My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 676: Wait and see

"Have you seen "Steel Making" at night?"

While talking, several people brought the topic to the animation of "Steel Refining" again. Tomita Lunge glanced at Shoji meaningfully. Shoji held up his teacup and took a sip. He also wanted to know how others would evaluate this animation.

"I saw it, it's great. Edward used the Gate of Truth in exchange for Al. It's really too difficult to choose. People with this ability can rarely give up, right?"

"So Edward has grown a lot in comics. As he said, even without alchemy, he has many friends."

"This is the friendship of Wangdao Comics." The young man wearing glasses pushed the frame of the frame.

"By the way, the story of Hoinheim's death is really amazing. The white dove hovered over Xerkesses, entered and cut into ed, and then looked back at Hoinheim's life. Somehow, his eyes were sour. Up."

"Because of Hoinheim's life, he has always fought against fate. He brought Hormon Cruise into this world, and in the end, he, Edward and his partners, sent Hormon Cruise back to the truth. Door, but he has clearly defeated the enemy, but he has left the world again... the fetters of family affection can easily resonate."

"In fact, it was a foul of the cut into the song, so sensational, I can't control the tears at all."

When Shoji Uno heard this, he drank a sip of tea, and he was recognized by people in the circle, and his heart was very useful.

"Unfortunately, "Steel Refining" is over, and there is no comic available to read... of course the quality of other comics is also very good, but in many cases, after reading a few words, those comics have no interest in reading anymore. Up."

When Shoji Uno heard these words, he felt the same way.

Practitioners in the same industry will not have a high sense of identity when facing the works of other practitioners, unless that work is very good.

Just like him, after making the animation of "Steel Refining", he also has a critical eye on the work.

Of course, if anyone in the industry can produce an animation of the quality of "Steel Refining", he will definitely support it.

But it's really too difficult.

At this time, the clerk brought two bowls of ramen.

Shoji picked up miso with chopsticks and was about to eat noodles. He heard another table of people say: "Mr. Shen Zheng is also great. I didn't even think about reading the last book "The Soul of the Game" at first. As a result, "Beidou" When it was released, I was dragged by my girlfriend to the cinema and watched it for a while. Later, I got stuck. The same goes for "Steel Refining". I don't know when his lower comics will be released?"

"I heard my brother who studied in China say that next week, "ComicFuture" will publish Mr. Shen's new work." The glasses man said casually.

When Shoji Uno heard this, he thought it was "Y's", and then remembered that "Y's" was serialized on a website, and what the person said was "ComicFuture", he was a little curious and said: "It's not fake news, right? ?"

"I don't know..." The man with glasses glanced at Shoji, and after seeing his looks, he hurriedly stood up, "Ms. Shoji..."

When the others heard the glasses man's words, they also stood up, "Mr. Shoji, President Tomita..."

This circle is not big. Orochi is also the hottest animation company in the industry recently. Shoji Uno and Tomita Yubu have often been interviewed, but anyone who has some knowledge of animation information knows them.

Shoji Uno waved his hand, "I don't seem to have heard that Teacher Shen has a new work serialized on "ComicFuture"?"

"Then I don't know, I just heard it. It seems that the latest issue of "ComicFuture" has been promoted. However, there is so much information about comics in China, even if there is news from China, it will not be taken seriously. "

Shoji Uno shook his head, it shouldn't be the reason.

He didn't have time to read this information. As for "Young Leap," he probably didn't react. After all, for them, the publication of volume 26 and volume 27 of "Steel Refining" is the highlight.

Shoji Uno was a little lost when he heard the words of the man in the eyes, chopsticks stirred in the soup bowl, no noodles.

"What's the matter?" Tomita asked with a lunge.

"No..." Chuangji Uno shook his head, "I was just thinking, why didn't "Shoun Leap" talk about new works with "ComicFuture"?"

Tomita nodded, this is indeed a bit strange.

He thought for a while, took out his cell phone, and sent an email to Murakami asking about it.

Not long after, Murakami responded to this email.

After Tomita saw it roughly, he handed the phone to Shoji Uno.

"Editor-in-chief Murakami knew about this. He said that Mr. Shen Zheng's serialization on "ComicFuture" is a short story. Moreover, an author must take a break after drawing a high-quality comic like "Gang Lian". It should also take time to determine the type of comics in the lower part. It was too hasty to open the book continuously like Mr. Shen, and there was news that he would draw two at the same time this time, and the quality of the comics cannot be guaranteed. As the largest comic in District 11 Every page of a magazine is precious, so they are prepared to wait and see before making a decision."

Having said that, Fukuda took a deep breath and looked at Murakami, "What do you think?"

"Let’s take a look first? What the editor-in-chief Murakami said is also the truth. We are not in a hurry, we can wait until the comics are serialized to see the quality of the comics.

On one side is the double opening of two comics, and on the other side is Shen Xin's consistent high-level comics.

Chuang Si Uno was a little expectant, but also a little worried, for fear that Shen Xin was wasting the popularity that he had finally accumulated.

Now, it's best to look at the quality of the comics before making a decision.

"However, there is one more problem."


"If "Youth Leap" is not serialized, how can Mr. Shen's new book enter the 11th district?" Tomita lunge puzzled.

"This... should have resources, right?" Shoji Uno was a little unsure.

As a practitioner, Shoji certainly knows the loss caused by the D version to the author. However, before there is a formal channel, the D version is one of the few ways to understand foreign works.

Of course, "ComicFuture" can also be purchased through special channels, but he doesn't understand Chinese.


The comic series of "Steel Refining" is over, and another episode of the animation will also be released. Shen Xin has finally recovered his energy and put it on the comics that will be serialized soon.

Since "DN" to be serialized is a short comic, the contract between Shen Xin and "ComicFuture" has not yet been signed.

The attitude of both parties is already very straightforward. If the response of the short article is good, the new contract will be signed before the long article serialization.

As for "Demon Dao", after discussion, the magazine decided to publish it in the same issue of "DN".

Of course Yu Chen knew that Ye Hexu could not be compared with Shen Xin, but he also had his own plans.

If the response of "Demon Dao" in the market is better, it means that "ComicFuture" does not rely on Shen Xin as much as imagined. On the contrary, "DN" has a higher evaluation, and the magazine can compete with Ye Hexu. In the next game, take the initiative.

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