My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 977: Loophole

After the Chinese New Year, the sales volume of "ComicFuture" stabilized to 3.5 million copies.

This number has not changed for several months, but under the impact of web comics, a large number of paper magazine readers will be lost every month. Now, the number can stabilize to this number, indicating that new readers have joined. This is already It's not easy.

In particular, some people who work but still like comics make it impossible for them to buy magazines every week. They can buy a few books of their favorite books at most.

Just like "", just over a week after the 7th volume was released, the sales exceeded one million copies, becoming the most popular comic in the true sense of the domestic comics.

Zhai Yang chose to mail it and asked the courier to mail the separate copy of "" and the latest issue of "ComicFuture" to his residence.

He has basically read the contents of the pamphlet, so the collection is of greater significance. He didn't even open the package, so he put the pamphlet on the shelf.

Later, he tore off the plastic cover of "ComicFuture" and found the latest story of "".

Zhai Yang used to be a basketball player, and his talent is also a leader of his kind. He was selected for the National Youth Team and won the mvp. At the moment when he was most proud of his life, there was a car accident.

If there wasn't that car accident...

Zhai Yang tweeted twice, and felt a bit of sympathy for Shan Jingshou's experience in his heart.

He also thought of An Yuan, who was also a junior high school provincial mvp. Although his experience was different from Shan Jing Shou, he also encountered setbacks. And Shan Jing Shou has disappeared from the future star for two years.

This made him a little worried about An Yuan.

Anyone who scored 40 points in a game without the help of teammates would be disappointed, right?

Thinking wildly in his mind, Zhai Yang's gaze swept towards the comics.

The title of Chapter 70 is "No Pain at All".

Shan Jingshou strongly hoped that he could return to the basketball team, so he returned to the basketball court while he was still on the single crutches. He recovered and became familiar with basketball, especially when he saw Mu Gangxian’s performance on the training court. When Coach Anxi showed a satisfied look again, his pressure was even greater, and before he recovered, he strengthened his training.

After a smooth landing, Shan Jingshou was ecstatic, and his knee didn't hurt at all.

However, during the training match, he fell to the ground again.

The old disease relapsed.

Seeing this, Zhai Yang subconsciously touched his knee, empty.

There was nothing in a car accident.

Zhai Yang recalled for a moment, his sight fell on the comic again.

Mu Gangxian struggled **** the court, but he could only stand in the auditorium with crutches, watching the stadium, and finally left sadly.

"As for Shan Jingshou, I only know this. Since then... he has never returned here again." Gong Yan said.

At this moment, outside the arena, coach Anxi appeared...

After reading the last page, Zhai Yang closed the cartoon, his mind was messed up.

Shan Jing Shou is not a bad person, but a person with strong self-esteem. The reason why he has a sense of competition with Akagi, in fact, is largely because he did not have a calm mentality. When he sees other people’s focus is on the other When playing with the players, he will inevitably feel a sense of loss in his heart.

In order to prove that they are not worse than the other, they often express themselves deliberately.

Zhai Yang himself understands this sentiment, but whoever enters the national youth team is not the focus of everyone?

If you change the environment, you have to adapt.

Shan Jingshou just didn't adapt.

Just when he was about to read it the second time, suddenly his cell phone rang. He glanced at the phone and found that it was Ningya's call.

"what's happenin?"

"I tell you one thing, you must be calm." Ning Ya's breath was a little unstable.

"what's up?"

"An Yuan...retired from the basketball team of Yunhai No. 1 Middle School."

"What?" Zhai Yang said subconsciously.

"He has submitted an application form for leaving the team, and he does not plan to participate in the second half of the year." Ning Ya repeated.

Zhai Yang's brain buzzed, thinking of the scene when he met An Yuan, An Yuan, who was hiding his face and crying, was destined to be unwilling.

In order to win, he was really dragging the team away. The result?

It seems that besides him, everyone else is really not too concerned about the result of the game.

Anyone will get angry if you do this kind of thing, right?

He...should be disappointed with the team.

Seeing that Zhai Yang didn't say anything, Ning Ya called his name several times in succession.

"I'm fine, I'm going to talk about it today, what's the matter with him, you can contact me again." Zhai Yang did not wait for Ning Ya to answer, and hung up the phone.

Shan Jing Shou was the MVP in junior high school. He withdrew from the basketball team because of an injury. As a result, there was a two-year blank period and he became a gangster.

An Yuan... shouldn't it be the same?

Shan Jingshou suddenly became a little worried and didn't want this good seedling to go astray because of this incident.

It takes time to chat with An Yuan.

However, he is not yet the coach of Yunhai No. 1 Middle School. In what capacity should he talk to An Yuan?

This is also a problem.


The latest words of "" exist for the sake of Shan Jing Shou's "washing white".

After knowing the reasons for Shan Jing Shou's change, readers are obviously more inclined to accept him.

"Shan Jingshou is actually very good too, he is handsome, and I also think he is not that hateful!"

"Because others are'self-defeating eight hundred and hurting the enemy and one thousand ~ he is'self-harming one thousand and hurting the enemy eight hundred.' His injuries are heavier than others, right? Until now, the front teeth. I haven't made it up yet. Isn't your speech leaking?"

"I think he doesn't hate the basketball team, but the envious of the basketball players. He also wants to play basketball, but he hasn't been here for such a long time. He hastily returned and can't afford to make a living. He is a man with strong self-esteem."

"Mu Gangxian, who was fighting against him at the time, has now become the absolute core of the Xiangbei team. The gap is really too big. It's me, and I don't want to come back!"

"I hope he has a good ending. By the way, can he come back? Is he better than Gong Yan?"

"Not necessarily. After all, I haven't played for two years. I don't know if the foundation is still there..."

"Coach Anxi seems to be here..."

"I really hope to see the next words, and I am a little excited. How would Shan Jing Shou meet Coach Anxi's reaction."


Although Shan Jing Shou is the villain in this plot, a few words about his past, readers' attitude towards him, has undergone a 180 degree change.

Xi Muhan relayed the online comments to Shen Xin, who nodded.

In his view, it should be relatively normal for readers to have this kind of change. In other words, Mitsui Hisui might not have been a resident character because there was a logical bug in him.

After seeing coach Anzai, Shou Mitsui officially returned to the basketball team, which means that he did not reject the basketball team from the heart. As long as Coach Anzai has looked for Kotobuki Mitsui in the past two years, it is impossible for him not to come.

In other words, coach Anzai has not taken the initiative to find Shou Shan in the past two years. This does not match the character of Coach Anzai. Moreover, Shou Mitsui is an mvp in the middle school league and a star player of the Xiangbei basketball team. Such an important person leaves the team without authorization, and he is not very suitable as a coach.

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