My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 679: Compared

The publication of "DN" made many readers feel surprised and fresh.

First of all, this is a cartoon with a modern background, which is completely different from "Steel Refining". It lacks a bit of fantasy, but it also enhances the sense of substitution. Secondly, the golden finger of "DN" also arouses everyone's curiosity.

"Crime" and "DN" have some similarities, for example, both emphasize logic, and cheats are both notes. But obviously, when life and death are in everyone's field of vision, many people will be more interested in the golden finger that controls his life and death. At the same time, the author wants to create high-level comics with higher quality.

Shen Zheng, notes, logic, and serialized comics, these factors have gathered together, making many people start to look forward to the future of the comic "DN".

In addition to "DN", there is also a cartoon that also attracted the attention of readers, that is, "Demon Dao" by Ye Hexu.

The protagonist is a boy with cat ears and is also the main comic of "icFuture".

Although Shen Xin is more famous and the story of "DN" is also very attractive, "Demon Dao" is a serialized comic. For some time in the future, the magazine will rely on "Demon Dao" to make the list. At the same time, the "Demon Dao" is also placed behind the "icFuture" catalog for the convenience of readers.

On page 41 of Chapter One of "Demon Dao", the protagonist is a high school student named Wei Yue.

One night for self-study, Wei Yue was left by his teacher to make up lessons. He left school later than the others, so he took a shortcut.

Before I knew it, the streets were surrounded by clouds and mist, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, and I couldn't tell the direction. At this moment, the sound of fighting came not far away.

He ran over in a hurry, but saw three giant vicious dogs about one person tall surrounding a girl.

Wei Yue yelled "careful", picked up a wooden stick, and rushed towards the vicious dog.

A vicious dog rushed towards him, he dodged to one side, the wooden stick stuck into the vicious dog's abdomen, and the other two vicious dogs gave up on the girl and rushed towards him.

Wei Yue erected a pair of cat ears, and instantly put the two vicious dogs down.

After defeating three vicious dogs in a row, Wei Yue panted and looked for the girl, only to find that she could not be found.

He searched for a long time until the fog subsided before he was sure that there was no trace of a girl nearby.

Returning home in a hurry, Wei Yue opened the door, but was surprised to see the girl drinking tea in the living room, and her father was talking with her.

The girl’s first sentence when she saw Wei Yue was, "You killed my three hounds and lost money."


The first chapter of "Demon Dao" is very long, but there are more stuff in it.

For example, why does Wei Yue have cat ears? Is he human? Who is the girl again? Why do you know Wei Yue's family? Her purpose of looking for Wei Yue is really to make him lose money?

This series of questions has made many readers interested in this comic.

"The Demon Road also looks very good, I really want to watch it."

"It seems that the "Monster Dao" that Yelaoshr has prepared for more than half a year is really of inferior quality."

"This is normal, isn't it? Unlike Teacher Shen, who just finished "Steel Refining" and immediately uploaded "DN", I just don't know what to say."

"Never mind the others, what's the matter with Teacher Shen? Isn't the quality of "DN" good? Both the painting skills and the plot are top-notch..."

"Of course I know the quality of "DN" is very high. Besides, I didn't say anything bad about Mr. Shen. I just want to say that Mr. Shen is too enchanting, right? After the "Steel Refining" is over, a new short story will be published directly. If the short story The results are qualified, and it is estimated that the serialization of "DN" will come out soon."

"What's more frightening is that "Y’s" is also serialized."

"It's a pity that I never read love comics."

"That's really a shame. This comic is pretty good. It hasn't started to update officially yet, but Mr. Shen has redrawn the last sentence before, and the quality has improved a lot. If the other chapters are in high-definition, the original version is Chapter 63. It’s standard definition. After repainting, the 63 words will be Blu-ray. I look forward to the update next week."

"Well, if it wasn't for's VIP to cost 60 yuan a month, I would also like to take a good look."

"You don't need VIP. You can't read Mr. Shen's cartoon VIP. You need to unlock it in a single session. It costs 0.5 yuan per session. The next session is officially charged, and the previous content is all free."

"Huh? If you have a VIP, you have to pay extra? It's a bit tricky, right?"

"What's the pit? One sentence is 0.5 yuan, and the maximum is 2.5 yuan a month. Now a bottle of Coke costs 3 yuan, right? I hope "DN" is also in this model. The comics I follow are only four or five. It only costs more than ten yuan a month. If you come across a comic you like, you can also buy a booklet."

"That's correct. Two yuan a month is not too expensive. I hope that other comic platforms can also use this model."

"By the way, who did you vote for? "DN" or "Demon Dao"?"

On the comics forum, on the top post of the "icFuture" section, there is a voting post of "Which comic should I look forward to more".

"Sure enough, I still want to watch the follow-up plot of "Demon Dao". Next, what kind of interaction Wei Yue and the girl will have is really interesting."

"Sorry, I care more about "DN". The name sounds very attractive. Moreover, from the current point of view, "DN" is like a witty comic, which should look very high. I hope Mr. Shen can draw a high The protagonist and supporting role of IQ."

"It is precisely because of my high IQ that I don't want to watch it. I'm afraid I can't understand it."

"To be honest, "DN" has some disadvantages. Because "Demon Dao" throws out the suspense, it will attract readers more, and "DN" is a short story, and all the content should be said. So, I chose "DN", ( Cover your mouth and laugh) I want to see how Teacher Shen will draw next?"


In the voting results on the first day, "DN" temporarily leads by 7:3.

This kind of vote consciously initiated by book friends, the editorial department of "icFuture" never takes it as a reference.

They only believe in small books and single book sales.

Generally speaking, short comics and serial comics will not vote at the same time, because these are different types of comics, and many authors who publish short comics have insufficient experience.

But this time magazine put "DN" into the "serial voting" area.

The magazine did this, and there are their reasons.

Shen Xin's popularity is too high. If he is placed in the "short article voting" area, other short articles may not have many votes, which will make the ranking of short articles lose their reference value; moreover, the magazine also wants to look at the "DN" short articles. What will be achieved in the serialized comics, which will determine the future resources of "DN".

Therefore, everyone, including Yu Chen, is waiting for this issue of the little book.

Yan Fei also knows the importance of this "little book", but she has no time for him now-the last two booklets of "Steel Refining" are on sale.

Not long after the completion of the "Steel Refining" comics, the last episode of the animation also brought a lot of heat, so the magazine was cruel, the first edition of each volume was 2 million copies, which is also the magazine's first edition of this year's single book.

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