My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 821: Long Weibo

At this time, it is almost impossible for Fu Bo to want to go home anymore. Subways and buses basically stop operating. Although there are night trains in Hongchuan, the night trains cannot reach his residence. Otherwise, he can only take a taxi and rest for a few hours. , And then return to the studio.

"Y’s" is over, how could he fall asleep?

Fu Bo shook his head and took another deep breath. Since he can't sleep, he won't go back. Then write a Weibo to "Y’s" and put the color page on Weibo.

Fu Bo has a lot to say about this comic. After making up his mind not to return to his residence, Fu Bo removed the digital screen and brought a keyboard that he didn't use much.

He put his fingers on the keyboard, he had a lot to say, but he couldn't type a word--don't know where to start.

After hesitating for ten minutes, he finally typed the first word and began to try to convert the words in his heart into words.

It took about an hour and a half before he wrote a Weibo with thousands of words and added the colored pages just drawn to Weibo. After doing this, he also breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the "Publish" button with one click.

After seeing the Weibo post, Fu Bo let out a sigh of relief and looked around, it seems that he can only hit the floor today.

On the Internet, after the discussion about "Y’s" was over, Fu Bo took a deep breath, found a place near the radiator, and spread the blanket on the floor.

Tomorrow, I still have to create. Fu Bo can't stay up all night. After posting on Weibo, he started to rest.

On the Internet, there are many people who don't sleep, such as comic groups.

Although the name of the group is related to comics, many of them are fish groupings. Even when discussing comics, most of them are discussed during the day. At night, most people who are not sleeping are called out to play games.

"Is there, "Devil" is missing one out of five, so I want to get in the car and go faster."

Moyu is a moba game, similar to DOTA or LOL.

"Yes, wait a minute, I will write a blog post and come right away."

"What blog post? It's so late, and I went to bed after playing."

"The end of "Y’s", after I watched it, I felt a little bit touched."

"Hey, is it the manga that has been broken for more than ten years? Is there anything good? I also write Weibo..."

"The ending of "Y’s" is really good. The last words are not like the previous ones, full of twists, but all the plots are very smooth, making people feel that the story should be like this."

"Besides, after ten years of waiting for such a high end, isn't it satisfied?"

"That is, I think this ending is totally worthy of the ten years of waiting. However, would it be better if you could see the end of "Y’s" ten years ago."

The group friend who wanted to play the game was a little unbelievable and prepared to refute, but just halfway through the word, suddenly a picture appeared again.


He was taken aback, with a puzzled face, and then a message appeared on the public screen.

"Fuck, Fu Da posted a Weibo about his feelings about reading "Y's", and the coloring page of the marriage of Iori and Yigui. If you want to read the text, you can read it in the group. If you want to read it That color page is recommended to find Fu Da's Weibo."

"Pay big? What pay big?" The player subconsciously replied.

"Teacher Fu Bo. The author of "Shengwu Academy"."

It is really rare for a cartoonist to write a blog post or even draw a color page for another cartoonist's work.

People in the group, as long as they are not asleep, immediately open the Weibo web page after seeing this message.

Since there are color pages, of course it is fun to watch them on the computer screen.

The player clicked on Fu Bo's Weibo, and the latest Weibo also appeared in the reader's field of vision-"The end of love is called a fairy tale."

Ok? fairy tale?

What do you want to write?

He was a little curious and continued to read this Weibo of Fu Bo.

"This comic is of great significance to me. When I first read this comic, I liked Mr. Shen's style very much, and the story is very smooth. The only drawback is that it is broken.

"During this period of time, I have been waiting until "Y’s" resumes. No need to elaborate on how long this period is. Those who really pay attention to it will know. Fortunately, Mr. Shen filled in this pit to have the following plot.

"Many love comics basically confess to each other until graduation from high school, but this one draws not only to graduation, but also to the ups and downs encountered by the two in their relationship after graduation. Even if their parents and their respective families do not stop them. , But they also have to face other dilemmas, life and future choices.

"In the following plot, do you feel depressed? Did you feel wronged for Yi Gui? But how many couples broke up because of this? When one party has the initiative, and her/his income and status are higher than the other, are you willing to do it for you? Does he/she give up the desperate dream in his heart?

"Not giving up is life, giving up is a fairy tale.

"The last few words, I read the comics for the first I want to know if the two will be together in the future. Fortunately, it ended as I wanted.

"Some people might say that Yigui is not worthy of Iori, but if everyone treats their favorite people like Yigui, there will be so many lovers breaking up? I don't believe it.

"Some people will say that Yigui was selfish and made Iori give up his dream. In fact, the title of the last episode, can’t everyone see? Iori’s dream is Yigui. As for the dream of the entertainment industry, if everyone Take a closer look. In the 139 episodes, "I'm just...", before Yi Gui said'break up,' Iori said, "I've decided...", but Yi Gui interrupted it. I wanted to say that. What is it? No one knows, but it is certain that the showbiz is not a pure land for Iori.

"Not to mention, when other people used Iori to create scandals, she gave this answer,'If you can catch your dreams in this way, I can't do it.' Perhaps, in her heart, she already felt it. tired."

"Ten years, waiting for the ending of "Y's", I don't know how other people feel. I am very satisfied with the ending. If I score, it must be 100. Not because "Y's" is worth 100, but because the total score is only hundred.

"Throw away the trivial things in life, the ideal love is like a fairy tale, causing infinite reveries. "Y’s" did it, thank you Teacher Shen for showing me such a perfect ending..."

Below Weibo is a page of color pictures.

Yi Gui wore a white wedding dress, put his hand on Yi Gui's palm, raised his head, and looked at Yi Gui with a smile on his face, while Yi Gui was wearing a black suit and his eyes fell on Yi Gui.

Full of happiness overflowed from the picture and filled the entire screen, making many single readers who saw this color picture feel sad from the inside out.

This is the feeling of dog food.

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