My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 938: Scroll header color page

District 11, the editorial department of "Shoun Leap", after receiving a call from Yan Fei, Chinyo Otani repeatedly assured that there will definitely be a front page of "" in January.

This is not his own opinion, but because it is still early in January, and "Young Leap" has paid a lot for "". On the front color page, the problem is certainly not too big.

The facts are also true. At the meeting, Chine Otani submitted an application for the color page of "" in January, and Murakami immediately agreed, but the specific issue has not yet been determined.

It is only September, and there is still a three-month difference from January next year. The color page arrangement for January is generally confirmed in December. He will write down the matter and notify Shen Xin after it is confirmed.

This incident seems to be a trivial matter, but different people read the same meaning from it.

"January next year?" Uematsuno leaned back in his chair and looked up at the lamp on the ceiling. "I said, if Mr. Shen is confident in "", it is impossible to keep it going at this rhythm." Speeding up is inevitable. Perhaps, from the next plot, you can see the tone of the entire comic. To be honest, I am looking forward to it."

"Then what do you do?" Miyamotoira asked.

"Since Mr. Shen has told us in advance that "" will have a wonderful plot in January, it is not appropriate for us to show some sincerity. Miyamoto-sensei, you help me and ask the magazine for a coloring page... …If it’s the color page in the volume, it’s best to have an issue with Teacher Shen." Uematsuno smiled.

"You want to press him?"

"No. However, Mr. Shen let "" be serialized on "Young Leap", and signed a separate contract with the magazine, originally meant to test the water in "Young Leap". It is not impossible to get the first place. , At least it depends on the level of the work, right?" Uematsuno gave the answer.

"I still think you have to be more careful, don't forget the lessons of "Steel Refining"." Miyamotoira reminded.

"This is not the point. If "" can really surpass "The Gate of Eternal Life", it means that it is of extremely high quality... to be able to see a very high level of comics, both for readers and comic artists An extremely enjoyable thing. However, no matter how you say "The Gate of Eternal Life", it has been serialized for 14 years, and its popularity in the 11th district will not be surpassed by a newly serialized comic unless the quality of "" is as good as " "Steeling". If that's the case, "The Gate of Eternal Life" won't complain." Uematsuno rubbed his aching neck, "Wait, I'm not the only one preparing to watch Mr. Shen perform."

"Who else?"

"Tamagawa-sensei's pressure is probably greater than mine." Uematsuno smiled.

"Tamagawa Haruka teacher?"

Hei Miyamoto didn't realize this at first. After Uematsuno's reminder, he remembered that "The Strongest Pitcher" and "" are both sports comics. Therefore, the contest between the two comics will be very fierce.

"If I'm right, Mr. Tamagawa Haruka will also ask for a front page coloring page... Hey, next January will be very interesting." Uematsuno snapped his fingers twice and made a crisp sound.

As Uematsuno guessed, after Ishizawa told Shen Xin about the coloring page, Haruka Tamagawa really felt the pressure.

There are only 20 full-length comics in a magazine, but comprehensive magazines like "Shoun Leap", in many cases, will contain as many comics of various themes as possible. There are evil ways, king ways, love comics, funny comics.

If there is only one comic for children in the entire magazine, then this comic will be relatively safe even if it is on the verge of cutting the line-"Youth Leap" must take care of most of the readers.

"The Strongest Pitcher" will not face a cut, but this comic will definitely be compared with "". If you are not careful, he and "The Strongest Pitcher" may even be used as background boards by readers.

This is a shame.

"Will I say, will it be a smoke bomb?" Seeing Tamagawa Haruka's frown, Ishizawa was also a little worried.

"It's not like, if it weren't for someone else, Mr. Shen would not emphasize the coloring page of next January." Yu Chuanyao shook his head.

"That might also be aimed at other cartoonists? Otherwise, it would be the number one in the small book." Ishizawa speculated, "Now "" has only won the number one in the small book once, Mr. Shen must definitely want to rush. Let me say, we 'Hold the soldiers', follow the previous plan and be methodical."

Tamagawa Haruka waved his hand, "Actually, I have already guessed the plot of "" in January next year."


"The game." Haruka Tamagawa looked at Ishizawa, "So far, "" has only had one team training. And the game most affected the performance of sports cartoons."

Haruka Tamagawa, who drew basketball comics, liked this most.

"From now to January next year, there are still more than three months, which is enough to prepare the game. In January next year, this game will be taken out. Compared with "Slam Dunk", the rhythm of "" is slower, but Mr. Shen's My painting skills are much better than me, whether it’s the character action or the shots when the character plays... Oh, if I had this level at the beginning, the score of "Slam Dunk" would be a big step forward!"

Tamagawa Haruka’s face first showed joy, and then the joy gradually He knew that even if he is now, it is impossible to draw the level of "". Occasionally, it may be possible to do a word, but it is really difficult to ask for the quality of the word.

"That's it, or just work steadily?"

"However, we are not out of chance." Yu Chuan rubbed his nose, "Mr. Shen's painting skills are better than me, but in District 11, baseball is more popular than basketball."

This is Tamagawa Haruka's self-confidence.

The popularity of the subject matter depends on his audience. In District 11, more people like baseball than the two sports.

"However, Go is also very small, but there are still such outstanding works as "The Soul of the Game"." Ishizawa reminded.


Tamagawa Haruka was completely speechless, and the pencil drew a few arcs on the paper irregularly, before he said: "Even if we follow the steps, we will almost have a wonderful plot in January next year. Mr. Ishizawa, I will also have an issue Color page."

"I can apply, but it is hard to say whether it is approved or not." Ishizawa was not sure.

"Just do your best," Tamagawa said.

Murakami was surprised by the application for the January color page for three signature comics in a row.

However, this also gave Murakami a wake-up call. Since the three cartoonists have concentrated their efforts in January, why not use their strengths to make "Young Leap" make some noise in January next year, maybe, even possible Increase sales of "Senior Leap".

Murakami wrote the three comics on paper, and finally determined the type of color pages of the three comics and the number of periodicals in which they are located.

In addition to these, something more should be added...

Murakami rubbed his chin thoroughly, thinking in his heart, and gradually thinking in his mind.

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