“What do you want?” Tiger was immediately ready for battle.

“Don’t be afraid, I just wanted to ask you, where are there human beings who are similar to me?” Yuandong asked.

“A human similar to you?” Tiger was stunned.

A human very similar to you?

No kidding.

Is there really a human being like you?

Doug and I are both gods of destruction!

Douggs was also punched by you.

“I… I’m not familiar with this universe… This is not my universe…” Tiger immediately replied, “If you go to my universe, I can find you a human who looks similar to you.” ”

“Your universe? That’s your territory, right? Is it far away? Yuan Dong asked.

“Yes, it took more than three hours to fly at my speed.” Tiger replied.

“Three hours … Indeed far enough. Yuan Dong nodded thoughtfully and asked, “Then, whose territory is this again?” ”

“Here it is… Beerus’s territory…,” Tiger replied.

“Beerus? Is it famous? Yuandong asked.

“This… It’s okay…,” Tiger laughed dryly.

“Where is he?” Yuandong asked.

“He he he … He’s destroying the God Realm…” said Tiger quickly.

“Destroying the God Realm? So this guy named Beerus is also the God of Destruction? Yuan Dong smiled, “God of Destruction? God who specializes in destruction? ”

“You can understand that…” Tiger was about to cry.

You have a lot of questions.

After you hurry up and ask, I will leave here well.

This guy is terrible.

How can there be such a terrifying character on this side of the seventh universe?

“Where is the God Realm of Destruction? Do you know the exact location? Yuandong asked.

“Fly all the way in this direction, you can see a layer of golden clouds, through the golden clouds, you can reach the God of Destruction Realm.” Tiger pointed to Yuandong’s side rear.

“You’re not going to lie to me, are you?” Yuan Dong looked at Tiger.

“Nope! How dare I lie to you? Tiger shook his head vigorously.

“Okay, then I’ll take a look.” Yuan Dong nodded lightly and turned around.

Tiger breathed a slight sigh of relief.

It seems that nothing should happen in a short time, right?

You hurry up and go.

You’re here I’m scared.

“I accidentally blew up your friend just now, I’m really sorry, I really didn’t know he was so brittle.” Yuan Dong sighed.

“It’s okay… He’s not my friend…” said Tiger quickly.

“Then, goodbye.” Yuan Dong glanced back at Tiger.

“Goodbye…” Tiger waved his hand mechanically.


Yuan Dong sped away in the direction Tiger was pointing.

Destroying the God Realm?

It seems very interesting.

The guy named Beerus probably knows where humans exist.

Well, ask him and go.


Yuan Dong sped up.

Seeing that Yuan Dong had run away, Tiger’s hanging heart was also put down.

The next moment, Tiger did not dare to delay any longer, and immediately rushed towards his eleventh universe.

The seventh universe is terrible.

I’m going to go back quickly.

Also, Did Douggs just die?

I wonder if Savoie can resurrect him?


This time, Tiger did not dare to delay time, for fear that the terrible person would catch up.

Tiger increased his speed to the extreme, and the purple-red light flame on his body bloomed, and soon disappeared.


Yuan Dong flew for a while, but his stomach growled.

I’m so hungry.

This is special!

If I can’t find something, will I starve to death?

Master, you are also too pitted.

I’m half-invincible, and if I starve to death, it’s too much.

Right now….

Yuan Dong felt that it seemed a little difficult for him to fly to that Destroying God Realm.

Don’t fly halfway, find nothing to eat on the way, and starve to death in this place they call the universe.

That’s really enough of the egg pain.

No, let’s find something to eat first.

Or don’t go to humans.

Yuan Dong looked around for a suitable planet to see if he could find something to eat on it.

Flew for a while more.

Yuan Dong finally saw a blue ball.

This ball is particularly eye-catching in this universe.

This ball is so good-looking.

It’s even better than the green ball I was in.

Listen to these two demons, these balls are called planets?

It seems to be interesting.

Go check it out.

That God of Destruction Realm will go back later.

Fill your stomach first.


Yuan Dong sped towards where the blue planet was.

It didn’t take long for Yuan Dong to appear on this planet.

On the planet, there are quite a few huge monsters.

Especially those huge apes are more conspicuous.

Yuan Dong guessed that in a few years, these apes would become the masters of the planet.

It’s just a pity ….

On a planet with such a beautiful environment, no humans appeared.

Yuan Dong soon circled the blue planet.

Yuan Dong caught a monster that could not be named, roasted it directly and ate it.

I’m semi-invincible now….

I can actually eat a monster three times my size in one meal.

It’s really enough to eat.

When I’ve slept enough for 200 million years, I won’t have to worry about food anymore.

When I become truly invincible, I can skip eating.

After eating this monster, the sky gradually darkened.

Yuan Dong yawned.

This is special!

I feel a little sleepy every time I finish eating.

Am I eating too much?

If not….

Get some sleep again?

The environment of this planet is so beautiful, it is more suitable for sleeping.

Yuan Dong said sleep and sleep.

Sleep until invincible as soon as possible.

Otherwise, you have to worry about eating.

When I’m truly invincible, I won’t have to eat.

Even if you eat, it’s just to enjoy the delicious food.

Yuan Dong found a more suitable position, a position that was difficult to be harassed by monsters, and turned on the sleeping state again.

This time, Yuandong decided to sleep until he was invincible!

Sleep until you are truly invincible and wake up again.

It seems that in less than 100 million years I will become truly invincible.

Yuan Dong felt a little excited when he thought about it.

I’ve been sleeping for over 100 million years.

Sleep for less than 100 million years.

Yuan Dong soon fell into a deep sleep.

Just when Yuan Dong fell asleep not long ago.

Tiger has finally returned to the Destroyer Realm of the Eleventh Universe.

After coming to his territory, Tiger’s hanging heart was finally relaxed.

“Lord Tiger, are you back so soon?” Makarita was slightly stunned, looked at Tiger and asked, “Huh? What happened? You seem to be terrified… Was it stimulated by Lord Beerus? ”

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