My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 681: name and length

After Yan Fei left the editorial department, he took a taxi to Shen Xin's studio.

The five assistants on the first floor are cooperating to draw "Y’s", while on the second floor, Wang Wenhong and Xi Muhan are sitting on the sofa and reading the names carefully.

"What's the matter? Name came out?" Yan Fei panted and went up to the second floor, her whole being very nervous.

"Yes." Xi Muhan got up, and passed the three words name in his hand to Yan Fei, "Sister Yan, here you are."

Yan Fei nodded, took the name, and sat on the sofa.

Name has three words, at least 80 pages, and it feels very thick to the touch.

"Mr. Shen, the time you spent serializing your name is a bit longer than expected." Yan Fei smiled.

Shen Xin laughed dryly, "I have some trouble."

The origin of the story of "DN" is in District 11. Shen Xin encountered some problems while modifying the background.

For example, when investigating the month, the FBI of the United States participated. This kind of thing will not happen in China.

Therefore, Shen Xin can only fabricate an international organization to replace the FBI.

Other backgrounds, such as the police system, have also been simplified, and some details have also been adjusted.

Before drawing the name of the serial comic, Shen Xin didn't care about these issues. After writing, Shen Xin realized that these factors were ignored.

Other types of comics do not matter, but "DN" is a wit, and Shen Xin tries his best to make the entire comic logical.

"Is it difficult?" Yan Fei looked at Shen Xin nervously.

Shen Xin shook his head, "That won't be possible. I have already figured out a countermeasure. The next step is to find information."

Seeing that Shen Xin's expression was normal, Yan Fei let go of her heart a little, and her eyes fell on the name in her hand.

The short story of "DN" has a relatively simple story structure, but it is definitely not possible to use such a simple structure for the long series.

The first story is called "boring", but the story is not boring at all.

Yan Fei read the first episode in one breath, effortlessly.

In the first episode, the protagonist Ayue (Ye Shenyue) accidentally picked up a note and started to punish the guilty with the note.

The first part of the story involves two locations, one is the world of death, and the other is the world of humans.

This sentence mainly used the technique of interjection. First, Ayue picked up the notes, and then five days later, the **** of death Luck found Ayue, and Ayue began to recall the past five days, he used the notes to punish evil and promote good.

Within a week, 52 people are known to have died, all of them due to cardiac palsy, which aroused the concern of CPO.

In the last frame of this sentence, a person dressed in light-colored clothes sat on the floor and looked at the display on the floor, showing that he was extremely interested in this matter: "No matter how great I am, this kind of Things have to resort to the police."

"Did the opponent come out in the first episode?" Yan Fei asked in surprise, "Is it too fast to get to the point?"

Obviously, this is a brain-hole comic with "note" as its golden finger.

In the short story, Wang Jing's performance is more restrained, but Ah Yue went to the other extreme.

Generally speaking, the author uses golden fingers to create a sense of "coolness" to make readers feel sympathetic. In subsequent creations, the author uses this "coolness" point to attract readers as much as possible. Even if an opponent needs to appear, it is when readers are bored with cheats and their performance begins to decline.

However, "DN" is different. The strength shown by Ayue using the golden finger of note is only reflected in the memories of Ayue and Sulke. After that, the international organization was immediately brought out, and Ayue also had an opponent.

From the first episode, it can be basically judged that the "cool" point of this comic is not how Ayue uses the note, but how to fight the man in light-colored clothes.

Next, the second episode "L", name portrays the world's number one detective from the side. At the same time, L and Yue finally had their first fight.

L used a death row prisoner to provoke A Yue and deduced that A Yue was in Hongchuan, China.

For the first time the two faced each other, L took the initiative.

The third chapter, "Family", points out Yue’s identity. The person in charge of this case, Ye Yiro (Soichiro), turned out to be Yue’s father, and Yue also obtained investigation information from his father, and L passed A According to the law of the monthly change case, it is speculated that he can know the police's intelligence...

Yan Fei read the contents of the three chapters in one go, her mind was messed up and she couldn't speak.

"How about, Sister Yan?" Shen Xin looked at Yan Fei.

"Huh?" Yan Fei calmed down and looked at Shen Xin in surprise, "The pace is fast, too fast—wait, I want to ask, this person named'L' is just a trivial chess piece, or Very important role."

Yan Fei stared at Shen Xin, she hoped to be the first answer.

"L is a very important can think of him as another protagonist." Shen Xin said seriously.

Yan Fei gave a "tsk", frowned, looked at the name in her hand, and shook her head slightly.

"It's too fast... if you do this, it is equivalent to limiting the length of this comic. Such a good brain hole quickly leads to an opponent who is evenly matched with A Yue, and instantly accelerates the rhythm of the story. If it is ordinary Comics, the encounter between Luke and A Yue, and A Yue's use of notes, these two parts alone can draw more than a dozen words. The current name is a waste of these settings."

"Why lengthen the plot?" Shen Xin asked back.

"Huh?" Yan Fei looked at Shen Xin in surprise, "Of course it's for better results..."

"I understand what you mean, Sister Yan." Shen Xin nodded, "The longer the length of the comic, the easier it is to attract readers. The sales of works are also better."

On the one hand, the magazine is reluctant to cash in on the end, and on the other hand, no author can guarantee that his next work will achieve better results than the previous one.

"So, you should take advantage of your current popularity to lengthen the length of "DN"..." Yan Fei glanced again, and Wang Wenhong complained, "You have served as the editor in charge, and you know the importance of space to the work. Persuade Teacher Shen?"

"Leave aside the length... What do you think of the plot, storyboard, and rhythm of the first three episodes of "DN"?" Wang Wenhong asked rhetorically.

Yan Fei bit her and stared at the name in her hand, "It's great. Although it's just a draft, it already makes me very excited."

"Is it the ceiling of evil manga?" Wang Wenhong asked next.

"Forget it!" Yan Fei nodded without thinking.

"In all fairness, do you think that if you follow what you said, you can reach the ceiling?" Wang Wenhong asked again.

Yan Fei shook her head, then looked at Shen Xin, "I understand. You also want to make "DN" a classic."

Shen Xin nodded, "I want to draw an evil manga that is as wonderful as "Steel Refining"."

In order for "DN" to end at the most perfect time, he even deleted the pages of Nia and Milo.

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