My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 651: Kingly Way and Evil Way

"But the comics of Brother Xin's "Waist" are not good for "ComicFuture", right?" Xi Muhan suspiciously.

"You're wrong, it's really good. Of course, if it is a comic by another author and gets second or third in the small book, it will definitely not be'cut in the middle.' But Mr. Shen is different. "ComicFuture" can only get the lower part. Part of the copyright income of the work, the electronic copyright is also 70%. Even if Mr. Shen's lower comics are on fire, the actual gains from "ComicFuture" will not be too much. Therefore, the possibility of the work'cut in half' will increase a lot.

"If Mr. Shen's next comic does not produce results, there will be a claim that "ComicFuture" may show an exclusive agreement again and force Mr. Shen to sign. At the same time, once "Y's" does not perform well, it will be difficult to compete with cooperates in equal status.

"Even Teacher Shen is still at a disadvantage in this game. Because we are not facing one magazine, but many magazines. We have to take a bite of meat from these capitals, and they will definitely not be happy. Therefore, we cannot afford to lose."

Wang Wenhong expressed his concerns.

Shen Xin nodded slightly.

Wang Wenhong's words are quite "conspiracy theory", but if you want to survive in any industry, you can't be careful. What's more, "Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it", I don't know how many people are waiting for his mistake.

Cartoonists rely on their works to speak. In addition to the quality of the comics, whether the works are big or not is also related to the market. Sometimes, a work sells out inexplicably, even the author does not know the reason.

Some smashing cartoonists, after drawing a hugely popular cartoon, may not have amazing works. For example, Nobuhiro Kazuki, when "Rurouni Kenshin" was serialized, it was called the mainstay comic of "jump", but after the end of this comic, he has been unable to produce satisfactory works.

Another example is Hexia Shuixi, the author of "Strawberry 100%". After finishing "Strawberry 100%", several comics were also cut.

Evergreen trees like Takahashi Rumiko and Fuken Yoshihiro are really scarce among cartoonists.

Internet novels also have this trend. An author finally writes a big-fire novel. Generally speaking, they will extend the length of the novel because the author is not sure whether their next novel will still be popular. If you accidentally go down the street, you will really drink northwest wind.

This is not groundless worry, because whether a work sells well requires opportunities.

Sometimes mistakes are harmless. For example, when Shen Xin really has the capital and negotiates with all domestic magazines, it doesn't matter if he throws one or two copies, but now is the most critical time, and he has to be careful.

"What should I do then? Make some more requests?" Xi Muhan put his hands on his chest, quite disturbed.

Shen Xin was a little bit dumbfounded, "Xiao Han, "ComicFuture" is not run by our family. I made so many requests, and they can agree to it, it is already very difficult."

When Xi Muhan heard Shen Xin mentioning the word "our family", he was happy in his heart, but was a little unwilling. "After the "Steel Refining" is over, let's look at the results of "Y’s" and make a decision."

"That's fine." Wang Wenhong nodded, "If "Y's" can become popular, maybe the new book can borrow the popularity of "Y's"."

This is the advantage of double opening.

Sometimes, the old author writes two books at the same time, just to offset the popularity of another old book.

Shen Xin rubbed his chin, pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "This is also a way, but since it's hot, why not rub the "Steel Refining"?"

"Huh? Take "Steel Refining"? Wait... Teacher Shen, don't you want to serialize new comics immediately after "Steel Refining" is over?" Wang Wenhong was taken aback and asked quickly.

Shen Xin nodded, "I have this idea."

Wang Wenhong shook his head again and again. In the future, "Steel Refining" will be upgraded to 40 pages. It is estimated that there is very little time to rest. How can there be time to think about the name of the new comic?

"Mr. Shen, don't worry for a while." Wang Wenhong persuaded.

"I know..." Shen Xin said perfunctorily. In his mind, he was just thinking about one thing, what kind of comics are suitable.

Kingly Manga or Evil Manga?

The advantages of Wang Dao comics are obvious, with great stamina. Once some phenomenon-level Wang Dao comics are accepted by readers, their popularity will hardly decline, and the results of their works will be relatively stable.

This type of comics is somewhat like fantasy novels, with high competition and deep routines, making it difficult to come up with results. However, the ceilings of works that produce results are higher than other works.

The evil way comics have a sense of slanting swords, such as Ou Koya's "Killing the City", the original painting by Kanejo Soyuki and Fujimura Hiji's "As God Says", and the original painting by Miura Chasing Nuo and "Sky Invasion" by Takahiro Owa. "Committed" and so on.

This kind of comics often throw suspense in the first few words and attract readers' attention, but the shortcomings are also obvious. The more difficult it is to create in the later stage, once there are signs of plot collapse, the results will be affected.

In addition, the readers of Evil Dao comics are much less than that of King Dao comics. Compared with the two, the ceiling of Evil Dao comics is not high. Just like the first place in niche online novels, its performance is hardly comparable to that of fantasy or urban novels. name.

Evil Dao comics also have their advantages. It can attract readers with the shortest length. If you can control the length of the comics, you should have good results.

In the short term, evil way comics can use stunning settings to get readers’ attention, while in the long run, Wang Dao comics will achieve better results.

So, should you choose evil manga or benevolent manga?

Shen Xin kept comparing the two types of comics, and after repeated thinking, he finally chose evil comics.

On the one hand, he must make the next comic as soon as possible. From this perspective, evil comics are more suitable. On the other hand, he does not intend to draw too long comics, cut the mess quickly, and react in "ComicFuture". Before, the plot of the lower part of the comic had reached its peak, so that the initiative was still in his hands.

After making up his mind, the name of a comic came to Shen Xin's mind, "DeathNote", the pinnacle of Obata Ken and Oba Thrush.

The original 12 volumes have an average sales volume of 2.5 million volumes. It ranks ninth in the 11-zone single volume average sales rankings. It is also the ceiling of evil comics, and the results are not lost to the kings comics.

In terms of style, Shen Xin drew "Soul of Go", and now also draws "Gang Lian" in Obata Ken's style. Therefore, the change of the style will be very natural.

Of course, Obata Ken's painting style in "DN" is gorgeous, and it is also the manga that best demonstrates his painting skills. Shen Xin will have no small difficulty in drawing it.

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