My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 704: New book sale

For a period of time before the publication of the single-volume "DN", reasoning enthusiasts, manga enthusiasts, etc., all focused their attention on this manga.

However, "DN" is only serialized on "ComicFuture". Apart from the magazine, there is no other way to see the content of "DN"-by the way, there is also a D version.

The D version is based on the picture of the magazine, and the magazine can not be compared with the single-line book regardless of the printing quality or the printing paper used, so the scanning effect will not be very good.

But even so, it has already made some people who want to try something new.

Of course, if you want to watch more comfortably, you need to buy a separate book.

At the same time, some reasoning enthusiasts sorted out the rules that have appeared in the note, as well as the summary of the story, and posted them on the reasoning enthusiast's forum.

Some water friends reorganized the plot of "DN" based on the sorted posts; another part of water friends also compared "DN" and "Crime" and came to the conclusion that the two comics except for the golden finger Except for notes, there is no similarity at all, and even the paper style of notes is different, let alone other aspects.

When "ComicFuture" saw the popularity of "DN" on the Internet, it notified the printing house overnight and printed another 200,000 copies, making the first edition of "DN" once reached 1.2 million copies.

The current domestic comics market is unpredictable, and Yu Chen and Jiang Zhong also made a lot of determination to be able to come up with this first edition.

Their ideas are actually very realistic. The audience of "DN" is comic lovers and reasoning enthusiasts, or else readers who are tired of regular comics. When these three groups of readers are added together, the sales should be better than other comics.

Unlike "ComicFuture", which is ready to show off after the release of "DN", the comic book is a bit confused.

There is no doubt that the electronic version of "DN" sells well, but the electronic version is not the same as the paper pamphlet.

In District 11, single-page books have always been the main battlefield of major magazines. The "battle situation" is so tragic that many publishers are under pressure. A comic that everyone looks up to, in various emergencies, may suddenly "die".

Dianchuan Bookstore also publishes pamphlets and also has its own channels, but most of them are lighter than the library version. There are also sales of comics, but it is still far from the comics of "Shoun Leap".

They also signed a contract with "ComicFuture", and the bottom line for the first edition is 500,000 copies.

Then try to print a half-million copies. The electronic version has already made a lot of money. Now it depends on what the single copy is.

Waiting for the release of the "DN" pamphlet is not only the comic book, but also "Shoun Leap". They also have to take a good look at what kind of results can be achieved with "DN", which has a strong momentum in front.


Two days after the 34th issue of "ComicFuture" was released, the first volume of "DN" was officially released.

After reading the three episodes 7, 8, and 9, combined with the settings summarized in the post, Su Han probably understood the background and general outline of "DN".

Because she is also a reasoner, she cares more about the logic of the story, such as how L narrows the scope and how Yue counters L. These are the highlights that Su Han is looking forward to.

Su Han stretched his waist and closed the magazine that she had read many times.

What she wants to do most now is to quickly read the pamphlet of "DN"-Xue Lu has been out for more than an hour, and has not returned yet. I don't know if it is in a traffic jam.

Su Han yawned, a little sleepy, and at this moment, the sound of opening the door sounded outside, and then Xue Lu panted heavily and pushed open the study door.

"Thank you, traffic jam on the road?"

Xue Lu shook her head, "There is no traffic jam... It just took a while to queue up to buy books."

"There are a lot of people buying books?" Su Han was taken aback.

"Yes, there is a long queue outside the storefront of Jiman Bookstore. I heard from the store manager that there have not been so many readers for a long time."

If Xue Lu is a publisher and has had contact with the manager of Jiman Bookstore, she may ask the manager to come over the book directly, but she is not a publisher, and she does not want to borrow Su Han’s name to buy a book, so she just follows The crowd lined up.

In the process of queuing, she also found that readers' expectations for "DN" are really high, and many readers are discussing the future story of "DN".

"The app and D version have affected the domestic single-book market. "ComicFuture" really needs a comic that can carry the sales banner." Su Han took "DN" from Xue Lu and tore off the plastic envelope.

Opening the single-page book, the scent of ink rushed over his face, so that Su Han's spirit was lifted, and his tiredness quickly dissipated.

This is also an occupational disease of the author. When opening a new book, he will always unknowingly smell the fragrance of ink.

With a vigorous spirit, Su Han placed the pamphlet on the table, got up and made a cup of tea, and then read "DN" carefully after returning to his seat.

From the encounter between Yue and Luke, to L's reasoning, to the confrontation between the two...

On every page, there seems to be a new suspense.

After reading it the first time, Su Han took a deep breath and rubbed his temples.

"How is it?" Xue Lu asked.

"The important thing about reasoning comics is logic. From the current point of view, there is nothing wrong with logic, and the rigor is slightly insufficient. Take the place where L reasoning Kira is located. The accidental component is too large. For example, Insistently refusing to exchange for the'Eye of Death', the reason given is not too convincing. After all, if he can see L, he can use the'Eye of Death' to get rid of the opponent directly. From this point, say,'Reaper The appearance of'Eye of the Gods' can be regarded as a demarcation point of the plot. Many later plots, including the design of removing the person who followed him, thereby leaving him in danger of exposure... The root of these plots is that Yue did not accept the'Eye of Death'. "

"So, this is still a work that is lacking." Xue Lu suddenly realized.

"Whether a work is lacking has nothing to do with whether it is a good work. As I said earlier, L inferred the location of Kira. There is a certain accidental element, but the work can give a reasonable explanation. Enough. At this price, in exchange for the acceleration of the story rhythm, the content that the work wants to show can be presented at the fastest speed, so as to tightly catch the readers’ attention. This brings the advantage of "DN" , Far greater than the shortcomings that are affected by this. I remember that I said a few days ago that I set a lot of restrictions to limit the effect of the book of prophecy, right?"

"Yeah." Xue Lu nodded.

"Yue did not accept the'Eye of Death', it is actually the ability to artificially limit the moon, otherwise, the story will easily collapse. In addition, there is another point in this comic that makes me particularly interested. There is such a thing as L in Yue. Opponents, and through repeated contests between two people, the images of each other gradually become three-dimensional. This is interesting."

Su Han held up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Teacher Su, do you approve of this comic?"

"I have recognized it a long time ago. Moreover, not only I recognize it, but more and more people will recognize it." Su Han narrowed his eyes, "Some look forward to the follow-up progress of the story."

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