My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 748: New Year

On the Internet, there are quite a few complaints about the sudden stoppage of "DN".

After all, "DN" is not like other comics, every word is closely connected.

Of course, if it is a normal chapter, the reader can bear it for a while, but now, L may lose his life at any time, but suddenly ceases publication, making the reader feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Ye Hexu, who finished drawing the manuscript early, was ready to rest and hit the small book in the next year, but after reading this "DN", he was shocked.

When "DN" was surpassed by "Demon Dao", he had a hunch that "DN" was just a foreshadowing at the time.

As for the "story collapsed" that was raging on the Internet, in his opinion, it was pure nonsense.

Later, Haisha revealed two pieces of information, "Eyes" and "Reaper", and DN's related intelligence finally appeared in the field of vision of the investigation team.

This plot speeded up the progress of the story, and the plot became tense.

When it came to the word "bet", Haisha learned of L's real name, which also made the story more suspenseful.

Many readers are worried about L, and from the perspective of the arrangement of the story, L's escape from the dead is indeed more dramatic.

At this point, it depends on how Shen Xin handles the subsequent plot.

The ingenious handling will definitely have a huge bonus to "DN".


Seeing the latest episode of "DN", Ye Hexu's heart was also a little itchy. After dropping the magazine on the ground, he couldn't wait to take out a wad of white paper from the drawer.

What year is now? Hurry up and draw something more exciting, that's the business.

He has a hunch that after the New Year, the competition for "ComicFuture" will be fierce.

The end of "The King of Rock" is about to end, and it can't make any waves, but "DN" has a very good momentum. It is very difficult to surpass "DN", but it is not without a chance. The key is to see the next plot development.

Although there may be dramatic plots, if there is something to be prepared, the results of "DN" will still fluctuate.

"Ding Shi" also has to be careful. Although it seems that there is still a gap with "DN", the new animation program has already been released. Therefore, it is not easy to say what kind of results will be achieved in the past six months.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Ye Hexu's heart became. With the pencil in his hand, he quickly drew a page on the paper.


"Brother... how does it taste?" Xi Muhan handed Shen Xin a small dish with soup.

Shen Xin just put the small dish to his mouth, and a scent of umami rushed over his face.

The fresh and thick fish soup enters the throat, and the fresh and thick taste with a spicy taste, along the taste buds, quickly spread throughout the body.

"It's delicious." Shen Xin glanced at the pot, but saw that Xi Muhan had closed the lid of the pot.

"Wait a little longer. Dinner will be ready soon." Xi Muhan narrowed his eyes.

Shen Xin shrugged and glanced at the long table on one side. Four dishes and one soup were already placed on it.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, the five assistants and Wang Wenhong have all returned to their homes. The only lively studios are Shen Xin and Xi Muhan. Fortunately, Lu Ning and Yan Fei will not go back this time. Therefore, work. The room still has some lively atmosphere.

"The meat is cut..." Yan Fei, who was cutting the meat on the cutting board, raised his hand.

Shen Xin glanced at it, the thickness was uneven.

"Cut the wider meat a little bit thinner." Shen Xin suggested.

"Of course I also want to chop finely, but the meat is always ‘chaotic’ and the knife can’t cut it." Yan Fei complained.

"Who said that, I don't believe it..." Shen Xin repeatedly raised his sleeves and prepared to show off.

Although he hasn't used a kitchen knife much, he can still use a utility knife to cut the dotted paper.

"lay down!"

Seeing Shen Xin about to take a kitchen knife, Xi Muhan was also anxious.

Shen Xin's combat effectiveness in cooking can be regarded as the five scum of war.


Shen Xin was taken aback, before he had time to explain, he heard Xi Muhan say: "Brother, are you going out first? The meal will be ready immediately."

Xi Muhan did not give Shen Xin a chance to speak, and directly pushed Shen Xin out of the kitchen.

Coming to the living room helplessly, Shen Xin could only pull a chair and sit on the opposite side of Lu Ning.

At this moment, Lu Ning was drawing the line draft of "Ding Shi" with a G pen, and when she saw Shen Xin coming over, she sat up straight.


Shen Xin nodded, "Are you busy?"

"Yes, Xiaohan managed to draw such a good one. I can't cause the performance of "Ding Shi" to be affected because of my own reasons." Lu Ning said seriously.

Shen Xin glanced at the manuscript on the desktop.

The current results of "Ding Shi" have a lot to do with the improvement of Lu Ning's painting skills and the deepening of his understanding of comics.

At the beginning, Lu Ning's style of painting was very delicate, with the characters mostly with pointed chins and big eyes, while the shots were messy, or rather abstract.

These are advantages in girl manga, but they are different for boy manga.

From the perspective of storyboarding and character design, the difference between shonen manga and girl manga is quite big.

When he first painted "Ding Shi", Lu Ning's painting style did have the feel of a girly manga, and the shots were a bit blunt. After two or three years of hard work, Lu Ning simplified the drawing of the character The storyboard was also fairer, which provided a basis for the improvement of the performance of "Ding Shi".

"improve rapidly."

Lu Ning's eyes lit up when she heard Shen Xin's words.

She once served as Shen Xin's assistant, and Shen Xin is also her teacher. What's more, Shen Xin's position in China is also very stable. After the successful completion of "Steel Refining", he is basically one position ahead of other cartoonists.

Being able to get Shen Xin's approval shows that he has really improved, and Lu Ning is of course happy too.

"Fortunately, Sister Yan and Xiaohan have been helping me... But, Teacher Shen, I didn't expect you to have a lot of tools here. I thought you would give up the pen after using the pen display?"

"of course not."

"Why? After being proficient, the speed of the pen display will be faster than the pen?" Lu Ning asked in confusion.

If it were her, she would never change back to the dip pen.

"Manuscripts drawn with pen on paper are valuable for collection. Manuscripts drawn on a computer are just data. Paper drawings can also better reflect the author's drawing skills. In addition, there is one more point. If there are drawings, There may be painting exhibitions in the future. If I keep using the pen display, how can I hold the exhibition?


Lu Ning was taken aback, she really didn't expect this.

However, if someone in China has the opportunity to hold a painting exhibition, Shen Xin is most likely.

"If the exhibition can really be held, I will definitely go there as soon as possible. However, listening to you, Teacher Shen, will you still paint with a pen in the future?"

"Looking at the time, if you don't double open, you may not be able to use a dip pen." Shen Xin smiled, "Or if you are a game player, use a dip pen more?"

Shen Xin only had this idea, but he didn't make up his mind. The exhibition also depends on the timing.

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