My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 722: prize

Popot started to build momentum for this live broadcast half a month ago.

In the live broadcast, the various awards of the Golden Brush Award will be announced, and at the same time, the judges will also give corresponding comments. This is very attractive to the cartoonist, and may inspire inspiration for the next works.

Moreover, the prize money of each award is very sufficient, less 1 million, and the Golden Brush Award is as high as 3 million, which is the highest prize in the domestic comics industry.

Whoever wins such a prize is also their concern.

For ordinary viewers, these works have authors they support, so they also care about whether the authors they support will win awards.

In addition, the gimmick of the mysterious guest also made ordinary audiences full of expectations.

Before the live broadcast started, someone uploaded pictures of Qiu Haiwen and Bai Shiyu to Weibo.

"Look at the live broadcast of the ‘Second Yuan Festival’, what ‘mysterious guests’ did I meet?"

Below are photos of two people.

"Qiu Haiwen and Bo Shiyu? What are they doing there?"

"Aren't they from the film and television industry? Why did they come to the live broadcast? Is this a cheer?"

"I am a fan of them. If someone asks for an autograph at the scene, I'm willing to pay five hundred to buy one."

"You said, will there be comics that need to be changed to a live-action version?"

"Huh? It's possible. But which comic will it be?"

""Shengwu Academy" is impossible because its focus is on female characters. "Sirius" is possible. If you want to shoot a live-action version of "Age of Gods", the investment is relatively large. After all, it is used in many places. Special effects."

"Don't? I really don't want to see the 50-mao special effects. Still shoot "Sirius"?"

"Do you think it will be "Y’s"? Now "Y’s" is also very popular."

"Definitely not. The live-action movie "Y’s" has been launched a long time ago and will be released next year."

"Hey, I'm looking forward to it."


After the live broadcast officially started, the two hosts stood in the middle of the stage. Behind them is a curved screen with the covers of 10 comics arranged respectively. They are the "protagonists" of this live broadcast and the winners of the "Golden Paintbrush" award. Candidate works.

After the host made the opening remarks, Yuan Zhe took his hand card on the stage and made a five-minute summary, including the revenue of, the growth rate of readers, and the relationship between and other companies, such as games, Cooperation in animation, music, peripherals, etc.

In these 5 minutes, many people will find it boring, and popot’s live broadcast also has a barrage of “going down” and “substituting people”.

Although the words are awkward, they don't watch the live broadcast to listen to these reports. Moreover, these reports have nothing to do with them. They only care about the author, the award-winning works, and the voice actors and actors participating in the conference.

However, there are also many authors who care about these data. Among them, some of them were originally cartoonists on They saw these data to evaluate their future on the site, and some were authors of external sites. They were affected by the earnings published by and the author’s income. Attracting-Some people are engaged in this business for feelings, but more people still eat for food.

Whether a comic is a big fire or not depends on the right time and place. If any cartoonist can have a hot work, then the benefits of this work will determine their quality of life in the future. Many cartoonists have very realistic ideas. The more benefits a work brings, the better. If a cartoon can provide them with a lifetime of expenses, that is the best result.

Therefore, a good platform will be very critical.

It’s true that "ComicFuture" is the best platform in China, and its readers’ recognition is very high. However, "ComicFuture" is a magazine after all, and the income of comics is limited, and its app downloads and revenues cannot be compared with compared to.

As a result of the competition between the two big platforms, part of the author's income has been improved.

Of course, with the continuous growth of, their contracts are also changing. For example, the duration of copyright is increasing, from the previous 10 years to 20 years. In addition, for ordinary authors, although there is no exclusive agreement, they also have the priority of signing the lower works-Duoman does not want it. The cartoonists they cultivated will be poached by other platforms.

After Yuan Zhe’s speech, the host again came to the stage to introduce an animation based on The pv was shown on the big screen. At the same time, several voice actors who participated in the dubbing work also appeared one after another. After a short interview, The voice actor picked up the microphone and sang the theme song of the animation.

The total length of the party is 180 minutes, and 4 awards will be awarded. The time will appear to be sufficient.

The two platforms have also played their respective advantages, recommending animations that are being produced or will be released soon. The original comics also received a good response from the readers.

After a cartoon announced the production of anime, the screen immediately floated over "Congratulations", "I'm finally waiting for you", "I wish you a big deal" barrage, and some voice actors dubbed the characters of two or even three animations at the same time. This fully proved the conclusion that "voice actors are monsters". In order to make the live broadcast not boring, the program group allowed some voice actors to dub the characters of different comics on the spot. The scene was once very popular.

Unconsciously, an hour and a half passed, and the host stepped onto the stage again.

"Next, is the first ‘Silver Paintbrush’ award announced tonight. Please present the award guests..."

The award-giving guest is a very well-known old cartoonist who has now sealed his and was deliberately invited by to present the award.

After receiving the trophy, the winner wept with joy and embraced the old cartoonist who gave the award, and then brushed a barrage on the barrage, "Congratulations to this guy."

After the winners stepped down, the host stepped onto the stage again.

"Let us once again congratulate the winners with applause."

The applause rang out and lasted for more than ten seconds.

"OK, let me tell you a good news next. Just now, the editor-in-chief of told me that in order to repay the support of the audience, all audiences on the scene will receive an award. The value of this award, said The truth is not low. If it is put on the market, it should be worth about 500 yuan, but this prize has the value of appreciation——" The host said here, paused, "Have you seen "Y's"?"


Cheers immediately rang out on the scene.

“I’m relieved to see so many people know about this comic. Since "Y's" resumed serialization, the total number of subscriptions has exceeded 15 million. This achievement is inseparable from everyone’s support. For this reason, Mannet has deliberately produced a complete set of pamphlets, from Chapter 1 to Chapter 90. All the pamphlets are hard-covered, with color pages inside, and are produced in full accordance with the standards of the full version.

"Because it is only a small-scale printing, Duoman has only printed 700 sets. Except for these 700 sets, there will be no more single-volume copies of "Y's" on the market. Therefore, their value far exceeds 500 yuan. After the live broadcast, the audience will have one set of staff. In addition, there will be 100 sets. There will be two draws by barrage. Everyone must actively send barrage."

As soon as the host’s voice fell, the scene fell into calm. After a while, the cheers of the audience resounded throughout the live broadcast hall.

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