My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 670: debate

Shang Haozhi was also very conflicted when he saw this comic.

Although only a short story, "DN" has shown enough potential.

As long as the quality of the subsequent comics is better than the short stories-this is almost certain, the short stories are limited by space, and many plots will not unfold-the future should be able to prevent the decline in magazine sales after the end of "Steel Refining". Of course, He also believes that Shen Xin has such strength.

If Shen Xin only serializes in "ComicFuture" after "Steel Refining" is over, he will definitely find ways to promote this comic.

The problem now is that "Y's" is likely to be serialized at the same time as "DN". The popularity of "DN" may also make "Y's" popular, giving Shang Haozhi a feeling of "making wedding dresses for others". There is unwillingness inside.

However, the quality of short comics is here, coupled with Shen Xin's current popularity, it is impossible for a new book to not become popular.

Yu Chen and Zeng Yue disliked each other, and now seeing Shang Haozhi talking, the two looked at Shang Haozhi and waited for his answer.

Shang Haozhi's gaze also fell on the name in front of him, and he didn't speak any more.

"In any case, the name of the short story must be serialized in the magazine and serialized on the app. The space is too small and it is not conducive to charging." Yu Chen knew that he had to take the initiative, so he persuaded Shang Haozhi.

"According to that, if Mr. Shen's new work can be serialized on the app, it can also drive the app's popularity." Zeng Yue was tit-for-tat.

"Don't say it yet, let me think about it."

Shang Haozhi waved his hand, motioning for the two to be quiet.

When Yu Chen and Zeng Yue quarrel in front of him, they were actually signaling to him that they wanted to compete for more resources.

Shang Haozhi knocked on the table twice, but his brain was running fast.

Now, Yu Chen and Zeng Yue are more competitive than hostile. If they drag on, the two will really be at odds.

"The short story of "DN" is serialized on "ComicFuture"." Shang Haozhi said categorically.

Yu Chen was overjoyed.

Zeng Yue was a little bit disappointed, but unwilling to do so, and asked, "What about the long story?"

"The long story... If the results are good, it will also be serialized on "ComicFuture"." Shang Haozhi replied.

"ComicFuture" is the "root" of the magazine, at least for now.

""DN" is also available on "ComicFuture", but "Demon Dao" needs to be moved to the app." Zeng Yue said depressed.

"Impossible. I won't let out any of these two comics!" Yu Chen said coldly.

"Demon Dao" and "DN" are serialized together, and there is a chance that "ComicFuture" magazine will get a lot of money. Of course, Yu Chen will not let it out.

"There is no way to talk about it." Zeng Yue said in a bad mood.

"Why can't we talk about it? Don't forget, the app is still innumerable?" Yu Chen was depressed.

Due to the popularity of apps, it is lightly published on the Internet, and it is gradually accepted by readers. The app is backed by "Qi Chuang Library", which has a lot of popularity, but this part cannot be "eaten" by "ComicFuture".

"What's the use of light? Sixty to seventy percent of the income goes to Qi Chuang." Zeng Yue complained.

"Then lightly change it? If you change lightly to comics, isn't it ok?" Yu Chen puffed.

"How can it be so easy?" Zeng Yue was also dissatisfied.

He does not mean that.

Hearing what Yu Chen said, Shang Haozhi also re-examined this possibility.

The quality of the comics serialized in the app is uneven, because ordinary apps rarely have companies that have both the comic resource and the comics. Therefore, the comic reforms also involve cooperation between different companies, and some comic magazines cannot be bought. Light adaptation copyright.

At the same time, the main income of cartoonists is royalties. However, for various reasons, in addition to the popular cartoons, the sales volume of many online cartoons is very average, and it is difficult to attract high-level cartoonists.

Even if it is "ComicFuture", those who want to use "Qi Chuang Library" still have the problem of profit distribution.

"I'll talk to the editor-in-chief of "Qi Chuang Library", if they agree, old Zeng, you go find a suitable cartoonist." Shang Haozhi reminded.

"That income..."

"The income of comics must be counted in the app. Magazines and apps still have to be somewhat different, otherwise, it will be very detrimental to the development of the two platforms."

"Manga artists are easy to find, but they are not good enough. Just look for them from the comic book home. Their storytelling and drawing skills are much better than those of newcomers."

Zeng Yue had already heard that Shang Haozhi was going to put "DN" on "ComicFuture", although he was reluctant to give up, but there was no way.

In this situation, he thought that if he could obtain the consent of "Qi Chuang Library" to serialize high-quality lightly modified comics on the app at a relatively small price, he would also accept it.

Yu Chen's expression eased a lot. In the "post-"Steelmaking" era", he holds the two comics "DN" and "Demon Dao", which should be able to stabilize the current situation.

These two comics...really timely...

and many more……

Thinking of "DN" and "Demon Dao", a thought suddenly flashed in Yu Chen's mind.

"President Shang, I have an idea."

The eyes of Shang Haozhi, Zeng Yue and Hook immediately shifted to Yu Chen.

"Mr. Shen is the hottest cartoonist in China, not one of them; Mr. Ye is also the backbone of our magazine. Now, the name of "Demon Dao" can be serialized after the manuscript comes out through the serialization meeting; the quality of the short story of "DN" Very high, with the creative speed of Mr. Shen, the original manuscript should come out soon. I wonder if the short stories of "Demon Dao" and "DN" can be serialized at the same time, so as to create an atmosphere of competition between the two comics. Make a topic. In this way, even if "Steel Refining" is over, "ComicFuture" still has gimmicks to attract readers." Yu Chen said what was in his mind.

Shang Haozhi frowned.

"Could it be...can't it?" Yu Chen thought that this idea might be a bit rough, but it should be okay to operate.

"You can try it." Shang Haozhi nodded, "But, we must make plans. By the way, when is "Demon Dao" expected to be serialized?"

"After three weeks, right? At that time, "Steel Refining" will only have a word left."

"It will be delayed for two more weeks... With the current popularity of "Steel Refining" ~ any new comic series, its popularity will be suppressed by "Steel Refining". Hook, you ask Yan Fei to ask Let me ask Mr. Shen, whether the manuscripts of the short comics will be available before the "Steel Refining" is over."

Shang Haozhi looked at Hook.

Hook nodded repeatedly.

"President Shang, what do you mean..." Yu Chen didn't figure out Shang Haozhi's intentions for a while.

"Within a week or two after the completion of "Steel Refining", it is difficult to have a comic over "Steel Refining", but this short comic is an accident because it was also written by Mr. Shen. The same author, the author of "Steel Refining" Readers will naturally accept "DN", and this transition should be relatively smooth. Our primary goal is to retain more readers." Shang Haozhi said seriously.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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