My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 759: Actions in "Ding Shi"

   "It turned out to be like this..."


   After flipping through several posts in a row, Ye Hexu finally understood the reader's psychology.


When the atmosphere of a comic is too tense, even if the story is wonderful and interesting, the reader will feel depressed. For this reason, when "dn" enters this relaxed plot, most of the depressed feeling in the reader's heart disappears in an instant. Then it's a lot easier.


   In addition, the collaboration between Yue and L is rarely seen in comics, and it also allows readers to see the other side of "dn".


In short, the reason why "dn" has the current results is because the plot has a different relaxed atmosphere from the past, which makes the readers very comfortable, and the combination of l and yue makes up for some of the readers’ hearts. Expected.


   Thinking back carefully, I seem to feel this way too.


   Ye Hexu rubbed his chin, thinking back.


After    was brought into the protagonist, his mentality changed when he was reading the comics. It was no longer the nervous feeling before, but he wanted to watch Yue and L while watching the play, how to use IQ to crush these eight people.


   The comics have a sense of expectation, and of course the results will not be bad.




Ye Hexu originally thought that after Haisha and Yue were imprisoned, the story would calm down... Well, strictly speaking, the current plot is indeed very stable, but he forgot the infiniteness of "dn" to readers after l and Yue joined forces. Daydreaming, and the short period of gentleness give readers a buffer space.


   I want to find a chance to surpass "dn", in terms of time, I am afraid that it will really be pushed back.


   Ye Hexu sighed, and no one is to blame for this incident. He has always targeted "dn" and forgot the reader's feedback on "dn".


   "Do you want to keep publishing for a week, please take a moment?" Jian Xiaomei was also afraid of Ye Hexu's accident, and said quickly.


   She said these words, but she was very tangled in her heart.


   Magazine will not be unkind, but it is more difficult for Yu Chen to nod.


"Demon Dao" is one of the pillars of "icfuture". The magazine must ensure the normal serialization of the comics as much as possible. Of course, if Ye Hexu really needs time to adjust, she will bite the bullet and stop the publication for Ye Hexu. .


   "No need." Ye Hexu shook his head, "I will go down at my own pace. Now, "Demon Dao" just loses to "dn". If you give up casually, I'm's self-defeating and the results will plummet."


   "If you can figure this out, it would be great..."


   Jian Xiaomei saw Ye Hexu's relief, and finally thought about it.


   Ye Hexu quickly slid down the phone screen, but his brows never let go.


   Jian Xiao saw the eyebrows, and felt restless again. His eyes passed over Ye Hexu's shoulders and landed on the phone screen.


Half of the posts on this page are related to "dn", one third of the remaining posts are discussing "Demon Dao", one third are discussing other comics, and one third are about " Ding Shi.


   ""Ding Shi" is the little book now?"


   "What else? Now it is third, but there is still a 60 votes gap with "Demon Dao"."


   "60 votes..." Ye Hexu was taken aback, and then found a sample publication of "icfuture" from a pile of paper next to it.


Recently, his energy has been on "dn". He hasn't paid attention to "Ding Shi" for a long time. Now that he has been mentioned by so many readers, he quickly turned to the latest chapter of "Ding Shi". After reading it, I fell into contemplation.


   "What's wrong?" Jian Xiaomei asked curiously.


   Ye Hexu was just about to speak, when the mobile phone on the desktop suddenly turned on, a message from the app appeared on the screen for the first pv show of "dn".


   "pv... the pv of "dn" came out..." Ye Hexu muttered to himself.




   Shen Xin twisted his neck and glanced at Wang Wenhong who was sitting across from him.


   Right now, Wang Wenhong doesn’t have much work. Apart from studying foreign languages ​​and related laws related to copyright and labor law, he also reads comics.


   To be honest, when a hobby becomes a profession, people feel very subtle, and over time, they may even become numb to the industry they are engaged in.


   The reason why Wang Wenhong left "icfuture" was because he felt tired of not loving him.


   is different now. His main task is actually copyright operation, and he can do something he likes in his free time.


His hobby is comics, rather than operating copyrights. Therefore, he can use the eyes of a reader to read the comics he is interested in, instead of all the submitted comics. No matter the quality of it, he must bite the bullet and read it. At that time, that's how it feels.


In addition, when facing newcomers, editors have to hear a lot of complaints from newcomers. In addition to their unqualified drawing skills, there are many reasons why these people are newcomers. For example, the fluency and logic of the story are also lacking, but Large or small.


   Pointing to newcomers is the most common thing editors do, and often newcomers tend to criticize these shortcomings, and even become irritated. On the Internet, they pick up the keyboard and hide behind the screen to diss edit.


   No matter where the glass heart is, there will be no shortage.


   Sometimes, when you meet a newcomer who is more reckless, he may even be depressed for a whole day.


   Now, I don’t have so much trouble, drinking tea and flipping through the comics, it is really comfortable.


Even if we sometimes negotiate with each other for the work, both parties are adults and have been in the industry for a long time. They know what can be said and what cannot be said. Therefore, even if the result is not ideal, The two sides will not tear their faces ~ After turning to "icfuture", Wang Wenhong began to turn the page from the beginning to the back.


   "dn" and "Demon Dao" are in the limelight recently. Wang Wenhong knows it well. In fact, the two comics are as high-quality as the outsiders have judged.


What surprised him was "Ding Shi", which even shook a burden in this sentence. The person who challenged the protagonist was the chef of a star restaurant in France. At the same time, the chef is about to participate in the world. Young Chef Competition.


  In an instant, the rhythm of the story tightened.


   "Oh, it's broken, Xiaohan still did this." Wang Wenhong couldn't help sighing.


  The protagonist opponent is the chef of a star restaurant. This identity is really exaggerated. No one who can serve as the chef of a star restaurant is a waiter.


   Xiaohan unknowingly improved the strength and style of the villain.


   "What's the matter?" Shen Xin was confused.


""Ding Shi"...How can a sixteen-year-old kid be the opponent of a star chef? Moreover, the opponent defeated a culinary genius before he got the promotion. The culinary genius won the protagonist. Xiaohan didn't listen to your suggestions at all." Wang Wenhong sighed.


   "I also read this. Xiaohan painted the name like this, it may indeed have an impact, mainly watching the follow-up plot of "Ding Shi". I guess, "Ding Shi" may also speed up." Shen Xin explained. Fupin Chinese

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