My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 814: Claim

Hongchuan in November has gradually turned cold. Kuangsha

Obviously the sun is in the sky, but the temperature never rises.

After the end of "dn", Huaxia's comics market fell into a "dogfight".

In the battle for the top spot of the "icfuture" little book, "Ding Shi" and "Demon Dao" fell into a deadlock.

Shen Xin gave Xi Muhan and Lu Ning suggestions to let the protagonist change the recipe, starting from the subtleties, and changing the taste of the food.

The two people followed the suggestions and not only changed the protagonist's recipe, but also changed the opponent's recipe, and also improved the flow of the story.

In the game of gourmet comics, there is an unwritten rule that the contestant who serves the dishes first must lose.

The reason why it is unwritten is that sometimes it is not necessarily the first to lose.

Xi Muhan and Lu Ning made full use of this in their food drawing competition.

When the reader thinks that the protagonist is defeated, the plot (Qg) will reverse, and the protagonist who plays the game will win the game by a narrow margin.

Seeing this, the reader is as refreshing as drinking a pot of iced Coke in the scorching summer.

Shen Xin also saw this.

The reason for this effect is that the rhythm of "Ding Shi" is very good, that is to say, this episode of (情qg) successfully mobilized the reader's (情qg) mood, giving readers a sense of expectation, and making readers feel excited. Surging.

It is Xi Muhan who gives this sense of expectation. And Lu Ning, to be honest, in the processing of the storyboard, it has not reached the best state.

Novels pay attention to ups and downs, and stories must have ups and downs. The same goes for comics. As a painter, Lu Ning's control of the splitter is still lacking.

The animation storyboard comes from the movie.

When Osamu Tezuka, the father of comics, created "New Treasure Island", he introduced the method of combining lens language and sound, which gave birth to the embryonic form of comics.

After so many years of development, the storyboards of comics have developed greatly. The use of storyboards by cartoonists has also accounted for a huge proportion in the creation of comics.

The novel expresses the ups and downs of the plot (Qg) through words, and the cartoonist uses the storyboard to do this.

For example, if the author wants readers to feel the excitement or anger of the character, he should use the big grid. The most typical representatives are full pages and spreads. Small grids are usually transitional or (emotion qg) accumulations, and the rhythm of the story is usually low.

If you use the big grid too much, it will make the reader feel tired because of the long-term excitement. If you use it less, the appeal of the story will not be expressed.

Therefore, how to let the storytelling and express the (love qg) sense of the story through the screen is also what cartoonists need to master.

It's not that Lu Ning did a bad job, but because "Ding Shi" is currently the top cartoon in China, Lu Ning's storyboard did not achieve the desired effect.

For this reason, after the "icfuture" sample publication, Shen Xin will explain to Lu Ning the storytelling of "Ding Shi". At this time, Lu Ningsi is not like a painting of a best-selling comic, but more like a painting. The students listened to Shen Xin's explanation meticulously.

"It seems that after "Ding Shi" is over, I will start to practice storytelling."

This is what Lu Ning often expresses.

The drama of "Demon Dao" (Qg) is also very burning, and the protagonist is challenging the strongest of the Eight Demon.

Judging from the length of the comics, it is impossible for the Demon King to fight against the protagonist. Otherwise, the length of "Demon Dao" will be affected.

"Dn" is over, "Ding Shi" is about to end, "icfuture" can only rely on "Demon Dao".

Even if "icfuture" promised Ye Hexu that it would not limit the length of "Demon Dao", it is impossible to let it end now.

If nothing else, the big drama (Qg) of "Demon Dao" should be coming to an end.

The battle between "Ding Shi" and the evil way will end in the victory of "Ding Shi".

Whether it is against Xi Muhan or Lu Ning, this hard fight will make them grow a lot.


After entering November, there are mainly two things related to Shen Xin (Qg).

First, all the manuscripts of "y’s" are drawn, and he still holds the three manuscripts in his hand, which will be published one by one on at some time in the future.

Secondly, the first movie of "dn" will also be put on the screen, and Fengshuo Media has also carried out large-scale publicity across the country.

For this reason, Shen Xin asked for a private room in a Hongchuan time-honored restaurant, and gathered all the people involved in these two things, including Yan Fei.

However, Ji Yinxuan came uninvited, which surprised Shen Xin.

As the host, Shen Xin also expressed the corresponding etiquette, leaving the seat of the upper seat to Ji Yinxuan.

Ji Yinxuan didn't say anything, but she enjoyed it in her heart.

The banquet was divided into two tables, one with five assistants, and the other with Shen Xin, Ji Yinxuan, Su Han and others.

After everyone was filled with drinks, Shen Xin rarely picked up the glass, went to the assistant’s table, and said to several people in Gao Hang, "Thank you for your help over the past few years. Now I announce that from From tomorrow on, you don’t have to come again. I may take a break for one or two years, and during this time, I will give you a full reward every month. It is equivalent to taking a paid rest."

The relationship between the cartoonist and the assistant is very close. It takes some time for the assistants to run in with the cartoonist and the tacit understanding between assistants to develop.

After a cartoonist has created a comic, if he wants to continue to hire the original assistant in the next work, he usually pays half of the assistant's remuneration every month.

Shen Xin paid full remuneration, which really made every assistant overjoyed.

"Mr. Shen, Liu Rui and I will follow you." Gao Hang touched his nose and said excitedly.

"Teacher, I will follow you forever!" Liu Ruoxing also raised his hand high.

Zhang Ziyue and Xingjian looked at each Apart from anything, they raised their glasses to Shen Xin.

There are almost no such generous cartoonists.

"Also, I built a building in Xincheng District as our future studio. By then, you will each be assigned a (set of tào) house. When do you choose to leave and when will you hand over the keys to the house? Come here. Now the house is still being renovated. When we officially start, we will move in together."

The room was quiet, everyone's attention was on what (body shēn).

The value of a house far exceeds salary.

"Teacher, you are so kind! You solved a lot of problems at once." Liu Ruoxing stood up excitedly, and Liu Rui on one side pulled Liu Ruoxing down.

"Whether others are watching?" Liu Rui whispered.

Liu Ruoxing stuck out his tongue and smiled awkwardly.

The assistants looked at each other, the excitement in their hearts revealed their faces without hiding.

"I gave you a full honorarium, and spent such a large sum of money to find you a place to live, just for one thing. "The Soul of the Game", "Stealing" and "dn", everyone’s sweat is in it, We are now also the best comic studio in the country.

"To be honest, I feel the pressure. How long I can stay in this position in the future is not my own business (love qg). So, I hope... No, it is a requirement. The basic skills of all of you, including characters and scenery, The background, architecture, use of colors, cs, sai...As long as the content related to comics, I want to see you have a significant improvement. Everyone must have such ambitions.

"When we start serializing again, no matter who the opponent is, we will all be suppressed. This is my only requirement of you. If you think you can't do it, then change."

Shen Xin raised his head and drank a glass of wine into his belly. Fupin Chinese

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