My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 844: Worries and guarantees


Shen Xin, who had just got off the plane, couldn't help but sneezed.

"Brother Xin, have you caught a cold?" Xi Muhan, who followed Shen Xin, asked quickly.

"Me?" Shen Xin took a deep nose and shook his head quickly, "Should it be all right? It's just that I suddenly felt some discomfort."

Shen Xin just said casually, but Xi Muhan showed nervousness and asked: "Brother Xin, or else, go to the hospital?"

"No. It's just a small matter." Shen Xin waved his hand, "It should be that the air outside is a bit cold."

Seeing that Shen Xin's expression was not abnormal, Xi Muhan relaxed a little, turned his head, and saw that Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong were discussing the future.

After returning this time, the new studio is set up, and the formal work is about to begin. They will also notify Gao Hang and others to let them gather in the studio according to their own time to prepare for the serialization of the new book.

As soon as the group left the airport, Shen Xin saw Ji Yinxuan and Charlotte waiting for them outside the airport.

Considering the large number of Shen Xin and his party, Ji Yinxuan found an mpv and picked up the four of them. There was no problem at all.

"Senior sister, you said you don't have to come and pick me up." Shen Xin smiled.

"Where am I to pick you up? Can't I pick Xiaohan? Really, I just got married and I ran around with Xiaohan. Don't you feel bad, but I still feel bad?" Ji Yinxuan pulled over Xi Muhan.

"It's as if I don't feel bad about it." Shen Xin said helplessly.

"Sister, Brother Xin loves me very much." Xi Muhan took Ji Yinxuan's hand tightly and explained quickly.

"Yes, you are a family, and your relationship is closer." As soon as Ji Yinxuan said, she noticed that the blush had already climbed onto Xi Muhan's face.

The little girl is still the same as before, she still likes to be shy when it comes to Shen Xin.

When Ji Yinxuan saw this, she stopped joking with Xi Muhan, and turned around to let Xia Luo help Shen Xin and others to carry the luggage to the back box.

"Senior sister, where did you get this car?"

"Workshop." Ji Yinxuan answered directly.

"No, you don't go out to work, why do you want such a big car?" Shen Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Even if it's a game studio, there must be a car running, right?"

Shen Xin didn't think about rebutting.

What Ji Yinxuan said is also reasonable. The price of her own car is higher, so it's better to buy an mpv for the studio and run away.

"Originally, Xiao Lu wanted to come over to pick you up this time, but now he is setting up a character and can't get out of his body, so he can only get in touch with you after two days."

"Lu Ning? By the way, what is she doing this time?" Shen Xin asked curiously.

"I didn't do anything, I was practicing the storyboard, but the effect was not good. You are her teacher, it would be better to take her. By the way, she is now serving as the persona of our mobile game."

While explaining, Ji Yinxuan got into the car with Shen Xin and others.

After the six people were seated, the car started and the destination was Shen Xin's previous studio.

"By the way, another is very hot on the Internet." Ji Yinxuan changed her conversation and shifted the topic to "Stone of Destiny".

Shen Xin sighed, "I don't know when "Stone Gate" will be finished. Soon, I will prepare the comics."

"I know." Ji Yinxuan leaned over and looked at Shen Xin, "but "Stone of Destiny" has no end, what about our game?"

"Isn't it okay to ask those light novelists to serve as the original works?"

"Too expensive."

"So, those novels should cost hundreds of thousands. "Stone of Destiny" can't be lower than this price, right?" Shen Xin joked.

Ji Yinxuan has a headache, which is also the most annoying for her.

The quality of "The Gate of Destiny" is currently higher than that of light novels. What's more, the characters of "Stone of Destiny" have been released, and the price must include the characters.

Seeing Ji Yinxuan's silence, Shen Xin was also taken aback for a moment, and said in amazement, "Those novels...are really worth hundreds of thousands?"

"Don't you know?" Ji Yinxuan asked rhetorically.

"Guess it."


Ji Yinxuan turned her head, and after a long time, she turned around, "After the game is released, I will pay you dividends."


Shen Xin guessed this. Ji Yinxuan had just started her own business, and the funds were definitely not enough. For her to choose the method of dividends, the pressure on funds would be lessened for her.

But the novel "Stone Gate" is just an appetizer, and the comics are also small. The true essence, one, lies in the game, and the other lies in the animation.

Since he is going to make this work, Shen Xin definitely wants its quality to be guaranteed.

If you want to make a game, you must do the best, otherwise, he will not agree, and the same is true for animation.

"Senior sister, I have to say, "Stone Gate", I don't want to give it to you now." Shen Xin raised his head and looked at Ji Yinxuan.

"Now, I don't really have much money. After the game comes out, I will pay you more dividends." Ji Yinxuan breathed a long breath and said.

"It's not a question of money. I'm worried that you can't do it well now. Senior sister, what do you think of the quality of the current novel?" Shen Xin said patiently.

"The quality of the plot is very high, especially after the death of Zhen Yuli... The first time I read it, I feel very messy. In fact, it is because of the connection with the previous plot. Readers have to deal with a lot of information at a time. I have this feeling." Ji Yinxuan said.

"When you first read about Zhen Youli's death, what was your mood?" Shen Xin asked again.

"Surprised. I was thinking at the time, how could the plot develop in this direction?" Ji Yinxuan recalled.

When I first saw this scene, I was really shocked.

"Let me put it this way, how surprised you were when you saw that scene, how surprised you would be when you saw the end of "Stone Gate"... and maybe even more surprised. Senior sister, although I am "Light novelist by interest", I still hope it can do better, rather than give up halfway. You are now doing mobile games, and we will talk about it when it can make normal profits."

If it's other works, Shen Xin might agree, but the quality of "Stone Gate" is here, and he wants to guarantee the quality.

Ji Yinxuan's studio has just started to operate, and funds may break at any The production time of "Stone Gate" will be postponed to ensure the quality of the game.

"It turned out to be so, I know." Ji Yinxuan took a deep breath and understood Shen Xin's concerns, "Since I want to take this game, I must know it in my heart. You know, I am not a novice. If "Destiny" "Stone Gate" is as exciting as you said, I can assure you one thing, I will do my best to make this game well. If I can’t make it... I will ask Zhenyu Technology to take over. The agreement between us It still works."

Shen Xin looked at Ji Yinxuan with both eyes, and sighed when she saw her steadfast eyes.

"Since you have said so, I...know it. I have to make it clear that I have limited time. It is impossible to write all the texts. I can only write a rough outline. Sister, if you can't accept it, I There is no way," Shen Xin explained.

He now just writes the animation of "Stone of Destiny" into a novel. The text of the game is of course more detailed, but if he writes all the text of the game and prepares a new comic, he has to vomit blood.

He is now a cartoonist, and drawing cartoons is his profession.

Ji Yinxuan pondered for a moment, then nodded again, "I know. I will ask someone to reorganize the text...Xiao Han, can you accept my commission?"

"Me? Can it?" Xi Muhan looked confused.

"Of course you can, but you wrote the extra novel of "Steel Refining" and finished "Ding Shi"? You must give yourself confidence. Also, if you have any questions, it is more convenient for you to discuss with Xiaoxin. How can you, I beg you." Ji Yinxuan folded her hands together.

Shen Xin's gaze floated out of the window without making a sound. It seems that Ji Yinxuan also decided to "carry out the dividend to the end."


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