The pole was on the side, and after just seeing the stick that appeared in Coron’s hand, the cat’s eyes also showed a look of shock.

Where did that thing come from?

What surprised the pole even more was still to come.

I saw a flame of light suddenly appear on that scepter.

The flame of light quickly covered Ligil’s body.

The pole is a little confused.

How many meanings?

Then, the pole was surprised to find out….

Ligier’s injury is recovering rapidly.

In addition, the tail behind Ligier has gradually grown from 6 to 9.

In less than a few seconds, Migil’s injuries fully recovered, and even his hair became shinier than before.

The pole was stunned.

“Thank you Coron.” Ligel quickly thanked him.

Coren smiled slightly and looked at the pole again.

The pole’s face changed again and again, and he couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

“Don’t be afraid, I have no malice.” Coren smiled, “Come, learn to talk with me, I’ll teach you.” ”

“Coron…” Ligill swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said quickly.

“You shut up.” Coren reprimanded in a low voice.

Ligil: “…”

Coren looked at the pole again with a smile.

The pole also looked directly at Coren without fear.

“Let’s start with simple words.” Coren smiled and said, “Read along – black fertilizer!” ”

Pole: “…”

At the heart of the pole, 10,000 grass mud horses passed by.


Your whole family is black fertilizer.

The pole turned around and left.

Bully me can’t speak, right?

“Hey? Don’t go.” Coren was stunned.

The pole ran faster, increased the speed to the extreme, and jumped directly over the wall into another yard.

Coren looked at the departing pole and showed a thoughtful expression.


Why did I say black fertilizer and he ran away?

The next moment, Coren looked down at Ligil.

Ligil: “…”

“What did you just say?” Coren asked.

“Coron… I told him about black fertilizer…” Ligill wiped his sweat.

“I said,” Coren sighed, “I thought I could have fun, but I made you mess with Yaxing.” ”

“Sorry… I’m sorry…” Ligel quickly apologized.

“What are you still stunned for? Hurry up and call back. Coren reprimanded, “Don’t you feel embarrassed to let such a small cat bully?” ”

“Yes!” Ligel nodded vigorously, and hurriedly rushed towards the other courtyard.

“It’s boring… See what Weiss is doing? Isn’t it time to study food again? Coren sighed and walked towards Ves’s courtyard.

As soon as he entered Vese’s yard, Coren smelled a strange smell.

What does this smell like?

Why is it so weird?

“Hey, Weiss.” Coren greeted.

“Is it Coron?” Weiss pushed open the window, stuck his head out and greeted Coron, “Aren’t you out playing?” ”

“Just came back, I heard that my father brought back two cats from outside.” Coren smiled.

“You’re really well-informed.” Weiss smiled, “However, it seems that my Beerus is still more spiritual, and I haven’t taught him anything, he has already defeated your Ligil.” ”

“You saw it all?” Coren wiped his sweat.

“Such a fierce battle, you have to take a look.” Weiss smiled.

“Is this cat self-taught?” Coren thought thoughtfully.

“It should be, it is said that his destruction left bruises on his father’s hands without his father’s attention.” Weiss said with a smile.

“What do you say? Is there such a thing? Coren was slightly taken aback.

“It was my father’s own mouth.” Ves replied.

“If that’s the case, Ligier is in danger…” Coron’s face changed.

Weiss looked calm, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, evoking a shallow arc.

“But it’s okay, Ligill has also been beaten by me so many times, and it is obviously unlikely that he wants to be killed by that cat.” Coren smiled.

“That’s true, too.” Weiss nodded.

“Don’t talk about them.” Coren smiled and immediately changed the subject, “Weiss, have you heard?” After a while, Lord Father may have to help Lord Quan Wang divide the universe. ”

“Divide the universe?” Weiss was stunned.

“When the universe first opened, my father felt that there was only one universe and it was obviously a bit lonely, so he decided to divide more than a dozen universes.” Coren smiled.

“Do you want to divide so many universes?” Weiss was a little surprised.

“yes, basically deciding that an angel is in charge of a universe.” Coren smiled.

“Angels… Is it responsible for managing a universe? Weiss was stunned.

“The exact situation has not been fully decided.” Coren shook his head.

“Do you want to divide 12 universes?” Weiss asked again, “Isn’t it a bit much?” ”

“There may be more than 12.” Coren smiled slightly.

“There are 6 of our siblings, 6 fathers and 6 adopted children, and more… Do you want to invite other angels over? Weiss asked.

“It seems to mean that.” Coren nodded, “Actually, I’m looking forward to this day, an angel is responsible for managing a universe, and when the time comes, we will compare with each other, whose universe will develop faster.” ”

“I’m still interested in eating…”

“We angels don’t need to eat.” Coren wiped his sweat.

You’re a pure foodie.

“Although we angels don’t need to eat, it doesn’t prevent me from enjoying food.” Weiss said with a smile.


In another courtyard.

At this time, the pole was already carefully hidden.

This one can’t be fought.

I finally broke off the fox’s tail three times.

It turned out that the guy named Coren picked up.

Not only that, Coren also recovered the fox’s physical strength.

I’m also going to make a yarn.

I’d better keep a low profile.

Not long after the pole was hidden, Ligill also chased in from a distance.

Ligier sniffed his nose and looked around for the figure of the pole.

It’s just that the pole is relatively short, and it’s really not easy to find him.

“Hey, Rumsey!” Ligier shouted at the top of his voice.

The pole was stunned.

Who is this goods called?

That’s what I thought.

“Ligier! What are you coming to my territory for? A rough voice rang out from inside a house next to the pole.

The pole was taken aback.

I’ll go!

There are people in this house.

The pole hurriedly hid.

Could it be that this is another son of the Great Priest?


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