My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 819: Heat and plot

Iori and Yigui broke up, making it difficult for many readers to accept.

Discussions about "y’s" on the Internet are also divided into two factions.

A group of readers think that the breakup is good, and the current Yigui is indeed too mediocre to be worthy of Iori. The other faction held the opposite view.

"Mediocre? Counting Iori, there are only three or four girls who like Yigui, but Yigui chose Iori, the farthest away from him. He knows Iori is excellent, but he also works hard to restrain himself Even, when Iori was discouraged, I kept encouraging her. In the end, for the sake of Iori's dream, I made up a lie... I want to ask the heroes who are typing on the keyboard, who can do this?

"Obviously not good at fighting, but desperately fighting with each other, in the end, the man fell from upstairs and was caught by the security guard. Has anyone asked why he fell? Falling on the snow, Yi Gui was about to fall into a coma. , Does anyone know of his existence? You ask yourself, like Yi Gui, who paid all for Iori, is it really just mediocre?"

No matter what kind of attitude these people have towards "y\'s", whether they like this story or not, few people scold "y\'s" online.

The reason can be attributed to one sentence, they understand Iori's choice.

Putting themselves in, when they face this situation, they may not be able to do better than Yigui.

Yi Gui has made choices that many people don't want to make and don't want to make. Love her and make her happy, no matter whether the two people can be together eventually.

So, what is the end of the two? Are you breaking up, or being together? Before the final words were published, no one could give a definite answer.

Many people are waiting for the next serialization.

"Answer" in Chapter 142 of "y\'s" was uploaded to on Friday night.

"Teacher, the latest story of "y\'s" is out."

Fu Bo was still creating, and when he heard the assistant's words, he responded, put away the pressure-sensitive pen, and picked up the pad.

The rough fate of Yi Gui and Yi Zhi made him feel heartbroken and Yi Gui, but he had nothing to say.

Because he can understand Yigui's mood and understand Yigui's choice.

The turning point of this plot was so natural that the seeds of this turning point were planted after Iori decided not to go to school but to turn to the show business.

Therefore, it is difficult to accept emotionally, but the turning point is not abrupt at all.

Fu Bo clicked on the latest words in "y\'s", and the word "answer" also appeared in his field of vision.

At the end of the last sentence, Yi Gui fell into the snow, recalling the scenes of the two in high school.

In the latest words, Yi Gui and Iori are in charge of the "Orientation Party" together.

Also in the library, Iori also wrote "y\'s" in the notebook...

The boys gathered outside the activity room, waiting for Iori to change clothes.

"Little Iori, I want to see you change clothes, swimsuits are fine too."

"Pretend less, you are actually better than anyone else. Wave!"


This episode appeared at the end of the first episode. Yi Gui took the wooden stick and drove away the group of people.

Fu Bo has fresh memories of this plot.

"Less TM is pretending to be pure, your intention to take pictures in magazines is not to let men treat you..."

Yi Gui suddenly grabbed the man by the collar. Not long ago, the man who was fighting with Yi Gui in the snow threw him to the ground.

"As long as I am here, put away your dirty thoughts, Iori will have my protection in this life!" Yi Gui yelled at the man.

Gu Jingya looked at Yi Gui with a surprised look, which was completely different from the Yi Gui in his memory.

Yi Gui no longer wanted to be as indecisive as before, but in front of Iori, bravely said what was in his heart.

"I will never leave you again...Do you think I'm annoying?" Yi Gui turned to look at Iori inside the house.

"Why?" Yizhi squinted her eyes and showed a happy smile, but there were tears in the corners of her eyes, "Yigui..."


"Snow." Yi Zhi pointed to the sky.

Yi Gui raised his head and looked at the sky. Snowflakes fell from the sky and fell on him, his consciousness blurred...

On the first floor, the person who got the CD signed by Iori left the venue, but Yi Gui fell into the snow, his blood stained the white snow.

Dreams are always dreams and will not become reality...

After reading this, Fu Bo let out a long sigh, and there was a hint of moisture in the corners of his eyes.

If Yi Gui didn't say "break up", it would be fine.

However, in reality, there are so many ifs.

A female assistant couldn't help crying after reading this.

Fu Bo didn't speak, even he had the urge to cry, let alone a girl?

It can only be said that the arrangement of this plot is really powerful.

After Yigui was injured and unconscious, I cut into the plot of the first episode, which evokes readers' memories, but also allows readers to see the scene after making up for their regrets.

It would be nice if Yigui hadn't been indecisive from the beginning.

Fu Bo sighed again, his gaze fell on the last page.

At the bottom of the screen, a line of small characters is written, "Next, this book is over".

"Y’s" is over with one more episode... Will Iori and Yigui be together?

Fu Bo was also unsure, he only hoped that this comic would have a good ending.

On the Internet, the discussion on "y\'s" is also extremely intense.

When the two broke up, "y\'s" once climbed to the top of the hot list, surpassing "Age of Gods".

It is a miracle that can overwhelm "Age of the Gods" for a work ten years ago, but if you think about it, it makes sense.

"Y\'s" is not part of's monthly subscription. To unlock it, you must subscribe all. Therefore, "y\'s" has not the highest click-through rate on Duoman. However, the reader's stickiness exceeds Other comics.

After the two broke up, readers were disappointed one after another, but this was not a poisonous point in the conventional sense. Yigui made this choice because of Iori's better future.

Readers have gone through a lot of discussions on the Internet, making "y’s" become more popular.

In the following two episodes, the popularity of "y\'s" has declined slightly, but it is also among the top five. When this episode comes, the large-scale memory evokes the reader's feelings when reading the first episode.

Although the reality is not true, readers still hope that "y\'s" can have a good ending, especially, with one word left, this feeling of wanting them to reconcile is even stronger.

The heat of "y\'s" declining slightly, has returned to rise again.

"I only hope that Mr. Shen can make the two people reconcile as before. If a booklet is sold, I will buy a complete set!"

"One more thing, I hope there will be a reversal of the plot!"

"It will take another week?"

Various speculations on "y\'s" were made on the Internet, and this speculation was also seen by Shen Xin.

""Y\'s"... it's over."

Shen Xin never thought of decrying the appetite of readers. "y\'s" is not too short for a day or two to end. What's more, he doesn't want to deliberately find time to upload the last words.

Therefore, two days after the release of Chapter 142, the final words "Seize the Dream" were also uploaded by Shen Xin to the Duoman website. Fupin Chinese

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