My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 817: Style and rhythm

Yan Fei smiled bitterly. If you find an author like Ye Hexu, Yu Chen will not consider cooperating with "Qi Chuang Library" щww{][com}

The reason for being passive now is precisely because of the lack of good works.

Of course, some people will certainly say that both Shen Xin and Ye Hexu are the winners of the newcomer award at the comics festival. Can you find another cartoonist who won the newcomer award?

The reality is that before the "Golden Paintbrush" came out, the "Comic Festival" did have a gold content, but after the authors were diverted, many cartoonists had contracts with, and these people performed well even in the "Comic Festival", "oifuture" "It is unlikely that I want to dig it.

" solution?" Lu Ning also asked.

Shen Xin thought for a while, and decided to pick up the words clearly.

Although the contract of "oifuture" has many unreasonable points, it is after all the benchmark in the domestic comics circle. If it falls, it will not be a good thing for comic artists.

Now, with Duo, cartoonists who have no ambitions have a place to go.

"It is also a comic magazine, why is "oifuture" better than other comic magazines? Whether it is new readers or old readers, why habitually buy "oifuture"? Or that sentence, style. Including "young leap", this way The top comic magazines must have a fixed style. Readers buy magazines because they want to see what they like."

Applying online novels, the website that focuses on otaku has its own style, and the website with unlimited texts also needs unlimited types of novels. For example, the readers of the main website are different from other websites.

To be more detailed, the same is the cool text. There is also a difference between the infinite text and the main site text. The author uses the technique of pretending to be x-slapped, and there will be different writing methods on different websites.

"Since the publication of "oifuture" has been published for decades, it has already had its own comic style, passion, friendship, dreams... In fact, it is very similar to "Young Leap", the reason why readers like to watch "oifuture" It also originated from this." Shen Xin took a long breath, "I'm going to be more blunt. Compared with the original comics, the rhythm of lightly modified comics is slower."

When Wang Wenhong heard this, he suddenly realized.

"Light novels are a flow of dialogue, and a lot of space is spent on speaking. The fighting that readers are keen to see will occupy less space. Even only half a page... From this point of view, the two styles do not match. "

There are many dialogues, in a sense, it really slows down the rhythm of the story.

“That’s why I said that such a combination is best matched with a high-level cartoonist. They have to show the images that readers want to see in a split lens. If it is a newcomer or a general-level cartoonist, they may even connect with each other. The storytelling can't control it, let alone revise the na of the novelist's creation. More often, the light novelist has to design the plot from the perspective of comic readers, not novel readers. This requires a change of thinking." Shen Xin added.

When Xi Muhan heard this, he suddenly remembered something, "Brother, you let me read the "oifuture" magazine in recent years, just to get me used to the creative thinking of cartoonists."

"That's right." Shen Xin nodded, then looked back at Yan Fei, "If the magazine has a new editor, it is almost certain that the new book will definitely hit the market."

When Yan Fei heard this, she also understood the reason in Shen Xin's words. The emphasis on light novels and comics is different.

The text is not as intuitive as the screen.

Sometimes it takes a few hundred words to express the content clearly, and the picture can be done with only a split lens, especially for descriptions.

"Ms. Shen, is there a better way?" Yan Fei asked.

"Hey, what does Yan Fei think? It's impossible for Teacher Shen to speak in detail? Is this cultivating his opponent?" Wang Wenhong asked.

With Shen Xin's strength, no matter which platform he goes to in the future, his salary will not be low, and there is no need to find an opponent for himself.

"I'm still the editor in charge of "oifuture". I want to think about how to make "Ding Shi" end smoothly. Besides, will Xiaohan not be serialized in "oifuture" in the future? One more platform is good after all?" Yan Fei asked Tao.

Wang Wenhong was about to refute, but when Shen Xin waved his hand, he didn't say anything.

"The method is not without. Either take advantage of the light novel, or equip the light novelist with a powerful cartoonist." Shen Xin reminded.

"What are the advantages of light novels? Dialogue?" Yan Fei asked.

"Well. You can choose a comic book that focuses on dialogue, such as an evil manga like "dn". But there is one thing to say. If you want to find a post-level evil manga, it is very difficult to meet and not find. Otherwise, find a cartoonist with a relatively high level, such as Teacher Luo Zheng."

Yan Fei shook his head again and again, it was strange that Luo Zheng was willing to cooperate with others.

However, Shen Xin's words did provide a lot of ideas.

"By the way, I have one more thing I want to ask you." Shen Xin asked.


"Why don't you invite some foreign cartoonists, or introduce some 11 districts' works, they should be able to help "oifuture" survive this period of time? "Shoun Leap" can introduce "Steel Refining", so "oifuture" introduces 11 The comics in the district are also normal, right?"

When Yan Fei heard this, she nodded slightly, "Yes. Tomorrow, I will talk to President Yu. Teacher Shen, I really helped a lot today. Can I pass your opinion to President Yu?"

"Tell him yes, but please don't disclose it to others. I don't want to set up fg. Also, as long as there is a good story, the magazine can still try it. Don't forget to say this sentence." Shen Xin warned.

The cartoons of top magazines do have their own unique style, but they will miss good works because of this. Just like when "Jup" rejected Isayama's short stories because of the inconsistent style, who would have thought that after many years, his "Giant" almost pulled "The Pirate" from the top position of the annual sales list?

Shen Xin didn't want to be slapped.

"I know, but I still have to thank you." Yan Fei solemnly thanked you.

A few people chatted for a while, Yan Fei, Xi Muhan and Lu Ning went downstairs to discuss "Ding Shi" Wenhong moved his position and sat beside Shen Xin.

"Ms. Shen, why do you want to tell her these things? To be honest, if you do this, it will be easy for "oifuture" to find a high-quality comic. By then, our advantages may be gone. Don't forget, you want I have been resting for a long time." Wang Wenhong lowered his voice, but spoke quickly.

Shen Xin laughed, "I can tell what situation is good for me. Actually, the current situation is the most beneficial for me. Even if the next works are not the most popular comics in China, it will not hurt. But if the paper book market is The shrinkage is too severe. Whether it is a magazine or a booklet market, it is not necessarily a good thing for me."

"Now the paper market is shrinking." Wang Wenhong reminded.

"I know. But the current situation has limited impact on me. I'm not in a hurry. But..." Shen Xin turned to look at Wang Wenhong, "The Internet not only affects readers' reading habits, but may also affect cartoonists' creative methods. It’s not just a cartoonist who is affected. Besides, if there are high-quality comics serialized, it’s a good thing for us. It’s good to try to beat them."

Wang Wenhong's eyelids twitched. For a while, he really couldn't think of the influence of the Internet on the creation of cartoonists.

"By the way, Brother Wang, accompany me to see all over Hongchuan tomorrow."

"Yes. Something?"

"Well, let's take a look at any nice houses in Hongchuan. During the rest period, there are a lot of things to do."

Don’t you have a house?

Wang Wenhong almost blurted out this sentence.

Then, an idea appeared in his mind. Shen Xin must have wanted a house for him and Xi Muhan—getting married in the studio seemed inappropriate.

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