My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 690: Missed

Since readers need to go to the bookstore to purchase "ComicFuture" to read "DN", it was not until the next day that related topics of "DN" were discussed in major forums, and soon occupied the main body of public opinion. .

The biggest advantage of evil road comics is that the sword goes slant, unexpectedly, and uses suspense and reversal of the plot to attract readers.

Compared with ordinary evil ways, "DN" is full of suspense from the first page, and at the beginning of the story, the protagonist skips a lot of plots, and plots that have nothing to do with the theme are minimized.

The origin of the notes, how to find notes, test notes and use notes and other content in the comics, occupy a limited space.

The comics are more about introducing settings, such as the Reaper and the Reaper World, the rules of the death note, the encounter between Moon and Luke, etc., so that readers can understand the background of the story as quickly as possible.

Of course, there are also some evil works that will be quickly entered into the title, but generally speaking, that kind of comics are in a closed world, but "DN" is not. In other words, the world he created is not a closed world. After all, Yue The people killed were not only at home, but also abroad.

This allows readers to be attracted by "DN" after reading the first chapter.

"Did you watch the first episode of "DN"?"

"I saw it, it's awesome. It really is the same as I guessed before, it's a witty comic."

"The first sentence gives 4 rules, which can be regarded as limiting the conditions of use."

"You must know your name and appearance; if you don't write the cause of death within 40 seconds, you will die of heart palsy; if you write the cause of death, you can write a more detailed process within 6 minutes and 40 seconds... These few notes Limits the use of notes."

"However, there is one more question. Have you noticed? With this restriction, the notes are not as powerful as imagined. Now, Ayue mostly learns useful information from the news, because when the TV station is reporting the news, There are images and names of the slain, but if the protagonist doesn’t know the names of others, wouldn’t the notes be useless?"

"Yes, the conditions have indeed become more demanding, but the notes are still very strong."

"The role of the **** of death Lucky has not yet been manifested. I always feel that he is the more terrifying person."

"His appearance is indeed too abstract. It doesn't feel like a good person."

"They all say that he is the **** of death, and you still treat him as a good person? This kind of person, to be honest, is the least sympathetic."

"Yue and Reaper are together, I hope not to be calculated."

"I still care about the young man who appeared in the last frame. From what he said, it can be seen that he should be Yue's enemy."

"I didn't expect Yue's opponent to appear so early, I don't know what progress will follow..."

"Hey, I have to wait another 6 days if I want to read the next sentence, one word-headache."

"Have you all bought "ComicFuture"?"


"Oh! I haven't watched "ComicFuture" for a long time. I have been using the apps of Duman and "CF". I didn't know that Mr. Shen had released a new book. You said so, "ComicFuture" does not promote "DN" in its own app. "? I only learned this afternoon that Mr. Shen had released a new book. As a result, the "ComicFuture" in the nearby bookstore was sold out, and I had to take a ride out to buy it tomorrow. Couldn't "ComicFuture" make "DN" debut on the app?"

"I feel the same way. Just like "Y’s", you don't have to think about going to the bookstore at all, and you don't have to worry about not being able to buy it."

"Don't say it, magazines also have a cost."

"I heard that in District 11, "DN" is serialized on the app, which is really convenient."

"That's right. Even if it is on the app, it may be sold as a single or full version. It is good to buy a set at that time and use it as a collection. However, it is basically impossible for now."

"Upstairs, you can follow Mr. Wang Wenhong's Weibo, he knows about "DN" and "Y’s"."

"Who is Wang Wenhong?"

"The editor in charge of "Soul of Chess" and "Steel Refining" has now joined Mr. Shen's studio."

"I know, but I still hope "DN" can be on the app (crying)."


"DN" has just been released for more than a day, and its popularity has squeezed into the top 20 of the rankings. According to the current situation, it has been in the top ten that is just two days.

With the serialization of "DN", the sales of "ComicFuture" are also on the rise. However, limited by the cost of the magazine, the number of prints of the magazine has not increased too much. They are also waiting and watching. This comic will bring to the magazine. What impact.

In contrast, the number of subscriptions of "DN" in comics is a bit exaggerated. The number of subscriptions in a single day exceeds 400,000. Discussions related to "DN" immediately became the hottest topic in the 11th district forum. As the number of participants in the discussion increased, the subscription of the first episode continued to increase.

Toru Murakami was shocked when he saw the popularity of "DN".

He has read the short story of "DN".

In all fairness, it is a comic that will definitely make people's eyes shine, but it's all about the "note" brains, and the character creation and the structure of the story are a bit thin.

Of course, the advantage of evil road comics is that it is quick to enter the title. If the suspense is set up ~ it is easy to attract readers, but its achievements are really hard to compare with Wang Dao comics.

Therefore, Toru Murakami wanted to air "ComicFuture" and try to talk about cooperation and obtain greater benefits.

Unexpectedly, "ComicFuture" directly sold the comic copyright of "DN" in District 11 to the comic book.

When he heard the news, Murakami really felt sour in his heart. At the same time, he also had a hope in his heart. "DN" was broken-even if its quality was acceptable, but without the blessing of "Senior Leap", The popularity and sales of DN are still unclear.

Unexpectedly, in the first episode of "DN", it ranked first in the new book list of 11 districts of mobile phone comics, and it opened the second place with a gap of almost 100,000.

As the discussion heats up, the sales of "DN" should also increase.

If there are shortcomings, it’s not without them. The length of "DN" is too small. For readers who are used to reading two or three volumes of comics at once, one piece of content is not enough to attract them, but as the plot progresses, does "DN" Will threaten "Young Leap", no one is sure.

The editorial department of "Shoun Leap" knew the existence of this comic, but they didn't talk about it. Some editors even pretended that the comic did not exist.

However, by the weekend, the number of subscriptions of "DN" reached 700,000. The editors of "ComicFuture" could no longer ignore this comic and began to discuss secretly in private.

While resting in the smoking room, Toru Murakami flipped through the manga and saw the last page in one breath.

After exiting the software, he took a puff of smoke and slowly exhaled the smoke.

"It seems...missed a good comic..."

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