My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 646: Persist and refute

Which is more important, platform or work?

This is actually a difficult question to explain. Generally speaking, the platform has a greater effect on the work.

A good platform can promote a good work to more readers. Therefore, when the sales of two magazines differ too much, the role of the platform will become very critical.

Shen Xin has a deep understanding of this. When he painted "Y’s", he clearly felt how much a good platform can add to the work.

Therefore, when Shen Xin leaves "NewWorld", if he has the opportunity to serialize in the best domestic magazines, he must seize the opportunity.

However, with the understanding of the comics industry, Shen Xin's relationship between the platform and comics is also changing.

If the platform has a certain degree of exposure, as long as the quality of the work is good, comics can still be up.

This is not nonsense, because some comics have done it before, it's "Attack on Giant".

When Isayama was submitting to "jump", the editor of "jump" rejected the manga on the grounds that "your style is not suitable for "JUMP". Isayama had to switch to Kodansha.

Isayama made his debut in 2008 with a short story "orz", and in October 2009 it was serialized in "Bezel Shonen Magazine".

The sales volume of "Weekly Shonen Magazine" in District 11 is second only to "jump", but its supplement "Beesel Shonen Magazine" is different.

First of all, "Besal Shonen" is a monthly magazine, and the circulation period is much longer than that of weekly magazines; secondly, "Besal Shonen Magazine" was launched in September 2009, which means that "Giant" started in the second issue of this magazine. Serialized.

After that, the popularity of "Giant" continued to increase, and in 14 years, it ranked second in the sales volume of comic books in District 11. The first place was "The Pirate", and the gap between the two comics was only 100,000 copies.

Does the platform matter? "Giant" is serialized in a newly created monthly magazine. Compared with "jump", the sales and reputation of the magazine is at a disadvantage. However, the results of "Giant" are many works serialized in "jump", which cannot be matched. .

Isn't the platform important? Although "Besal Young Magazine" is a newly created magazine, the resources that can be used behind it are not comparable to second-tier magazines.

Therefore, Shen Xin has just said that it is not that platforms are not important, but that if there is no absolute gap between several platforms, he has the opportunity to choose.

Furthermore, he himself has a high reputation in China, as long as the platform is not too bad, no matter which platform it is, it is actually the same.

In particular, after the advent of the Internet age, the role of the platform has also been blurred. In addition, the comics that can get the first or the top few on the D version of the website are also very popular.

"ComicFuture" of course also understands this. Therefore, there is only one clause in the contract. During the contract period, cartoonists are not allowed to contribute to other magazines in order to avoid this situation.

Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei looked at Shen Xin with their mouths slightly open, but Shang Haozhi was also very surprised when he didn't expect that he could say such hard words.

In this matter, he is undoubtedly on the side of the magazine. This is because he is the editor-in-chief of "ComicFuture". He wants to protect the interests of the magazine, but he does not want Shen Xin to leave "ComicFuture".

This is a contradiction.

In all fairness, although Shen Xin's words sound uncomfortable, they are facts.

Not to mention the distance, just take the recent period of time, "Steel Refining" in Europe and the United States has become a big fire, and "ComicFuture" is not much related, and the focus of "The King of Rock" has only been popular for more than a week. , Was suppressed by "Steel Refining".

Although there is a certain contingency, no one expected that "Steel Refined" would be a big hit in the West, and it was unexpected that "Steel Refined" would hit the most exciting place when "ComicFuture" pushed "King of Rock". , The heat spread from abroad to China again, making "Steel Refining", which was already very popular, instantly became popular.

The fire of "Steel Refining", or Shen Xin's current achievements, has jumped out of the domestic platform. To put it more bluntly, no domestic platform can hold up a comic that has a certain global popularity and determines the upper limit of the work. It is always its quality.

The two sides are negotiating, and these words cannot be said in this situation.

Both Bao Jiyi and Shen Xin are trying their best to put pressure on the opponent to reduce the opponent's advantage, so as to increase their own bargaining chips in order to take the initiative in this game.

But both Shen Xin and Bao Jiyi know that the initiative is no longer in the hands of ComicFuture.

This can be judged from the attitude of two people.

When Shen Xin said that several platforms were "not much difference" for him, Bao Jiyi's expression instantly showed chills, but he did not refute it abruptly, indicating that he was also weighing Shen Xin's reaction after refuting this sentence.

However, Shen Xin's work is unpredictable. Sometimes it is easy to talk, but sometimes it is difficult to entangle. In case of a wrong guess, the two parties will have no chance to cooperate.

Bao Jiyi stared at Shen Xin, thinking about the gains and losses of the next sentence.

If Shen Xin stays, the magazine can regroup and survive the difficulties; Shen Xin leaves, "ComicFuture" is determined to reshuffle, when facing other magazines, "ComicFuture" will be in a difficult but Agreeing to Shen Xin's request is equivalent to an exception, and in the future, other cartoonists will also have thoughts.

Several people remained silent and their eyes fell on Bao Jiyi.

"Mr. Shen... we all take a step back. We agree to as long as the comic copyright of your lower work, but please don't serialize it on other platforms." Bao Jiyi took a deep breath and said patiently.

The competitiveness of the magazine lies in the uniqueness of the work, "I have, you don't have" can attract readers. Therefore, abandoning the copyright seems to have a certain economic loss to "ComicFuture", but Yishu Culture can accept it.

Shen Xin's serialization on other platforms has a greater impact on "ComicFuture" than giving up copyright.

"Bao Dong, I know what you mean. But, it's impossible." Shen Xin took a deep breath, "The author, including me, depends on the state. The success of the work is very accidental. In case of a mistake, the next In a few years, there may be no way to slow down. Whether a work is successful or not, the influence on the magazine can be controlled, but for the author, once the work fails, the situation will be difficult. I can't get all of it. "Eggs" are all placed in a "basket"."

"I don't think so. Of course, the three works drawn by Mr. Shen are of high quality, but if Mr. Shen's energy is distracted and the quality of the works declines, we will be under great pressure." Bao Jiyi said meaningfully.

The pressure of only drawing a book and double opening is completely different. Bao Jiyi does not doubt Shen Xin's strength, but whether he has enough physical strength and energy.

Shang Haozhi nodded repeatedly, and Bao Jiyi's answer was soft but hard. It was a good answer, depending on how Shen Xin responded.

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