My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 660: Speed ​​up

This Weibo of "ComicFuture" made readers feel relieved, and at the same time revealed other messages-"Y’s" was re-serialized on If Shen Xin did not guarantee, Duoman would not do useless work. However, the two microblogs released by "ComicFuture" explained to everyone that Shen Xin will be serialized on "ComicFuture".

This is a contradiction.

Could it be that Shen Zheng is serializing on two platforms at the same time? One of them is "ComicFuture"

It seems that no cartoonist can do it, right?

No matter what other people think of this matter, Ye Hexu has seen too much from "ComicFuture"'s Weibo.

Shen Xin may have obtained the power to serialize on different platforms from "ComicFuture".

If this speculation is true, then things are interesting.

He knew he couldn't compare to Shen Xin, but Shen Xin did use his own power to instigate the rules of the entire industry. After that, he and other cartoonists would have the possibility to compete for more interests.

From this point of view, it was a wise move to not speak for "ComicFuture" at the beginning. Otherwise, he should be similar to "The King of Rock and Roll"-even if the magazine press hard to promote "The King of Rock and Roll", after the re-serialization of "Steel Refined", It still can only hover in second and third place.

Of course, these are just speculations. Ye Hexu has no way of knowing what "ComicFuture" and Shen Xin talked about.

After entering January, "Steelmaking" has gradually revealed its most exciting parts.

Roy Marstein led Lisa and other subordinates, and began to make trouble in the central city. The Central Army, lacking President Bradley, under the command of the high-level, carried out a siege on Roy.

Edward, Hoinheim, and others, after sneaking into the central city, found that the original sewer entrance was blocked by soldiers. They divided into two groups and went to the Third Research Institute. After entering the underground entrance, they divided into two groups.

Feeling the pressure, the Central Army had to activate the Undead Corps.

Edward, Skar and others, faced with the undead legion that flooded like a tide, fell into a bitter battle.

On the other hand, Hoinheim, who was acting alone, finally saw "Father", the villain Hormon Cruz in the bottle, in the basement.

At the same time, Kimberly found the place where Pride was imprisoned. After breaking the sphere from the outside, Pride broke free. This was another hard fight. In the end, with the blessing of the Sage’s Stone and the help of his companions, Alphons and others escaped from the killings of Kimberly and Pride, and Kimberly, after being seriously injured, also resembled Gera. Like Tony, he was swallowed by Pride's shadow.

Kimberly has a very high popularity among readers.

After he was eaten, many readers felt sorry.

He is a villain, but he has a lot of characters in his works, and he doesn't have the charm. Many readers hoped that he would be able to get rid of it, but failed to do so. Until he saw the scene where he was swallowed, the readers felt a sudden tingling deep in their hearts.

It turns out that villains can also make readers feel sad and reluctant.

Kimberly's departure only opened the prelude to the death of the villain, and the second enemy to leave was Enwei.

When he was chasing Zhang Mei, he ran into Roy by accident, and a one-sided battle started.

Enwei's huge body became a weakness when facing Roy.

In front of the powerful flame offensive, Enwei had nowhere to hide, just like Luster who was executed by the fire before. After countless burns, Enwei finally showed its original shape-a small green bug.

Just when Roy wanted to kill Envi, Lisa pointed the pistol at his forehead, and Edward also used alchemy to **** Envi into his hand.

Enwei used language to stimulate Edward, Ska, Roy and Lisa, but everyone looked at Enwei, but only pitiful.

"You are jealous of human beings. Human beings who should be much weaker than you are suppressed, discouraged, and deviated from the right path... knowing that the future is slim, they will still fight bravely. Are you jealous of such humans?"

Enwei wailed after hearing Edward's words, and after biting Edward's finger, he took it out of Edward's hand.

"Humiliation... What a humiliation... Being made like this by **** human beings... And, it happened to be **** in rubbish, by you kid..."

Enwei shed unwilling tears and wailed.

"I was seen through by you kid...humiliation..."

Enwei struggled to sit up, pulled out the sage stone from his mouth, and squeezed it through. Then, Enwei's body turned to ashes...

Obviously he is a supporting role, but when Enwei left in this way, many readers shed tears.

"Hate! Enwei should be the most annoying character among the humanoids. He killed Hughes and was also the initiator of the "Ishval Annihilation", but why...when he disappeared, I still have a kind of The urge to cry."

"You are not the only person. You can only say that the character creation in "Steel Refining" is too successful. Whether it is a decent character such as Edward and Wen Li, or a villain such as Bradley and Enwei, they all have their own Personal charm."

"If "Steel Refining" can be finished with a comic of this quality, I would say, "Steel Refining" will be pushed for a lifetime!"

"The Refining" is really coming to an end... Four of the cyborgs have died, and Sloss has been besieged by Abstrand brothers and sisters. Bradley, who was supposed to be dead, also reappeared. The current plot is already It's a big battle."

"This episode has a constant climax. Although the villains have died more, but the decent characters also have casualties. I haven't seen such a wonderful cartoon for a long time."

"The animation is also very exciting. There should be four episodes and it can catch up with the current manga... I don't know if it will be able to catch up in the end?"

"I want to watch the animation of the episode of'The Death of Envi', with music and voice acting, it will be more touching, right?"

"Wait for the animation to be released!"


The progress of "Steel Refining" comics far exceeds the imagination of readers, and also surpasses the imagination of the editorial department of "ComicFuture" Especially, when Yan Fei will "Steel Refining" there are still more than a dozen words. When the news of the conclusion was told to Yu Chen, Yu Chen was silent and lost in thought. Inside the editorial department, there was also silence.

The sales volume of "ComicFuture" has stabilized at around 4 million copies, and the single volume of the latest volume of "Steel Refining" has once again soared to one million copies in a single week. Under the dual impact of the D version and web comics, it reached a single week. The difficulty of selling millions of copies has almost doubled.

At the same time, driven by a series of high-quality comics such as "Steel Refining", "The Legend of the Dragon King", and "The Hunting Abyss", "Comic" has finally gained a foothold. Although there is still a certain gap compared with's app, after half a year of operation, the app has become a new revenue growth point for Yishu Culture.

The importance of "Steel Refining" to "ComicFuture" is self-evident, but the comics with such a good performance are about to end, and Yu Chen has to find new pillar works.

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