My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 942: Cap

It was raining outside and Zhai Yang, who had inconvenient legs and legs, could only entrust Ning Ya who was interviewing on the spot to help him take a video of the scene.

The game was yesterday afternoon. When the game was over, Ningya returned to Hongchuan and came to his residence. It should be five or six o'clock today.

Although it is only a provincial high school league, most of the media will not pay much attention to it, but the text still needs to be written.

Just after half past six, the doorbell rang.

Zhai Yang drove the wheelchair and opened the door to see Ning Ya carrying her bag, two burgers and ice cola in her hand.

"Thank you very much." Zhai Yang put a smile on his face.

"Have you eaten?" Ningya mentioned the burger, "Drumsticks."

"No, I have eaten it." Zhai Yang shook his head.

Ningya put the hamburger on the table and handed the camcorder to Zhai Yang.

"How is it?" Zhai Yang looked expectant.

"36 points in a single game, 3 assists. I have to say that his offensive power in the game is too strong. Grain news, the organizing committee has the idea of ​​‘making stars’." Ning Ya smiled.

"Make a star? What kind of star?" Zhai Yang asked in surprise.

"A star? Do you think you are building a satellite?" Ning Ya rolled her eyes.

"No, you misunderstood what I meant." Zhai Yang waved his hand quickly, "I mean, why do you want to make a star?"

"Propaganda." Ning Ya rummaged through her bag again, and turned out a copy of "ComicFuture", "I bought it by a bookstore."

"Thank you."

It was raining outside, and Zhai Yang was worrying about how to buy "ComicFuture", but Ning Ya bought it for him ahead of time, and solved his troubles, "Hey, you almost interrupted... ahem, haven't you answered my question?"

"Of course it is to attract spectators and to make money! Wouldn't you think that the game does not require money? This is not a professional basketball game. There are very few people watching it. It is necessary to rely on sponsors to rent the venue. If there is a superstar, put The audience is attracted and can get more investment. Players like An Yuan who often play the "Savior of Alone" are very suitable for publicity. In particular, his movements are also very stretched and easy to attract the audience."

"If I were the coach of Yunhai No. 1 Middle School, I would never allow such a thing to happen. Whether he is interviewing or becoming a superstar, it is not what he is going to do now. If he can become the head star of a professional basketball team , Then, the spotlight belongs to him, but now...premature exposure to the media is not necessarily a good thing for, it will ruin him."

"You have to say that, high school league sponsorship fees will become less and less." Ningya frowned and said.

"That shouldn't be at the expense of the player's future...I don't agree with this anyway."

Ning Ya took a peek at Zhai Yang and saw that he was stern, fingers clasping the plastic cover of "ComicFuture". Knowing that he cares about it, she coughed, "You are not yet a coach of Yunhai No.1 Middle School. Don't worry. Besides, he is just one of the options."

"But he is the most suitable." Zhai Yang retorted.

"Neither can it be said. Regardless of the individual performance of the players, the champion is always the most concerned. Even if the organizing committee wants to build a superstar, it will focus on the champion team."

Zhai Yang raised his brows, his expression instantly relaxed.

"Don't worry?"

"Yeah. Basketball is a sport of five people. You can't save the team or win the championship with just one person." Zhai Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

This is basically the iron law of basketball, it is difficult for anyone to break.

"You look down on Yunhai No. 1 Middle School so much?" Ning Ya shook her head.

“You’ve been a sports reporter for a day or two. Have you heard the saying that the team’s prosperity depends on someone, adversity depends on someone, and despair depends on someone? Speaking of it, this is indeed an exaggeration. It wants The true meaning of the expression is that the versatility of a team, and even the thickness of the team’s lineup, can create many possibilities. But, sorry, Yunhai No. 1 Middle School does not have this characteristic. Whether it is good times, adversities or desperation, it is all Only rely on An Yuan."

When a team has no thickness, its fault tolerance rate becomes very low.

Obviously, Yunhai No. 1 Middle School is such a team.

"Can't pass the provincial trials?"

"I don't know. How far Yunhai No. 1 Middle School can go now depends entirely on An Yuan's personal abilities, and may be able to enter the national competition, but he can't go too far." Zhai Yang recalled the games and videos of Yunhai No. 1 Middle School he had watched. Draw a judgment.

"You have said so, or give up Yunhai No.1 Middle School, right?"

"No, in fact, I have observed that Yunhai No. 1 Middle School is still saved, but it will take longer. These people have talents, but they have no sense of victory or defeat. Whether the game is lost or won, it doesn’t matter. Too much. Only An Yuan wants to win the game."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Look at how far they can go, the icing on the cake, it is better to give charcoal in the snow. Right?" Zhai Yang lowered his head and tore open the plastic cover of "ComicFuture". The 47th issue appeared on the cover, "I don't know if Lingnan and Xiangbei will Will the game start?"

"Who knows?" Ning Ya said casually.

She is not as free as Zhai Yang, she can read everything, even if she has a good impression of "", she can only read the booklet.

In fact, she is still hesitating whether to buy the third volume of the pamphlet-she appreciates Liu This is true, but in the first two volumes, "" has more daily routines than basketball, which makes her I have some doubts whether I am watching basketball comics.

Zhai Yang turned to Chapter 27 of "", "The Captain of Fighting Spirit".

The opening of the comic is a spread, where Yuzhu and Mu Gangxian make a jump ball.

"It's started." Zhai Yang's eyes were bright.

Spreading is the charm of page comics, and it is also one of the few paper comics that is better than web comics.

Especially, Zhai Yang was a basketball player before, and when he saw this scene, his heart was even more excited.

The title of this remark is "A Fighting Captain", is it a gorilla?

In the beginning, Xian Dao passed the ball to the opponent, and his teammates lived up to expectations. He made a shot and Xian Dao’s passing ability was reflected. Qing Zi also commented on it. In his first year of high school, he beat the Xiangbei team. It is the absolute trump card of the Lingnan team.

The scorer shifted to Xiangbei’s offense, Mu Gangxian attracted the defense, and then passed to Gong Yan. Gong Yan jumped up to shoot but was blocked by the fishing pole. Liu Chuanfeng grabbed the basketball and continued to shoot, but was still blocked by the fishing pole. Xiangbei player Grabbed the basketball and passed it back to Mu Gangxian, who was inside. When he turned around to shoot, the fishing rod gave the third block.

Zhai Yang was speechless.

It turned out that the "competitive captain" was not Mu Gangxian, but Yuzhu!

More importantly, three consecutive blocks!

The defense of the fish column is like a copper wall and an iron wall. This... is it too much morale?

"Morale" is very important in basketball games. Sometimes, the lagging side can be reversed by morale. On the court, there are two ways to boost morale, one is to slam dunk, and the other is to block.

Obviously, Yuzhu did the second point.

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