My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 665: Ready to work

After handing over all the manuscripts of "Steel Refining" to Yan Fei, Shen Xin's studio temporarily suspended construction.

The assistants adjust their status, go to rest, play, or spend their honeymoon-of course, only one week.

At this time, Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong started to get busy instead, because Shen Xin prepared the names of two books at the same time, of course they had to take them seriously.

"Y’s" helped Shen Xin defeat Ye Hexu and won the "Rookie of the Year Award". Originally, he had a very good momentum but was eventually forced to "really cut in the middle" because of Yan Fei.

It’s hard to say how many people will be able to re-read this book with this re-serialization.

At that time, Wang Wenhong was the opponent of Shen Xin and Yan Fei. He had studied the book in all aspects, so he was not unfamiliar with it, but after these years, he became the editor in charge of "Y's". "Good luck fools people."

Shen Xin also found the comics and turned over the seven published comics.

In the final word, Yigui's childhood sweetheart, autumn leaves, flew to the United States, and Yigui and Iori were in a deadlock. At this moment, Gu Jingya, a dead friend, once again sent an assist and invited Yi Gui to travel together. Originally Yi Gui didn't want to go, but Gu Jingya secretly told him "Iori will also pass." After hesitating, Yi Gui joined the tour in a muddle-headed manner.

The plot in the original book was originally an accommodation, but China’s high school students basically did not travel together, especially in the third year of high school. However, if it is a "high-pressure" coexistence, this is possible.

When drawing this plot, Shen Xin changed it to tourism.

This sentence Shen Xin only had a line draft, and he didn't finish the painting. Song Tai went to find a draft supplemented by others. The quality can only be said to be average, so this sentence must be reworked and repainted.

"I know... the name below, when will I start painting?" Wang Wenhong urged.

"Don't worry, I want to change the style of painting."

This is also a headache for Shen Xin. "DN" is Obata Ken's style of painting. He does not need to change his style when drawing, but "Y's" is the work of Katsura Masawa. Therefore, he has to change the style of painting. need some time.

He has also painted "Y’s" and is familiar with Gui Zhenghe's painting style, so he should be able to adapt quickly.

Yan Fei's attention is more focused on Shen Xin's new book-although in a sense, she prefers to be the editor in charge of "Y’s", but at present, it seems unrealistic.

After learning that Shen Xin would still paint "Y’s," Yan Fei became more upset.

"Y’s" has been published in 7 volumes, and it is impossible to change the style of painting, unless it is overturned and repainted, but this will consume a lot of time, and Shen Xin does not expect to do that either. So, the style of the new book is biased towards "Y’s"?


It doesn't seem to be very good either, she still prefers the styles of "Hire of Go" and "Steel Refining".

After get off work, Yan Fei hurried back to Shen Xin's studio before she had time to eat. As soon as she opened the door, a scent floated into her nose, and her belly groaned.

"It smells so good..." Yan Fei sucked her saliva.

"Sister Yan, you just came here, and dinner is about to start." Xi Muhan came from the kitchen.

Yan Fei put her bag on the workbench, washed her face, and glanced at the second floor, only to see Shen Xin and Wang Wenhong sitting across from each other, talking in a low voice.

She didn't care about her hungry belly, and immediately went to the second floor. The most conspicuous thing was the A4 paper in one place. Wang Wenhong shook his head while looking at the name.

"Unsatisfied?" Yan Fei walked over and picked up the A4 paper on the ground. It was a pencil drawing of Yizhi and Yigui.

She has seen many "Y’s" colleagues, including the more powerful cartoonist Fu Bo recently. At that time, she felt that the characters in "Y’s" they drew could be described by one word-Shensi.

After all, many cartoonists have good basic skills, and imitation is the most basic thing. Whether it is sketching or sketching, it is not a problem.

But in everything I am afraid of comparison, when those fellow people compare with these paintings on the ground at this moment, the gap appears in an instant-soulless and unnatural.

Although it is only a sketch, the character's heart seems to be conveyed through the eyes.

Not to mention the comparison with the works of the same people, even the published "Y’s" is far less than these few pages of sketches.

After so many years of experience, Shen Xin's painting skills at the moment, I don't know how much it has improved.

At the beginning, he only drew a layer of skin, but now, only through his eyes, he can understand the character's inner heart, especially the hesitation and expectation in Iori's heart, which is vividly reflected in the expression and eyes.


Yan Fei was surprised.

"Where is there any dissatisfaction?" Wang Wenhong put the name in his hand on the table, "I just sighed. It took only half an hour for Teacher Shen to draw the name of the next manuscript. I was the first to see it. The person who wrote the latest episode of "Y's"."

Yan Fei curled her lips and glanced at the name in front of Wang Wenhong again, feeling sour.

She wanted to see it, but she knew she couldn't see it.

"Y’s" is a manuscript for, and she is the editor of "ComicFuture", public or private, and she cannot read the "Y’s" manuscript before the comics are serialized.

On the contrary, Wang Wenhong could see Shen Xin's contribution to ComicFuture in advance, because Wang Wenhong was not an editor of Duo Man. He was employed by Shen Xin.

Thinking of this, Yan Fei felt an unspeakable depression in her heart.

This **** was calculated by him!

If you say that Shen Xin's editor is handed over to me, in the end, I still suffer.

Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei looked at each other and were startled—her eyes were a bit fierce.

Shen Xin turned her back to Yan Fei, not knowing the "fighting" between the two people's eyes, stretched out, and said: "For these years, I have been thinking about this comic and how to develop it later, I have it in my mind. I have repeated it countless times, and now I have a pen to paint, should I say that I am confident, right?"

"However, your painting skills are much better than before." Yan Fei sighed.

"Sister Yan, it's been almost ten years since I debuted. If I'm still at my original level, am I too watery?" Shen Xin smiled.

Yan Fei nodded. In the past few years, Shen Xin's progress from "Y’s" to "Steel Refining" is obvious to all. "The evil manga you mentioned also uses this style?"

"No. It should be about the same as "Soul of Chess" and "Steel Refining"." Shen Xin explained.

This style makes him most comfortable, and "DN" itself is a painting by Takeshi Obata, he can seamlessly connect, there is no need to deliberately create difficulties.

With the manga capsule, coupled with the experience he has accumulated in comics over the years, it is not a big problem to change the style, but-it is not necessary.

However, switching between the two styles is also a challenge for him.

Yan Fei's heart is a little lower, she also likes "Y’s", but if it is an evil manga, the two seem not to match.

"In this case, will the content of the two comics be linked?"

This is also something to worry about.

"Probably not. The name has been given to you in advance. When receiving the manuscript, you must check the content again. If there is an error, please remind me in time. In addition, I will divide the 5 assistants into two groups and one group is responsible. "Y's", a group responsible for the new comics, should be able to avoid mixed drafts to the greatest extent." Shen Xin explained.

Yan Fei's eyes lit up, this is also a way.

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