My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 912: 2 conditions

"It doesn't matter, it won't work this time, we still have the opportunity to cooperate next time. And, maybe we can pick up a leak?" Yuan Zhe smiled.

Now Shen Xin is gaining momentum, and he doesn't care that Shen Xin refuses.

In fact, the relationship between and Shen Xin is not as good as "icfuture." Yuan Zhe also knows that has little chance. Moreover, as Shen Xin said, if you serialize comics like "Basketball Sky", there are many spreads, So, the expressiveness of comics on mobile phones will indeed decrease a lot.

However, he helped Shen Xin take the stage today. Maybe the two sides will have a chance to cooperate in the future?

On this matter, Yuan Zhe was very open-minded.

When the editor-in-chief of the comic book heard Yan Fei's translation, he knew that the comic book was out of play.

First of all, manga can’t offer such a high price. Secondly, manga is also an app, and the serialization effect is not much better than

Fortunately, I didn't come.

The editor-in-chief of the comic book is secretly proud.

Two of the six platforms were cut down instantly, leaving four magazines left.

"My request is also very simple. Let me first talk about the basis of cooperation, there are two in total. First, I don't want to sign a contract similar to an exclusive contract system, that is, I only sign works with magazines. While this comic is serialized, I can decide whether to cooperate with other magazines or platforms without the permission of this platform."

This is Shen Xin's bottom line, even if he does it alone, he will not give up on it.

Being tied to a platform, Shen Xin didn't want to happen again.

"No problem." Shang Haozhi answered without thinking.

When "dn" was serialized, "icfuture" agreed to Shen Xin's proposal. Although not explicitly stated, Shen Xin's simultaneous serialization of "y’s" on has also confirmed this from the side.

Therefore, he has nothing to refuse.


"Mangafly" and "Zhou Man Top" didn't have so many boxes. Zheng He and Da Mu Xun's answers were also very simple, only "Shoun Leap" has not yet made a sound.

Shen Xin's eyes moved to Murakami and Otani again.

The person in charge of other platforms also looked at the past.

Murakami took a deep breath and said in a gentle tone: "We are still discussing, please Mr. Shen to make the second point first?"

When he was talking with Shen Xin just now, he got stuck on the first item and didn't talk anymore. Therefore, he didn't know what Shen Xin's second condition was.

Perhaps when Shen Xin mentioned the second article, other magazines would also disagree?

"It's okay. After I say the second article, everyone will express their views. My second condition is that my manuscript is in charge of the editor in charge of my studio. Whether it is Mr. Wang Wenhong or Miss Yan Fei, in the aspect of editor in charge. , All have a lot of experience. Therefore, the quality of the comics is guaranteed, please rest assured. These two items are the basis for cooperation."

When the names of Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong were mentioned, the two nodded slightly as they said hello to the others.

Shang Haozhi glared at Shen Xin, very dissatisfied.

"Mr. Shen, I said how you dug up two people from our magazine. It turned out to be a plan for yourself. Don't you feel extravagant to poach two top editors in one go?"

"No way, I am also for the quality of the new comic." Shen Xin patted the envelope in the envelope.

"If this is the case, I'm fine. In fact, even if I ask you to find an editor, it will be difficult for me to find a better one than them." Shang Haozhi sighed, "Editor Yu, what do you think?"

Yu Chen nodded.

Wang Wenhong is the editor in charge of "Soul of the Chess" and "Gang Lian", and Yan Fei is the editor in charge of "y's", "Gang Lian" and "dn". In addition, she has also served as the editor of "mangafly". Best feature story. In addition, she has been responsible for "Yu Chuan Haruka". From the resume, it is difficult for China to have editors surpass her.

Maybe Yan Fei is already the best editor in China.

These two people are responsible for Shen Xin's work, and he has nothing to say.

"At that time, we will find another editor in charge to connect with you. You will also turn in, right?" Yu Chen said.

"Hey, Mr. Yu and Mr. Shang, although "mangafly" is not as good as "icfuture", but you say that, it seems that Mr. Shen will definitely sign you."

Zheng He is a big fat man. After Yuan Zhe left, he took over "mangafly", but now the situation is that "mangafly" is deteriorating, and he is also very anxious.

"Teacher Zheng He, Mr. Shen has been working with us for ten years. Isn't it a matter of course that the new work will be serialized in "icfuture"?" Yu Chen glanced at Zheng He, then looked at Shen Xin, "You are right, Mr. Shen ?"


Shen Xin smiled awkwardly and politely.

He is not good at expressing his position directly now.

The attitude of the two magazines in Huaxia was very obvious. On the contrary, the three people from District 11 were embarrassed. Even Da Mu Xun, who had just agreed to the first condition in one go, hesitated.

The magazine does not provide editors, which means that the quality of the work is completely checked by the author, which is too risky and even out of control.

Who can guarantee the consistent quality of new works?

If there is no editor urging Shen Xin, what should he do if he accidentally delays the manuscript?

At the same time, the editors of "Zhou Man Top" will not agree that this is equivalent to isolating them, or distrusting them.

What's more, if there is no editor in charge, whether the comic is publicized or the plot is arranged, there will always be a lot of inconvenience, and even other editors may reject this work. After all, this comic has no editor and no one will speak for it.

Da Muxun hesitated.

Murakami's situation was not much better than that of Da Mu Hoon. He didn't want to agree to the first condition, and the second condition was also difficult to deal with.

In "Young Leap", the editor must have a certain degree of authority. Unless a big-name cartoonist, the editor can even determine the future of a work. This is the reason why "Young Leap" is based in District Become the foundation of the largest comic magazine.

Don't want to agree.

Murakami knew that once he uttered this sentence, it was equivalent to announcing that the trip was in vain, but it wouldn't work if he didn't say it.


"That, I'm sorry, Teacher Shen, everyone, I want to smoke a cigarette." Otani China suddenly raised his hand.

Shen Xin was a little surprised, but still nodded.

Toru Murakami was also surprised that Chine Otani didn't smoke at all.

"Old smoker. Sorry." Otani apologized again, pulled Murakami's clothes, and glanced at the door.

Toru Murakami immediately understood that Otani asked him to go out to discuss countermeasures, and then looked at Shen Xin.

"Why don't everyone take a break?"

Shen Xin also knows that the two magazines in District 11 are indeed not easy to make up their minds in a short period of time.

"Sister Yan, you can bring some pastries. There should be people who haven't eaten breakfast much."

Yan Fei nodded, and followed Toru Murakami and Chinyo Otani, leaving the studio, Da Mu Hoon hesitated and decided to leave temporarily.

For a time, only 5 people from China were left in the conference room.

Qian was playing with his cell phone. Suddenly, he raised his head and asked Shen Xin: "Mr. Shen, can I ask you a question?"

"You said." Shen Xin said quickly.

"Excuse me, is there any plan to serialize color pages for the new work?" Qian asked.

"Sorry, I don't quite understand?" Shen Xin didn't react for a while.

"That's right, the color pages of "Basketball Sky" are very exciting, and readers agree. Therefore, some people speculate that your new work will also have color pages serialized, and many people have responded." Qian replied.

Shen Xin rubbed his temples. He really didn't plan to draw color pages anymore. Wang Wenhong, who was sitting next to him, immediately took out his mobile phone and clicked on

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