My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 989: Annual meeting

On January 4, "ComicFuture" held its annual meeting as usual.

During the first few years when Shen Xin came to "ComicFuture", he would go almost every time, but since the "DN" serialization, he rarely went again.

The annual meeting was originally a place to meet new cartoonists. You can meet many interesting people, but here is also ranked according to seniority. The older cartoonists care about what others think of them.

Shen Xin belongs to a different kind here.

He is not too old, and the performance of comics started from "Gang Lian", just carrying "ComicFuture". Therefore, no one judges seniority in front of him. Moreover, he has never served as an assistant to other cartoonists. Seniority is difficult to arrange.

In addition, if he is a dojo, he will undoubtedly become the focus of everyone, and those cartoonists who want to use this opportunity to deal with other companies will inevitably be affected.

But as he said before, if he does not communicate with other cartoonists for a long time, he will have a sense of isolation from the cartoon circle.

Therefore, it is also necessary to keep a proper distance from the circle.

Xi Muhan had been serialized in "ComicFuture" before, and Lu Ning chose to serialize "The Gate of Destiny" on Light Reading. Several other assistants are also coloring "DN".

Only Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei did not come to the studio. As for the reason, the two of them also need some private space to make a meeting together, have a meal, and watch a movie.

Since "" was officially serialized, the two people have indeed rarely had separate activities.

The hotel hosting the party is still in Junhao Hotel, and Shen Xin is not here for the first time.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Shen Xin and others entered the holding hall of the annual meeting.

As soon as he entered the hall, people who knew Shen Xin called out "Mr. Shen", and almost everyone's eyes fell on Shen Xin.

Shen Xin was a little uncomfortable. After all, so many people looked at him, it would be somewhat uncomfortable, but he still smiled and greeted these people.

"I thought you wouldn't come? Teacher Shen." Bao Jiyi, who was wearing gold glasses with a big back, came over, followed by Shang Haozhi and Yu Chen.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time." Shen Xin shook hands with the three people one by one, and then joked, "The annual meeting has been held for so long, I thought you would change the model?"

"Don't tell me, we really have this plan. For example, we will cooperate with the TV station and appear in the form of a party. At that time, it should be commended and given a speech. But the one who lacks the finale, or else, will you come over next year?" Bao Jiyi Smiled.

"Forget it." Shen Xin waved his hand and smiled. "Fame or something is better for others."

He is not on TV, and it has little to do with the sales of "". The better promotion is animation. Now the animation plan of "" has not come out, he is not in a hurry.

In fact, in order to avoid too much interference from the outside world, he has always tried to avoid the media. Otherwise, he will have no time to paint and it will be easier for him to turn his energy to lace news.

"That's OK... let's talk at that time? Wait a minute, can you say a few words? It's not easy to come here, don't say it's inappropriate." Yu Chen was full of expectations.

"Then say a few words." Shen Xin couldn't refute Yu Chen's face, so he agreed.

"Also, Mr. Xi, you haven't had any new works for a long time. What are you going to produce?" Yu Chen moved his gaze to Xi Muhan again.

"Huh? Me?" Xi Muhan didn't expect Yu Chen to turn the topic to her, and few people called her "Teacher Xi", and didn't react for a while.

"Yes. "Ding Shi" was once a pedestal-level comic of "ComicFuture". I am looking forward to Mr. Xi's lower work." Yu Chen said this in his heart, but actually didn't hold much hope in his heart. After all, Shen Xin's current work For her worth, she really doesn't need to create comics anymore.

"That... I have been thinking about it, but Sister Lu is still painting "The Gate of Destiny", I want to wait a little longer," Xi Muhan said.

Yu Chen just wanted to find another partner, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed again.

The cooperation between Lu Ning and Xi Muhan has already achieved results, and the two have a close relationship, and it is easier to discuss the plot, and then find a collaborator again, which is not appropriate.

Listen to the news over there, "Stone of Destiny" is expected to end this year, and there is no time to wait.

Yu Chen called Wu Xiaoli again, "Teacher Xi has been creating recently. If you have time, please help."

Shen Xin could not need to be the editor in charge of the magazine, but Xi Muhan and Lu Ning could not.

"Mr. Shen, you have poached two editors, Xiaoli, you can't dig any more." Yu Chen smiled bitterly.

Shen Xin chuckled and nodded slightly.

He inherited Shang Haozhi in the aspect of digging people.

After the three greeted Shen Xin, they left first. The heads of animation companies, game companies, and toy manufacturers swarmed Shen Xin and handed in business cards.

Perhaps, for the time being, there is no chance to cooperate, it does not mean that there will be no future. Besides, a business card is nothing but Shen Xin.

These people had just left, and some cartoonists who had a good relationship with Shen Xin gathered around again, and Shen Xin also inquired about the current situation of these people.

Li Jie, who used to be Shen Xin's assistant, also leaned over. When Shen Xin was free, he briefly talked about the current situation.

"Teacher, I'm reading the serialized comics lightly. It's not bad for the time being. I can guarantee my daily expenses, and the pamphlet has also been published, and I am now negotiating about animation." Li Jie stood in front of Shen Xin, more like a student reporting to study.

This may be the best news Shen Xin heard tonight.

In fact, he has always had a knot, that is, among his assistants, only Lu Ning has become a more famous professional cartoonist. Although Li Jie can't compare with Lu Ning, since the animation is negotiating, it shows that the results of the new work are good, and there may be a wider way to go in the future.

Web comics are also a good platform for people like Li Jie who are eager to prove themselves.

After a brief "report" to Shen Xin, Zuo Yuan took a breath and asked for a glass of pure water with ice.

Not far away, Luo Zheng followed Ye Hexu with an impatient expression, "Can't you think of an idea for me?"

"I'm not good at idol comics, what do you want me to think? As for the transition, you can discuss with Xu Jie, he is your editor." Ye Hexu held the plate, used a fork to fork a piece of pineapple, and put it into his mouth. Here, "Otherwise, you can ask Mr. Shen. Love, sports, enthusiasm, evil ways... He has dabbled in various themes, and his grades are very good. Even the most popular "Y's" can kill the most in seconds. Some cartoonists."

"He can't do it, right? Even if he is strong, he may not be able to do comics like music and idols." Luo Zheng shook his head.

He doesn't believe that Shen Xin can be proficient in all types of comics, not to mention that Shen Xin has never touched on this subject.

"Ms. Shen can't do it, don't you know if you ask?" Zuo Yuan turned around and looked at Luo Zheng, feeling a little unhappy.

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