My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 954: Long lens

"" is not as popular as "The Gate of Eternal Life", but it does not mean that the quality of "" is not good.

On the Internet, Tamagawa Haruka is also paying attention to the debate about the three comics, but he feels that the readers of "The Gate of Eternal Life" have indeed hacked this comic, and will also drive some readers to the "" camp.

People are repulsive and stubborn.

When most people recommend a book, someone will have an inexplicable dislike for the book, and when readers are repelling the book, someone will look for it specifically.

According to Tamagawa Haruka, "" really has the potential to attract readers, and it is the kind that can't let go of the book.

On the Internet, the popularity of "" has also risen. In the comic forum, I clicked on a few posts at random, and only one was discussing "".

"The coloring of Huaxia comics is also good, and it is very comfortable to read. Besides me, the color comics of Huaxia are so rough?"

"This is Mr. Shen. There have been color pages for "Hire of Chess", "Steel Refining" and "DN". The quality at the time was good, sometimes better than some cartoons in District 11. And this, Mr. Shen Obviously I have worked hard, and the quality of the face is quite good."

""DN" is already stuck in the full-color page in China. I don't know if there is a chance to introduce it in China."

"I'll go, full-color page? How's the quality?"

"Similar to the color pages of this issue of ""."

"Why not serialize in District 11? I don't understand Chinese."

"This issue of "" is also very exciting. I thought it was a side effect to go up the ikebana, but I didn't expect it to have such a wonderful performance."

"The ball passed to the fishing pole was broken, and the movement speed was super fast. The only downside is that Huadao overwhelmed the head coach of Lingnan in order to save the ball."

"When the fish post wanted to shoot the basket behind, Hua Dao used a nirvana, and a man formed a wall of people in front of the fish post. It was crazy."

"When I saw "", I suddenly felt that the previous basketball comics were lacklustre. I only knew how to draw a few shots, athletes advancing, passing, and scoring. They were all wonderful. Far more than those second-rate basketball comics."

"The comics I can read now are just one "Slam Dunk" and one ""."

"Slam Dunk is actually not very good. You can tell by looking at the score. The score of "Slam Dunk" is a slam dunk. Moreover, the gold content of the "Slam Dunk" game is not high, only a few shots. , The game is over, far less exciting than ""."



Seeing some readers pull "Slam Dunk" out, Tamagawa has a black line.

"Slam Dunk" was originally a good basketball comic, but after comparing it with "Slam Dunk", he has a feeling-"Slam Dunk" has become his black history.

You know, the sales of "Slam Dunk" is also good, and it is also a comic that has broken a million volumes.

Compared with "Slam Dunk", the advantage of "Slam Dunk" is that it has a fast pace. Under normal circumstances, a one-and-a-half one-and-a-half single book games, the rhythm of "" is much slower.

Anyone who has watched the basketball game knows that even if the first two quarters are ahead of ten or twenty points, the latter two quarters may catch up or even overtake. If the score difference between the two teams is within 5 points in the last three minutes, then the last three minutes will be several times more exciting than the previous 45 minutes. That kind of atmosphere can even be suffocating.

When he drew "Slam Dunk", he also watched a lot of professional leagues in the 11th district, but the rhythm in the last few minutes was not very good. In some ways, this also affected the results of "Slam Dunk".

Therefore, he is looking forward to how "" will handle the game when it is about to end.

However, there is one thing that is correct on the Internet. The storyboard of "" is indeed much better than "Slam Dunk". I can't accept it.

It seems that it is not easy for "The Strongest Pitcher" to win "".

Tamagawa sighed and turned off the computer.


"Ms. Uematsu, are you...really not angry?" Miyamoto stared at Uematsuno.

The two have been working together for 14 years, and this is one of the few times when he feels nervous.

"Why angry?" Uematsuno raised his head and took out a piece of paper and carefully wiped the nib clean. "The one-vote thing, although it seems a coincidence, is often more bizarre than the reality or comics, isn't it? I have already said about the page, this is what I requested, as for the reason. "The Gate of Eternal Life" has been serialized for 14 years, and its popularity has been better than that of "". Moreover, "The Gate of Eternal Life" will be broadcast on TV every week. Animation, its publicity effect is far greater than the color page in scroll. For me, the color page in scroll is enough."

"But, on the Internet...Some people say that your storyboard is not as good as ""..."

Miyamoto stared at Uematsuno, but saw that his expression instantly turned gloomy, "Why not as good as "?"

"Those people are also talking nonsense. The editorial department can see the level of Mr. Uematsu." Miyamoto comforted.

"I'm not angry." Uematsuno wiped his hand, put the pen on the pen holder, and looked at Miyamoto who was sitting in front of him. "Teacher, as an experienced editor, there is no need to say something for me. Against my heart. In the storyboard, Mr. Shen is indeed better than I admit this."

Miyamoto blinked, and it was really difficult for Uematsuno to admit that he was inferior to others.

"I know what you are thinking. Let's put it this way. Before the match between Lingnan and Xiangbei, I didn't feel that way, but after the match between Xiangbei and Lingnan started, I suddenly realized this. Just the description of the game in "", said To be honest, it is not an exaggeration to kill more than half of the basketball manga.

"Just before "", Liu Chuanfeng counterattacked, from intercepting the ball until he assisted Mu Gangxian, all the movements were done in one go, I only saw smoothness. Why do other sports comics rarely appear in this kind of scenes? Including "Slam Dunk", Creators should know that they can't draw this kind of split. However, what surprised me more is that Mr. Shen used a small technique, which is very powerful."

"What technique?" Hei Miyamoto asked casually.

"Long storyboard." Uematsuno got up and came to the bookshelf by the wall. From it, he found the 48th issue of last year's magazine. This issue of the magazine was serialized to "The Menacing Lingnan Team". "Before, I couldn't figure it out. , Why did Mr. Shen draw a spread that separates the top and bottom, the upper part is the spread, and the lower part is other content. It is obvious that the full spread is more expressive, why did he choose this kind of half spread? Recently, I finally thought of the reason."

"what reason?"

"Miyamoto-sensei, do you know the fish screen? The aspect ratio of the ordinary screen is 16:9, and the ratio of the fish screen is 21:9. Compared with the ordinary screen, the fish screen can see more content. And this Similarly, in order to express more horizontally, Mr. Shen chooses half-page spreads. I hurriedly flipped through "Slam Dunk" and there was no such story.

Uematsuno raised his brows and his back felt cold.

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