My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 872: Was played

After accepting invitations from major game manufacturers, young people have indeed been more comfortable in recent years.

Pick up if you have a job, travel around if you don't have a job, or practice painting a little bit.

He himself is not good at reading, not only "The Gate of Destiny", he is also not interested in other light novels.

If it wasn't for his sister, who repeatedly "selled" "Stone of Destiny" to him and used another's coloring page to arouse him, he would definitely not be interested in watching it.

Turned on the computer, found another's Weibo, read three chapters briefly, and yawned.

What world line, what gelation state, what cosmic ray theory, I don't understand at all, it reads like chewing.

However, the color pages are not bad...No, the quality is very high, especially the use of colors, which really surprised him.

Just now, he just glanced at the color page roughly through his mobile phone, but now, after placing it on the display, looking at the details of the color page, his mood suddenly became heavy.

He has also seen Lu Ning's color pages. The basic skills are solid and the overall feel of the picture is not bad, but in terms of details, such as the use of colors, the lines of clothing, and the drawing of the background, you can find deficiencies.

The color pages of Another are not perfect. They use heavy colors throughout, so it feels particularly depressing. The color rendering also obscures some details, and the background becomes blurred.

However, these should be dealt with deliberately by another.

As a bystander, he can find many shortcomings, but he also knows that if he came to paint, it would be the case.

Sometimes it's not that you don't know the shortcomings, but you have to make trade-offs, because you have to consider the composition, because you must highlight the key points.

The youth took a breath and read all the color pages in Weibo. The more he looked, the more surprised he was.

Not every one of these color pages is of high quality, and some are obviously perfunctory, but overall, the quality is high.

He can draw these paintings, but he may not be able to do better than another.


When did such an illustrator appear in China?

Suddenly, the youth felt that in this period of time, he seemed to have overlooked a lot of things.

Immediately opening the Penguin, the youth asked a few acquaintances, he wanted to know who the other was.

People who can draw high-quality illustrations cannot be unknown.

Among the people he asked, several were also illustrators, and there were also heads of game companies and animation companies, but these people said, "Xueda, are you looking for another?"

"Are you looking for him too?" The young man replied subconsciously.

"Yes, we want to buy the copyright of "Stone of Destiny" and have never had the opportunity to contact another."

"Copyright? I remember "Stone of Destiny"... the content is very boring."

"Have you seen it too?"

"Well, I read three chapters, one word, sleepy."

"It's no wonder. Xueda, let's put it this way... When you see Chapter 18, you will know that there are reasons why the previous boring is so boring. All this is the choice of the'gate of Destiny'. Wa hahaha……"


You want me to read 18 chapters in a book that makes me sleepy after reading three chapters?

Isn't this killing me?

Of course it is impossible for the young man to agree. He is not Bai Chi, a book he can't read clearly. Why does he still want to read it?

However, after asking a few people in a row, everyone is recommending "Stone of Destiny".

The person in charge of the major companies cares about this work, and he can understand that they want to find products that can be sold, and those illustrators, why do they recommend it? Moreover, they not only recommend illustrations, but also novels-this is not the strength of those illustrators.

Is it really a mistake for yourself?

The young man frowned, tangled in his heart.

"Stop talking, Chapter 26 of "Stone of Destiny" has been released, Xueda, if there is nothing wrong, I will go to Chapter 26. Contact me if you have any questions."

After the last illustrator bid him farewell, he got off the Penguin.

The young man scratched his head, glanced at the display screen again, gritted his teeth, he wanted to see what level of "Stone of Destiny" would be admired by so many people.

Isn’t it just a few hours? I have time.

For him, the previous chapters were really boring. He yawned and almost fell asleep-in fact, when he saw Chapter 10, his eyelids were already "fighting".

It is said that Chapter 18 is interesting, so stick to it.

Quickly flipping through Chapter 17, finally let out a sigh of relief.

He seemed to be doing a task, his index finger subconsciously scrolled the center axis of the mouse, and his sight moved on the screen with the cursor.

That's it.

He glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the screen. It was exactly 0 o'clock. After reading this chapter, he went to bed.

The young man made a small plan for himself, and his eyes moved along the screen.

When he first read this chapter, he squinted his eyes, a little tired.

"There is nothing strange?" The young man murmured to himself, his gaze also fell to the bottom of the chapter.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the last few hundred words again.

"Huh? Zhen Yuli is dead? Isn't she... why... she died?"

The young man muttered to himself, sat up straight, read the last few hundred words again, and scratched his head helplessly after making sure that he had read it correctly.

He wanted to know why Zhen Youli died.

One chapter, read another chapter and sleep.

The young man added a small goal to himself.

However, the subsequent plot firmly grasped his nerves.

Because of the previous plot, he watched too sloppyly, and sometimes he had to read the previous content again in order to understand it.

Time passed in a hurry, but the youth knew nothing.

After reading Chapter the youth did not hesitate at all and clicked on Chapter 26.

Who is FB? How can I delete the D-Mail from Tongmengyu?

The young man was thinking about it all over his head...

"FB turned out to be Wangtian Temple! In vain, I always thought he was a good guy. Bah, I was blind."

The youth was a little depressed, until he read that Wang Tiansi committed suicide, Ganglun found the phone from him and deleted Tong Mengyu's D-Mail, and he was relieved.

Evil is rewarded.

Zhen Youli can finally be saved, come on, beta world line.

The heart of young people feels more relaxed.


I went back to the research room and found IBN5100, and please delete the D-Mdl of the Mark Six...

"Is it the first D-Mail? I was stabbed or something, right?" Hong Liqi took Dr. Pepper's drink and asked me, who was drinking the drink.

My body shook, as if an iron fist hit my chest, and my whole person was even a little confused.

I don't know what expression I showed, but I know that all of this... none of this is what I want.

This is totally my fault... I even forgot about it.

"So you plan to touch my clothes to see if you are injured..."

Looking at the smile on Hong Liqi's face, I felt the world spin.

In the β world, Hong Liqi was stabbed to death...

I even forgot this D-Mail.



The young man smashed the screen of the display screen with his fist.

He has the urge to scold someone...No, it's to scold the person called another.

Gang Lun worked so hard to do so many things, for what?

Isn't this playing people?

That's right.

The youth felt that he was being played...this was not the ending he wanted.

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