My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 931: Uematsuno and "The Gate of Eternal Life"

Yan Fei moved the "Gate of Eternal Life" he bought upstairs, and let the studio door go to the elevator to move books.

"The Gate of Eternal Life" has been serialized for 14 years, and the magazine has published 60 volumes.

Wang Wenhong and his assistants moved 60 volumes of comics into the office one after another, and Shen Xin also took the opportunity to come to the assistants' work area.

"That's too much, right?" Xi Muhan blinked. She seldom sees a cartoon that can publish so many pamphlets. "Will the following story collapse?"

"It's hard to tell." Shen Xin shook his head.

According to common sense, the longer the story, the greater the possibility of collapse.

It is difficult to keep a work within a reasonable range without revision.

This difficulty comes from many sources.

For example, Zhou Geng’s comics squeeze the comic artist’s rest time. In an emergency, the comic artist may only have more than ten hours of rest a week.

Under such high-intensity work, sometimes the works are difficult to justify and even inconsistent.

In contrast, monthly magazines are much more friendly to cartoonists, and authors will have time to perfect the structure of their works.

However, there are exceptions, such as "The Pirate", although it has been serialized in more than 90 volumes, its structure is even better than some more than 30 volumes of comics. And it also has some bugs, the most famous is that the red-haired Shanks, who is the "Four Emperors", was bitten off his arm.

Of course, these bugs are not a big deal in front of Wannian elementary school students.

""The Gate of Eternal Life"..."

Isn’t it the same?

Shen Xin picked up the pamphlet of the first volume of "The Gate of Eternal Life" and opened the cover.

The title of "The Gate of Eternal Life" should indicate the core of the entire comic, which is similar to "Dragon Ball" and "The Pirate". In China, there are some similar works, such as "The King of Rock".

Comics of this kind often mention content related to the title of the book in the first chapter.

In "Dragon Ball", after Bulma and Monkey King met, they mentioned Dragon Ball and Shenlong. In the first chapter of "One Piece", Journey also mentioned "I want to be the One Piece".

In the same way, "The Gate of Eternal Life" is the focus of this comic, but when Shen Xin really opened the comic, he discovered that it was different from ordinary comics.

The way in which the comics of Zone 11 overhead the world is actually very similar. There are two most common types. One is to overhead a world related to reality, such as "Reaper" and "Yuyu Hakusho". They have the real world, and they also have the world of death and the world. Devildom. The other category is completely fictitious, and is mostly based on Western backgrounds—at least, in terms of names that are biased toward the west, such as "Fairy Tail", "Steel Refining", "Black Clover", "Exorcist Boy" and so on.

At this point, "The Gate of Eternal Life" completely inherited these characteristics, and Uematsuno also emptied a new world, with a background that is more inclined to the later time of the Middle Ages.

The initial setting of the story is also very common. Anyone who finds the "gate of eternal life" has gained eternal life. However, there are two "gates of eternal life" in this world. The imprint is carved on the body, and the fake "gate of immortality" can make people get permanent life, but the body will age with the passage of time and maintain the aging appearance.

No matter how many doors are found, a person can only enter one in his life. These are the settings related to the "doors of eternal life".

At the same time, the story also sets two types of people, one is ordinary people, and the other has superpowers. After the death of superpowers, their superpowers will not disappear, but can be attached to weapons or ordinary human bodies to achieve the same effect. And once the people who get immortal life are killed, their eternal life will also be taken away by others.

As the story progresses, these settings are thrown out one by one, and the readers are more like RPG players, following the protagonist, slowly touching and discovering this unfamiliar world.

The protagonist’s adventure is not all because of "The Gate of Eternal Life". In addition to this goal, a super power is attached to his body. He wants to find the master of this super power...

"The direction of the story is so exciting." Xi Muhan sighed after reading one of the volumes.

A sense of anticipation, a word often mentioned on the Internet, appeared in this comic.

Considering that this is the top one of the 11 districts serialized comics, readers should have a sense of anticipation.

"The story is really great." Shen Xin quickly flipped through the first volume, and the second time was to re-examine the storyboard and composition of the comics.

"The teacher said that Uematsuno's advantage lies in the macro scenes, especially in the later stages of the manga. After Uematsu's style matures, many spreads are breathtaking and the pictures are detailed. This is similar to Mr. Shen's manga. But there are Not as good as Teacher Shen." Asai Hui explained.

Shen Xin scratched his head when he heard the translation.

When people say that, it’s still a bit uncomfortable, especially when he is compared with a leading cartoonist like Uematsuno.

"Ms. Yamagishi is talking about dynamic storytelling, right?" Shen Xin knew what Hui Asai meant.

Actually, Uematsuno’s level of storytelling is enough. UU reads and Shen Xin has three manga capsules, one of which is the experience of a manga artist on the earth, combined with a capsule that allows him to practice faster. In terms of mirrors, it has a great advantage.

Hui Asai nodded silently after hearing Yan Fei's translation.

"The Gate of Eternal Life" has been serialized in 60 volumes. It should be almost finished, right? Maybe we have no competition with them?" Wang Wenhong also flipped through two copies, which also found it interesting.

"Three years ago, Uematsu-sensei said that the progress of manga has reached 80%," Asai said.

"Look? "The Gate of Eternal Life" still has three or four years at most." Wang Wenhong smiled.

"But in an interview five years ago, Mr. Uematsu also stated that he had painted 80%."


The smile on Wang Wenhong's face instantly stiffened. can I say nothing?

"Huh?" The muscles on Shen Xin's face also bounced twice, which seems to have been heard.

However, after thinking about it, Shen Xin can also understand Uematsuno's words.

The length of works is sometimes difficult for the author to control, especially works that are serialized while updating.

Shen Xin had encountered this situation many times when he was still a network author. Whenever he announced to readers how many days are still over, the real time would often be delayed.

Some Internet authors wrote in the article that it will end immediately, but the last chapter is two years later.

What's more, for a cash cow like "The Gate of Eternal Life", magazines are also reluctant to let it end.

"It seems that some of them have been busy these days." Shen Xin looked at the pile of books and shook his head helplessly.

Only by watching "The Gate of Eternal Life" do you know the depth of "Senior Leap".

He is confident in "", but he should also pay attention to his competitors.

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