After the Great Priest got the news, the idea of appointing the God of Destruction was also born.

Letting these pets of the angels succeed to the position of destroyer god is the best choice.

After all, these little pets, under the teaching of angels, also have the qualifications to become gods.

The Great Priest has been thinking about what kind of divine position they have given all these years.

For now, God of Destruction is the best option.

Where there is creation, there is destruction.

In this way, the universe will reach equilibrium.

At the same time, the Grand Priest also developed two new skills based on the cat fist collected by Konick in the early years, that is, the crippled extreme skill of Xiangpa and Beerus.

One is called the Freedom Extreme.

One is called ego extreme.

What Freedom Seeks is a state of spiritual emptiness, allowing oneself to become one with nature and even the entire universe.

The Great Priest suddenly felt that the Freedom Extreme he had created was very suitable for angelic cultivation.

And, in principle, angels themselves possess some powers of self-interest.

For example: the ability to automatically dodge.

Able to avoid various dangers on its own.

To give a simple example, if something hits an angel, the angel does not need to go through the brain response, and will dodge the danger through the muscles on its own.

And the self-extremity pursues an extreme.

Especially for self-destructive intentions, as long as you don’t think about anything, just want to destroy, your destructive ability will be greatly improved.

The High Priest then passed on these two sets of self-developed skills to all the angels and destroyers.

Beerus: “…”

Xiangpa: “…”

Beerus and Elephant Pa suddenly felt that the two sets of skills given to us by the Great Priest…

How is it similar to our Jiyi Gong?

“It’s a lot like the kind of cat fist you practice, right?” The Grand Priest looked at Beerus with a smile.

Beerus did not dare to speak.

After so many tens of thousands of years, Beerus knew how strong the Great Priest was.

Beerus, not the kitten he used to be.

As for the destruction of his home planet, Beerus also knew that it was a natural phenomenon.

It’s not a ghost from the Great God Mine.

“It’s very similar, the cultivation methods in this world are actually the same, there is nothing unusual.” The Great Priest smiled.

“That’s how it is.” Beerus understood.

Beerus didn’t actually think much of it.

In Beerus’s opinion, how could a guy as powerful as the Great Priest plagiarize his own extreme skill?

Eleventh Universe.

Destroy the God Realm.

At this moment, in the Destruction God Realm of the Eleventh Universe, a guest was welcomed.

“Hahaha, Dougs, long time no see.” Tiger, the god of destruction of the eleventh universe, stepped forward and gave Doug a hug.

Tiger is a white tiger.

After so many years of cultivation, he had already turned into a human form.

Now Tiger has the head of a tiger, the body of a human.

Doug was a dog and is now in shape.

Dog-headed man.

“Dougs, what wind is blowing you? Is there something to find me? Tiger asked.

“Can’t I come to you if there’s nothing wrong?” Dougs smiled.

“You wouldn’t be trying to fight me, would you?” Tiger said with a smile.

“How is that possible? I’m no match for you. Dougs laughed dryly.

“You’re still so stubborn, Dougs.” Tiger patted Douggs on the shoulder.

The two Destroyers chatted for a moment.

At this time, Macharita came out of the castle in the distance.

“Hi Macarita, long time no see.” Dougs waved his hand.

“It’s Lord Dougs.” Macarita nodded slightly, “Didn’t Sava come with a piece?” ”

The reason why the word “adult” was added after the destruction of the god was also decided after consultation with many angels.

The angels decided to give the god of destruction enough face.

Anyway, they’ve been following us for so many years.

“He had something to do and didn’t come.” Dougs replied.

“You guys talk, leave me alone.” After Makarita greeted, she went to work on her own.

The two gods of destruction were idle and idle, and finally decided to go to Beerus.

“In other words, I haven’t seen Beerus for a long time, you can go to him, and by the way, see the appearance of their universe.” Tiger nodded, “Speaking of which, I have never been to the seventh universe.” ”

“I haven’t been there either, I’ve been in my own universe all these years.” Douggs smiled.

“So, let’s go now.” Tiger suggested, and said to Macarita, “Macarita, let’s go to the seventh universe, will you come with me?” ”

“I’m not going, if you go to the sixth universe, I may consider going with you.” Makarita thought for a moment and shook her head.

Me and the Wess guy don’t have much fun.

If you go to Bardos, you can go and have fun.

“Let’s go, Dougs.” Tiger greeted.

Douggs nodded.


The purple-red light flames on the two destruction gods bloomed, turned into two rays of light, and soon disappeared into the void, disappearing without a trace.

After entering the universe, Dougs directly penetrated a huge planet with his own body.


The planet had a Big Bang at that time, and immediately became the dust of the universe.

“Dougs, what are you doing?” Tiger said with a dark face.

“How about destroying a planet for you?” Doug laughed.

“This kind of thing doesn’t need your help at all, you want to destroy, go to your own universe to destroy!” Tiger said angrily.

“I can already see that the planet is indeed within the scope of destruction.” Doug smiled and said, “It’s just a matter of raising my hand, I didn’t mess around.” ”

Tiger didn’t say anything more.

Indeed, that planet is already on the list of destroyed.

It’s only a matter of time before it’s destroyed.

There is nothing remarkable about destroying it now.

“Phew! Shout! ”

The two gods of destruction sped up the flight.

“Before we know it, we have become so powerful that we can now easily burst a planet with one punch.” Doug got a little carried away.

“Yes, after all, we have lived for more than 4 million years.” Tiger sighed.

“Four million years … It has long been known that following angels can lead to immortality. Douggs said with a smile.

“Don’t be happy too early, the universe is so big, maybe some terrible guys will be born one day.” Tiger shook his head.

“Birth of scary guys? Are you kidding me? No matter how strong it is, can we destroy God as strong? Douggs didn’t believe it.

“Let me tell you the truth, in our eleventh universe, there is a guy who is very strong…”

“Strong? How strong is it? Is it more powerful than you? Doug was stunned.

“Although not as strong as me, this guy’s talent is really good, and I think in time, it may reach a level similar to me.” Tiger mused.

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