My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 641: Strange

This time, the signs of "Steel Making" heating up again first appeared in China, and then, whether in District 11, the United States or Europe, there are a large number of fans expressing their views online.

This plot was originally fermented on the overseas two-dimensional forum for a while. After the episode of "Farewell" was released, it immediately caused intense discussion on the Internet. The heat of "Steel Refining" was transmitted from overseas back to China. Less from the media seize the opportunity to analyze the plot of "Steel Refining" in order to attract readers' attention.

For a time, "Steel Refining" rose rapidly in the popularity rankings. Four days later, it once again squeezed "Age of Gods" to the top, causing an uproar in the domestic comics industry.

When Bao Jiyi learned of the result, he was speechless.

No matter how powerful "ComicFuture" is, it can only help "King of Rock" in the domestic publicity. If foreign countries can also operate like this, "ComicFuture" has already opened the 11th district market.

In fact, it is not easy to open up overseas markets for works. At the beginning, the magazine did not spend much money on "Legend of the Dragon King", but the effect was not good. It was far less than "Hire of the Game", let alone compared with the current "Steel Refining".

"The King of Rock" is good, but it is only good. Compared with "The Legend of the Dragon King", it is one level worse, not to mention that it is compared with "Steel Refining", which ranks number one in the major lists throughout the year.

The most recent issue of "ComicFuture" has sold well, with 3.7 million copies sold. Sales have stabilized. However, in the last six months, a series of events such as the online version D, the suspension of "Steel Refining", and the end of "Hunting Abyss" have occurred. The overall quality of ComicFuture has declined, and sales have shrunk by 1 million copies within half a year. The annual forecasted revenue has been adjusted three times in half a year, and each time is lower than once.

Faced with this situation, even the board of directors has begun to criticize.

Soon after the latest issue of "ComicFuture" was released, some readers immediately questioned that "ComicFuture" did not release the serialization date of "Steel Refining".

If it is really because of Shen Xin's injury that the "Steel Refining" cannot be serialized, "ComicFuture" should give an explanation, and everyone can understand the situation of the magazine and Shen Xin.

However, the official microblog of "ComicFuture" only mentioned other comics, and Shen Zhenghe's news about "Gang Lian" did not mention a word.

Readers of "Steel Refining" noticed that something was happening in "Steel Refining" and asked about it under the official Weibo account of "ComicFuture". In just six or seven hours, the number of comments on "ComicFuture" Weibo reached 10,000.

The official Weibo of "ComicFuture" was forced to post a Weibo, stating that Shen Xin still needs a period of recuperation and the return date is undetermined.

Soon after this Weibo was posted, another question emerged.

The "Steel Refining" comic is closed, but the animation has been serialized, and "Steel Refining" has no plans for another season. Obviously, this season's animation is all over.

What will Orochi do?

Join the original plot, or magic change?

Soon, there were readers in District 11 @orochi's official Twitter and Shoji Uno.

Not long after, orochi's official Twitter responded, and the follow-up plot and storyboard were provided by Shen Zheng. There is no original or obsessive change.

After a netizen took a screenshot of this tweet, translated it, and posted it to the forum of, within a few minutes, someone immediately saw the clue that there was a contradiction between the Weibo content of Orochi and "ComicFuture".

One side said that Shen Zheng still needs to be nursed, and the other side said that the storyboard and the plot are provided by Shen Zheng. Isn't the meaning of the two just the opposite?

"Maybe it's because Mr. Shen only provides shots? If you are in poor health, you can still draw some shots of the shots."

"Yes, the drawing of the manuscript takes a lot of energy and energy, but it is easier."

"But have you ever thought about a problem? Since it is the storyboard draft drawn by Mr. Shen himself, there is a possibility that the follow-up plot of the "Steel Refining" comic will be consistent with the animation. Think about it, we have watched the animation first, Only to see the plot of the comic... Isn’t it a bit of a joke?

"Isn't it possible? There should be other plots in the comics of "Steel Refining"."

"Hope? If the animation is published first, and then the comics are serialized, I won't buy a magazine."

"ComicFuture will not save you money. You will buy both anime and manga."

"I hope so... But how would Mr. Shen distinguish the plots of anime and manga?"

"I guess……"

This post quickly covered hundreds of floors, and various YY ideas emerged in endlessly.

While the readers were still discussing the difference between animation and manga, someone suddenly intervened on the first floor.

"Don't guess, the plot of the animation is the same as the manga."

"Jing nonsense. How could it be the same? Time is too late." Someone immediately refused.

"It's true. Wang Wenhong posted on Weibo."

"Ah? Who is Wang Wenhong?"

The editor in charge is certainly not as famous as the comics, and there are not many people who know Wang Wenhong.

"The original editor of "Steel Refining" has now resigned."

"You also know that he resigned? It's just the original editor in charge. Can he know the follow-up plot of "Steel Refining"?"

"Please, even if it is not now, he still has contact with Teacher Shen. It is not too difficult to ask about the situation, right?

"Wait, haven't you thought about it? If this is what Teacher Shen wants to express, what does this Weibo mean?"

"What does it mean?"

"Ms. Shen has a conflict with "ComicFuture"!"

This speculation seems to be at, but it is not difficult to analyze this result by sinking my heart.

The animation of "Steel Refining" is normally produced, but the comics are not there. Moreover, the reply of "ComicFuture" seems to be hiding something. Wang Wenhong's Weibo has denied the option of branching plot of "Refining" animation.

The whole thing gives people the feeling that there is an inexplicable disharmony between each other.

Therefore, this incident has made the future of "Steel Refining" confusing, and at the same time, it has also aroused more intense discussion among readers.

Yuan Zhe has not been idle these days. He has been quickly browsing readers' messages in China, the United States, Europe, and the 11th district. However, because the readers have left too many comments, he can only read a lot of them.

As for the three most intensely controversial microblogs on the Internet, he knows some inside information. He originally wanted to wait for the end of "Steel Refining" to contact Shen Xin, but the results of "Steel Refining" are already here. Be quick to board first.

Yuan Zhe was pondering for a long time, suddenly picked up the phone and dialed Tong Yu's phone, which rang for about ten seconds before the phone was connected.

"What's the matter... is in a meeting now?"

A deep voice came from the microphone.

"President Tong, I want to see Teacher Shen Zheng."

"Then you go and see, what does it have to do with me?" Tong Yu asked impatiently.

"It may involve the copyright issue of comics." Yuan Zhe reminded.

After a moment of silence on the phone, Tong Yu's voice rang again, "Do you think it's worth it?"

"It's hard to say, it should be...not at a loss." Yuan Zhe meditated for a moment, then said.

"I see, can you set a time? Let me know when the time comes." Tong Yu nodded slightly, "I want to meet again with Teacher Shen."

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