My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 673: End of "Steelmaking"

"Steel Refining" has its last words in the 18th issue of "ComicFuture".

The fate of each character appears in the comics one by one. Among them, the one that readers talk about most is Edward's confession to Wen Li.

"Equal exchange...I give you half of my life, so you give me half of my life, right?"

With all the courage, Edward, who said this sentence, looked at Wen Li with an embarrassed expression, waiting for her answer.

Wen Li looked confused, then after reacting, she sighed helplessly.

"You are such an idiot, more than half, you can give it all to you..."

Suddenly, Wen Li sensed something wrong in her words, her cheeks were instantly dyed red, and she waved her hand quickly, "I don't want all of it...90%, no, 80%?"

Seeing the flustered Wen Li, Edward finally couldn't help laughing.

There are countless readers of "Steel Refining" who are happy with Edward.

Lovers eventually become married, this rule is also reflected in "Steel Making".

"End scattered flowers!"

A large number of similar posts appeared in many "Steel Refining" forums.

Although the length of "Steelmaking" is not as good as "The Legend of the Dragon King" or "Hunting Abyss", the quality of the comics far exceeds these two.

From the completeness of the story, the density of the setting, the shaping of the characters, the advancement of the plot, and the design of the climax... almost impeccable.

"Al and Zhang Mei seem to be together."

At the end of "Steel Refining" is a row of photos, such as Roy's promotion, Yao Lin as emperor, Hoinheim and his wife's adjacent tomb, etc., which can be regarded as telling readers of the subsequent fate of the characters in the book.

"Have it?"

"Yes... There is a photo in it. Edward and Wen Li each hold a child. Behind them are Zhang Mei and Al. It smells like a family portrait. By the way, there is also the little panda, Xiaomei. In the photo."

"If you don't tell me, I really didn't notice. However, Zhang Mei is really cute and goes well with Al, but she is too young..."

"Al is also very young. It's just that his soul has been attached to the armor before, so it makes people feel that he is very old. In fact, Al is only 14 years old."

"Oh, the "Steel Refining" is over, and my heart suddenly feels empty. I guess I won't watch "ComicFuture" again before the serialization of Mr. Shen's new book."

"Upstairs, don't you read Teacher Shen's new book?"

""Y’s"? Isn't that a new book? They are all old books eight or nine years ago, and Teacher Shen does not guarantee that they will be updated."

"No, on the last color page of "ComicFuture", there is an advertisement for a new book, one is "Demon Dao" by Teacher Ye, and the other is "DN" by Teacher Shen."

"Impossible!? How can a new book be opened immediately after finishing the long series."

"Forget it if you don't believe me, it's next week. But it's not a serial, but a short story."

"Huh? Mr. Shen published short stories in "ComicFuture"? Why? No matter what you consider, you should directly serialize long stories, right?"

"That's not clear, that color page is painted like that anyway."

"No, I want to take a look at it right away. Teacher Shen simply doesn't let anyone rest... It's so cool."

"However, "Steel Refining" has just ended, and there will be a new comic series immediately, will it be too rush?"

"As long as Teacher Shen dares to paint, I dare to buy."

"Yes, I think so too."


Upon learning that Shen Zheng had a new serialization, the depressed mood of the readers of "Steel Lian" disappeared instantly, replaced by surprises and surprises. At the same time, the news of "Shen Zheng's new work" was also quickly discussed by the readers. Climbed to the first place on Weibo.

Soon, the name of this comic appeared on the Hot List of China Comics, ranking at 62.

There is still a big gap between the ranking and "Steel Refining", but "DN" has not been serialized yet, readers do not know the content of this comic, and "ComicFuture" has not been publicized, only relying on the title of the book. It rushed to 62, which made many cartoonists feel pressure.

Duan Ping looked at the popularity list and could only sigh secretly. Fortunately, "DN" is not serialized on Duman. Otherwise, the pressure on "Sirius" will not be small.

Wait... Shen Zheng seems to have a manga on Duoman, right?

Duan Ping suddenly thought of this, and his eyes fell on the leaderboard again.

"I remember it was called "Y’s"... "Y’s"..."

Duan Ping's gaze moved up quickly, the number in front of the title of the book was getting smaller and smaller, and his mood was getting heavier and heavier.

Soon, the title of "Y’s" appeared in his field of vision, and the number in front was 23.

Duan Ping gave a "tsk," and his right hand weakly covered his face.

What is really afraid of.

"Y’s" is not a new comic, but an old work serialized for eight or nine years.

However, such an old comic without new content updates has now rushed into the top 30, and it is not impossible to rush into the top 10.

If it is overtaken by a comic that has been interrupted for a long time, it would be really shameful.

Duan Ping suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Fu Bo's mood was exactly the opposite of Duan's comment. He thought that Shen Xin would immediately start updating "Y’s" after "Steel Refining" was over. Unexpectedly, "ComicFuture" immediately released Shen Xin's new comic "DN".

Although this is just a short story, as a cartoonist, he knows that if the response of this short story is good, a long comic based on this will soon appear on "ComicFuture".

What about "Y’s"?

Fu Bo was depressed and posted a Weibo online, "We need "Y’s". @沈正".

However, Shen Zheng didn't have the time to consider Weibo at all.

Since he had to draw the manuscripts of "Y’s" and "DN", he had already arranged his work and rest, and there was basically not much free time. Things other than comics were left to Wang Wenhong.

Wang Wenhong is also very busy, and he has to discuss with about the promotion of "Y’s".

However, "Steel Refining" is officially over, and Shen Xin can be considered a worry. There are 27 volumes in total, which is 7 volumes more than "Hire of Goss". It is the longest comic he has drawn after crossing, and it is also the comic with the most touches and the most pressure.

This pressure does not come from the sales of the single book, but before the end of "Steel Refining" he can not rest his mind, because "Steel Refining" has achieved so good results on the earth, he wants to draw It's really too difficult to publish a comic that is both popular and popular.

It seems that the results are good, and this is what makes Shen Xin happy.

Shen Xin just drew the name of Chapter 1 of "DN", and Xi Muhan, who was sitting opposite, suddenly raised his head and looked at him.



"The penultimate episode of "Steel Refining" will be shown soon. It is the episode you told me to remind you to watch."

"That episode!?" Shen Xin moved his gaze to Xi Muhan, with an impression in his mind.

This episode should be the episode where Hoinheim died.

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