My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 795: skill

Su Han returned to the study, turned on the air conditioner, and asked Xue Lu to help make a cocktail while sitting on the recliner, opening the latest issue of ComicFuture.

The 52nd chapter of "DN" ended with Huo Kou being arrested.

This plot will bring up a series of questions, such as the most discussed topic on the Internet, whether L will get DN, whether he will meet with Rem, and what is Yue's strategy.

Of course, Su Han also cares about how Yue and Rem and Luke agree on plans before being monitored, but she wants to see how L will counter-kill—even if Yue is the protagonist, "DN" is an evil manga, but it is The main readers are young people, and we must convey the correct three views to young people.

Yue’s original intention was good, but her personality was so extreme that she went to the other extreme.

A hot comic like "DN" must take the overall situation into consideration.

Therefore, in any case, Yue must die.

Now, Yue has dug a big hole, waiting for L to jump down, but if Yue really wants to die, L must also see the calculation of the moon, and use the care of the moon to kill the moon.

However, before that, how to calculate L for the month is also a big thing.

The first part of "DN" has been finalized, and the script for the second part has been handed over to the crew, just when Yotsuba Group comes out.

The content of the third part mainly focuses on the battle between Yue and L, and the Yotsuba Group, and Yue’s plan is precisely the focus of the third part, and it is also a selling point that attracts readers and allows readers to read twice or even third.

In order to write the next script, she must pay special attention to this plot.

The name of Chapter 53 is "Sorrowful". Just looking at the name makes Su Han feel the weight of the content.

After being surrounded by a police car, Huo Kou was also arrested. L poured a cup of coffee, but asked: "Huo Kou, how did you kill as Kira?"


Knowing that he had no choice, Huo Kou could only give the answer.

"It may be difficult for you to believe it, but as long as I know the other person's appearance and write the name on the note, the other person will be done. The note is in the briefcase in the car."

Seeing this, Su Han touched his chin unconsciously.

After Huo Kou uttered the word "notes", DN had no secrets at all.

It should be natural for L to know DN and even Rem.

The rhythm of the story suddenly accelerated at this moment.

Either L, who was exposed to the truth of the matter, died, or he was sanctioned by L every month.

Therefore, "DN" still has eight chapters... No, there are still seven chapters to end, which should be a normal number.

Ye Yilang found the note from the briefcase in the car and turned the page to search for the name of the person. Suddenly, he felt that there was something in front of him. He raised his head and saw Rem and was squatting on the ground in fright.

"!" Ye Yilang was sweating profusely, just about to take out his gun, but remembered that his gun was not on him.

Anyone who has been in contact with note can see the monster.

Not only Ye Yilang was frightened, but even Mumu was not spared either.

Seeing Ye Yilang and Mumu panicked, L quickly asked Ye Yilang to bring the note.

After touching the note, L finally saw Rem, an abstract-looking white monster.

"Notes. In Qingshan...exchanging notes to show to the other party...Ye Shenyue and Haisao...meeting in Qingshan..."

When L saw Rem, he was not frightened, but first thought that the second Kira had sent a page of diary to Kira before, and it mentioned "exchange diary" and "green mountain", which was a coincidence. , Haisha is also in Qingshan, love the moon.

love at first sight.

Just as L recalled the message from the second Kira, Yue took the note from L's hand and let out a scream.

Different from the Rem that L, Ye Yilang and others saw, after Yue touched the note, from the moment he picked it up, until he discussed with the two gods of death to rescue Haisha... all kinds of memories reappeared in In his brain.

In this two-page spread, Yue restored almost all his memories, and all the blank spaces were the previous pictures.

Su Han looked solemn when she saw this. She felt that some parts of this statement were different from what she had imagined, but for a while, she couldn't remember where the problem was.

"L, I will verify the victim's name with the person's name in the note." Yue opened the note and looked at the laptop screen.

I won!

As planned.

Yue had sharp eyes and a grinning face, but the smile was hidden by her hair and earphones, and she had not noticed.

Su Han was also shocked when he saw the full page of "The Moon Shows a Smirk" drawn by Shen Xin.

Moon, who seems peaceful at ordinary times, and whose joy and anger are invisible, even reveals this kind of self-satisfaction.

Obviously, his goal has been achieved, which is to kill L.

Su Han saw the last sentence of the last division, and he was taken aback for a moment. The doubt he had just felt was finally revealed.

"...What I am burying now is the diary used by Sea Sand. As long as Sea Sand goes to retrieve it. Everything is resolved."

"So that's it." Su Han took a deep breath, "It's really amazing."

"What'really amazing'?" Xue Lu handed the cocktail on the tray to Su Han.

""DN" is wonderful. I only understand Yue's little moves now." Su Han explained.

"What little action?"

"Yue and Haisha exchanged notes, that is to say, the diary that Huo Kou got at is Yue's. Teacher Shen used a little trick to make it difficult for readers to guess what is buried in the plot. Foreshadowing."

"What technique?"

"The information is not equal." Su Han took a sip of wine and put the goblet on the table. "Inference comics often use one point, giving half of the information to let the reader know, and then concealing the other half. Just like. "DN", readers have no obstacles when reading, but one of the most critical information is hidden."


"When Moon regains the DN he used, his memory will be restored. Even if he loses his ownership, as long as he touches the note, Yue can recover his memory during this period. So, this can also be explained, Lei When Mu touched Haisha with a piece of DN paper, why didn't Haisha remember Rem. At that time, I felt strange about this drama. Looking back now, I can explain it because Rem got it. DN, not sea sand used.

"In order to maintain suspense in "DN", this rule was not stated in advance, which gives the story a lot of room for maneuver."

"Ms. Shen is very easy to do this." Xue Lu suddenly realized.

"Sister Xue, trouble you one thing."

"what's up?"

"Be sure to buy the next issue of ComicFuture."


Xue Lu was taken aback.

She is now a must-buy "ComicFuture" every issue, and Su Han also knows it.

Under this circumstance, Su Han also emphasized this, indicating that the next sentence must be very important.

"The ownership of DN is still with Huo Kou, and if Yue puts down his notes, he will lose the memory of "DN". Therefore, there is a problem of ownership conversion. It is estimated that Yue has to find a way to clean up Huo Kou." Su Han speculated.

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