My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 945: Countermeasure

To be more blunt, Murakami did this to create a gimmick and give readers of both sides a feeling of "two comics opposing". This is easier to stimulate the fan economy and to create public opinion on the Internet.

There is one thing that Shen Xin didn't think clearly, that is, why he would put it in the same issue of "The Gate of Eternal Life".

But in any case, public opinion related to the two comics is indispensable on the Internet, so the popularity of "" in District 11 will also rise.

As far as "" is concerned, it is not good or bad, but his serialization in "Young Leap" is still short. Compared with "The Gate of Eternal Life", his weakness lies in his lack of reader base.

Murakami's operation can allow "" to quickly accumulate readers, but the disadvantage is that the readers of "The Gate of Eternal Life" will be rejected by some people.

Quick success.

This was the first thought that came to Shen Xin's mind.

"Things are difficult to handle." Yan Fei was worried.

"" is the first book that Shen Xin signed with "Young Leap". Whether "Shen Zheng" can open the market in 11 districts, the result of "" is very important.

Murakami's operation is tantamount to pushing out "" and erecting an opponent like "The Gate of Eternal Life". In case of a mistake, "" will have to make many detours in the future.

"Yeah..." Shen Xin scratched his head, "I can't disrupt our plan because of this. As for being surpassed by other comics, or being compared, I can't do much. At this time, we will even more You should stay calm. In case of chaos, the follow-up plot of "" will be very dangerous."

After the journey, Shen Xin rarely encountered this situation. At the beginning, "Zuo Wei disappeared" and let readers vent their emotions on the Internet. It was an experience. When the plot of Gao Yongxia was drawn, Han Guo also had a lot of objections.

Whenever you encounter such a situation, you must not panic yourself, nor allow external factors to affect the progress of the story, otherwise, the comics will collapse.

Fortunately, these comic stories are in his mind and will not be changed due to online factors.

But if you change someone, you might be at a loss because of Murakami's series of operations, right?

"If you perform poorly, ""'s results will also be affected, right?" Wang Wenhong asked.

"Yes. But I think "" is a slow-moving work. The previous results are slightly worse, so there is no big problem, as long as the later plots stand up." Shen Xin said patiently.

"But the opponent is also very strong. If the performance is too weak... it will be underestimated." Wang Wenhong frowned, "After all, this is the first time that "" has officially exerted its strength. If it is suppressed, I would like to impact Xiaoshu later First, it will be difficult."

"Who said this is the first official effort of ""?" Shen Xin asked rhetorically.

"Huh? But, now "Young Leap" has begun to build momentum...not to mention, you have made a lot of preparations for the two teams' game, and many readers should look forward to this story."

Judging from the public opinion on the Internet, this is true for both China and District 11.

"Since so many cartoonists are working hard in January, our period of working hard will be delayed for a while later."

"The practice matches in Lingnan and Xiangbei have already started?" Xi Muhan quickly reminded.

Recently, she has devoted a large part of her energy to comics. Since you want to continue to create comics, you must understand the popular elements of the comic market, so popular comics must be.

As Shen Xin's wife, she knows the plot of "" well.


"Then why do you say that the launch period of "" has to be delayed?" Xi Muhan wondered.

Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong nodded at the same time, which was also their inner doubt.

"Find a new power point, more exciting than the current plot." Shen Xin smiled lightly.

"Are the explosion points too dense?" Yan Fei asked.

"" is different from "Slam Dunk" in that it has its own rhythm. Moreover, the rhythm is more casual than many sports comics.

"No." Shen Xin shook his head, "Sister Yan, the players of the protagonist team, how many can you remember?"

"Four, right? Hua Dao, Liu Chuanfeng, Mu Gangxian and Gong Yan...but Gong Yan's talent in basketball doesn't seem to be too high." Yan Fei recalled.

"That's it. There are five players in a basketball team, but only three players are currently being introduced. After the plot of the training game is over, two other players will be drawn. As long as the plot behind is more appealing to readers, it's ok. ."

Looking at the confident Shen Xin, Yan Fei looked suspicious.

"The appearance of the new players is more exciting than the training match?"

To be honest, Yan Fei couldn't believe it.

"Well, I think so. The follow-up plot of "" has not been sorted out yet, we will discuss it in detail when we have the na."

After the training match between Xiangbei and Lingnan, the last two players of Xiangbei, Miyagi Ryota and Mitsui Shou will come out one by one, and Mitsui Shou, kneeling in front of coach Anzai, said in tears, "Coach, I want to play basketball." The picture can be called one of the classic scenes of "".

Compared with this plot, the appeal of the training game is much It just so happens that after the training game is over, this plot is immediately followed, so "" may appear in this plot. In the middle, it reached the first real power generation period, and since other cartoonists have already started in January, it will be very difficult to keep up in a short period of time.

The only thing that needs attention is "The Strongest Pitcher", which is also a sports comic. As long as there is a game, it can attract readers. From this point, it has the same advantages as "".

When Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei saw Shen Xin say this, they nodded slightly, knowing that he already had an idea in his heart. At the same time, they also raised a trace of doubt in their hearts. What would the plot that can give Shen Xin confidence look like?

Hope not to be careless.

Although the two are impatient, they also know that haste is not enough, and the effect of reminders may not be good, so they can only wait patiently for the next plot of "".

After the two left, Xi Muhan was worried.

"what's happenin?"

Xi Muhan sighed, “It’s hard to open the market in District 11, but it seems that it’s not going well.”

"It's not going well... then it's not going well. Anyway, the market in District 11 is missing, and we won't die." Shen Xin touched the top of Xi Muhan's head lightly, and said softly, "Don't think too much, it's best to stand firm, if you stand Instability, the domestic market is also very big. Worry, wrinkles will grow on the face."

Xi Muhan hurriedly covered his face and saw the smile on Shen Xin's face. His cheeks were slightly hot. He hesitated and said, "If my face has wrinkles, would you still like me?"

"What are you talking about?" Shen Xin pretended to be angry, "We are relatives who depend on each other. Nothing can separate our feelings. Don't say anything like this in the future."


Although Xi Muhan was criticized, his heart was warm, even a little sweet.

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