My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 701: Promote

After returning home, high school student Yan Feng took out the reasoning magazine "The Reasoning Man" he had just purchased, and then lay on the bed and read the reasoning man.

He just opened the title page and saw a picture of a black notepad.

Is it selling notepads? No, can the notebook also be serialized in the magazine?

Later, Yan Feng saw a few lines written under the notepad.

"In this notebook, all humans whose names are written on them will die..."

"Because this is the notebook left by the **** of death Luke..."

"From then on,'Yue' and'L' will have an unprecedented fierce battle."

"Sulco, as the **** of death, will witness this suspenseful and terrifying contest."

"Everything is..."

Where is it all in the end? Why is it gone?

Yan Feng was at a loss, but the entire title page had no other content except the notebook.

"What's the matter? What is "The Reasoner" doing?"

Yan Feng mumbled in his heart, and then he thought of another point, maybe it was "The Inference Man" himself.

Notes... and also connected with death, emmm... very interesting look.

Yan Feng immediately turned to the back catalog and saw a note-related item-"Blood Notebook".

He couldn't wait to turn it over, and looked at it roughly, only to find that it was far from what he had imagined.

What wonderful matchup? What is the notepad that determines the life and death of others? It's all nonsense, it's obviously an ordinary case, and it's mysterious.

Yan Feng turned the magazine's title page again in despair and saw the color page.

Who is "Month"? What is "L" again? It's a lie, the title party!

Yan Feng complained in his heart, feeling like he was stunned by someone, but as a result, what he “eat” was...

What is even more depressing is that there is not even the title of the book, "Everything is..."

Where is it all?

Yan Feng took a glance, and his gaze fell on the black notepad again.


Pretending to be a ghost...

However, this name is a bit familiar, as if you have seen it somewhere?

"It seems to be in... the class, it seems that someone mentioned... wait... who likes comics?"

Isn't it a comic? ?

Yan Feng suddenly understood in his heart, and suddenly lost interest.

He also read the Huaxia Reasoning Comics. Let’s not talk about the cartoonist’s drawing skills. The reasoning process alone is very rough, and he can’t even do this reasoning well. He has serialized comics in major reasoning magazines, and really didn’t go.

After turning a few pages hastily, Yan Feng kept thinking about the setting he just saw in his mind.

A notepad that can determine the life and death of others?

Thinking about it, it makes me feel good, I don’t know what the plot is like?

By the way, isn't there a reasoning group? Someone in the group should know, right?

Thinking of this, he took out his cell phone and found the penguin group of reasoning enthusiasts.

Usually, this group is "99+" messages. For this reason, Yan Feng blocked this group. In addition, it has been a holiday for a period of time. He played around with his friends. When he was happy, he even forgot to log in.

Yan Feng turned on the Penguin, and the side of the group was still marked with 99+. However, the speed of the message change was very fast, and it was refreshed every moment.

Yan Feng was also a little depressed, and immediately clicked on the penguin group. The group of friends inside were experiencing a fierce "debate".

"Yue this time, you should definitely not use the note to kill the robber."

"If he doesn't use the note, how does he know the name of Interpol?"

"Why does he have to know the name of Interpol? It's completely unnecessary? Interpol can't keep following him, just wait for Interpol to leave."

"Can the detective leave... can L also leave? Even if there is no such detective, L will find someone else. L used four words to delineate Kira among 141 people or their family members. This kind of intelligence is not at all Ordinary people can imagine. Therefore, only one person can survive between Yue and L."

"I still think it's too risky to do this. You think, this detective was found by L to track Yue. In case of an accident, L will definitely notice Yue. In this way, Yue will be exposed."

"However, he has no evidence. Normal people can't imagine that note will be a murder weapon."

"I have a hunch that L should be able to access note, or that Teacher Shen will pull the strength of the two people to a unified starting point."

"Oh, it's hard for me to choose. Yes, I think Yue's idea is correct, and L has a reason to do so, but if I want to choose, I will choose L."

"Choose an L with a woolen thread, and the value of the face is justice. Compared to the L who has not shown his face in the first volume, I prefer the month with a more positive appearance."

"Yes, the first volume is about to be published, and the other main character, L, hasn't even shown his face. Isn't this too fake? There is always a mysterious feeling."

"In fact, I don't blame L. You think Kira can kill L as long as he knows his name and looks, and he will be careful about who he is, let alone L."

"You are really wrong. L has always been very careful. Otherwise, with the current Internet, it is impossible to have his picture on the Internet, and it is impossible to not have his real The messages in the penguin group will quickly be in Yan Feng Gliding in front of his eyes, he looked at the full screen of L and Yue, almost thinking that he was not in the group of reasoning fans, but the book friends group of "DN".

"Everyone, did you know "DN" after reading the magazine "The Reasoner"?" Yan Feng asked in a low voice.

"Others don't know, I know I am." A person with a little girl's profile left a message, "Although I haven't seen it, I feel very interesting to hear them discuss."

me too……

Yan Feng murmured in his heart, judging from the dialogue he had just browsed, it didn't seem to be a wise comic, and it was also very logical.

"Actually, I was quite surprised that "ComicFuture" actually advertised on "The Reasoning Man", which was also a bloodbath."

"Not only "The Reasoning Man", there are several reasoning magazines, and it should also be a stand-alone version of the first volume of "DN"."

"If it weren't for "The Reasoning Man", would I still not know such an interesting comic?"

"For people who rarely read comics, that's true. Using notes to make cheat manga is really rare."

"I can't say it's rare? Isn't "Crimination" also use note as a gold finger? It is much earlier than "DN", and the results are very good. Don't you forget? "DN" and "Crimination" Some places are similar."

Suddenly someone sent this message.

""Crime"? It sounds so familiar." A person left a message.

"It's teacher Su Han's cartoon, can you not be familiar with it?" That person wrote this sentence, "There is this cartoon on the "ComicFuture" app. You will know it by just reading it."

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