do you mean?"

"Merge! Merge "ComicFuture" and the app!" Shang Haozhi explained.

"One is books, the other is to merge!?" Bao Jiyi looked at Shang Haozhi coldly.

"Income is unified. Before, the monthly income of the two platforms has been calculated separately. In this case, the platforms are in a competitive relationship. In order to ensure the sales of booklets and magazines, the top hot works of "ComicFuture" are often not registered. app, but in fact, this also affects the revenue of the comic works itself."

"Which works are you going to put up?"

"Returning to the age of 12"... By the way, "Steel Refining" and "God of Goss" must be available, especially "Steel Refining". Now "Steel Refining" is in the off-period, and we need some topics to keep the comics hot "Shang Haozhi rubbed his hands, but his expression was not relaxed.

Putting "Steel Refining" on the app, the sales volume of "Steel Refining" will definitely see a sharp decline.

"Is it too rash to do this? This is "Steel Refining"!" Bao Jiyi shook his head.

"It is precisely because it is "Steel Refining" that we have to do this. Now that comic heaven comes out, even if we don't put "Steel Refining" on the app, we will not be able to prevent the decline in sales of "Steel Refining". Bao Dong, we have reached this point. , Don’t think about the printing house anymore. "ComicFuture"...survive first, right?"

"However, the ratio of the share of Qisankai..." Bao Jiyi is still dissatisfied with this snack.

"The "Steel Making" has completed a year extension to sell 10 million copies, right?" Shang Haozhi reminded.

"That's not wrong." As the chairman of Yishu Culture, he must be convinced, "How did you remember this?"

"Someone reminded..."


"Wang Wenhong."

"Editors sometimes don't get too close to the author. They represent the magazine." Bao Jiyi said dissatisfied.

"You are wrong. He does not represent the magazine. The fact, it is the bridge between the magazine and the author. He knows the author better than we do."

"However, he is our employee. The interests of the magazine must be given priority."

"I know, but the cooperation between us and the author should be a win-win situation. One more thing... Wang Wenhong submitted his resignation." Shang Haozhi sighed.

This was something he only knew in the morning. He didn't understand why Wang Wenhong did this, but he still respected his decision.

It is precisely because of this incident that there will be personnel changes in the editorial department, and many people are watching the position of the editor of "Steel Refining".

"Why?" Bao Jiyi asked back.

"He thinks that Mr. Shen's condition is related to him. He suggested to me that Mr. Shen should stop the publication, but he did not insist on it. That's why Mr. Shen might fall ill."

Bao Jiyi was silent for a long time, listening to Shang Haozhi's explanation, he could also understand Shang Haozhi's definition of editor.

To bridge, the opinions of both parties must be clearly communicated. It is not that Wang Wenhong did a bad job, but when faced with a conflict between the author and the magazine, he would choose the option with less impact.

"Then...who will take over his job?"

"Yan Fei. At the same time, Xu Jie re-elected Teacher Zuo's editor in charge." Shang Haozhi explained.


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