“What for?” Yuandong asked.

“Of course, I glued this cracked dragon ball, otherwise how can I grant my wish?” Bulma immediately said, “Let you take it, I’ll put the glue on.” ”

“Uh… This way. Yuan Dong figured it out, “Can this thing glue the Dragon Ball?” ”

“Why don’t you understand anything?” Bulma wiped the sweat and applied the glue to the cracked dragon ball, applying evenly.

Immediately afterwards, Bulma put the two dragon balls together and put them to her mouth and sighed softly.

After Yuan Dong saw Bulma like this, he felt that she was very cute.

This little girl is quite interesting.

“Glued.” Bulma Dao.

“It doesn’t feel as seamless as it used to be.” Yuan Dong commented thoughtfully.

“Are you okay with that? Did you crack it? Bulma huffed.

“You spit on Xingzi sprayed my face…” Yuan Dong said.

Bulma: “…”

“I hope I can fool through, what I’m most worried about now is that the Divine Dragon can’t be summoned… Then we’ll be busy in vain. Bulma sighed.

“We? I didn’t promise you to go with you to find that Dragon Ball. Yuan Dong shook his head.

What Dragon Balls to find?

There are still 8 years to be invincible.

Is it bad to have this time to sleep?

Yuan Dong felt that this thing must be deceptive.

Even if you can fulfill your wishes, you probably have a limited amount of wishes that can be fulfilled.

Just as the earth is so weak, what kind of dragon can still make people invincible?

Yuan Dong did not believe it.

Also, the huge dragon ball that I saw when I woke up about 100 million years ago.

Dragon Balls as huge as a planet.

Yuandong felt that that kind of Dragon Ball fulfilled his wish, and if he didn’t get it, it would really make people invincible.

But certainly not as strong as my invincibility.

That’s what I call true invincibility.

If that Dragon Ball from 100 million years ago can fulfill my invincible wish, why am I still fine?

So, this thing is also making up stories to make girls happy, right?

“Nope! You broke my Dragon Balls! You have to follow me to find the Dragon Balls. Bulma crossed her small man’s waist and said to Yuan Dong breathlessly.

“I want to sleep.” Yuan Dong said, “In 8 years, I will be invincible.” ”

“That doesn’t work either.” Bulma snorted.

“I’ll marry you in 8 years, okay?” Yuandong asked.

Bulma: “…”

Bulma’s face turned red at that time.

Can you talk properly?

Why do you say you want to marry me?

How do you make me answer?

“No kidding!” Bulma shouted.

“I’m not kidding, how old are you?” Yuan Dong asked, “It looks like you are 16 years old, right?” ”

“You can really guess, guess accurately.” Bulma laughed dryly, “What about you? How old are you? ”

“Although I have slept for 200 million years, my actual age is actually a little over 18 years old, close to 19 years old.” Yuan Dong replied.

“Slept for 200 million years… You say you’re only 19 years old? Bulma looked helpless, “I don’t even know how to take it, is your math taught by a physical education teacher?” ”

“What math? What PE teacher? Yuan Dong was stunned, “I have never heard these words you said.” ”

Bulma: “…”

Can’t chat.

“Forget it, it’s not important.” Bulma snorted, “Even if you want to sleep, you go to that car and sleep well, I’ll drive… You shouldn’t open either. ”

“Sleep in there?” Yuan Dong was slightly startled and glanced at the green car.

“Be content, how good it is to have a big beauty like me with you.” Bulma said with a smile.

Anyway, let’s take this person with you to find Dragon Ball.

You still have 8 years to sleep and you will be invincible.

Just sleep.

Anyway, if you encounter some beast, I will throw you out as bait.

Hee-hee, I’m so smart.

“That’s fine.” Yuan Dong nodded, but did not object.

There are only 8 years left.

That is, another nap.

Yuan Dong got into the car directly and came to the cab.

Bulma: “…”

“Are you going to drive?” Bulma asked, tilting her head.

“What driving?” Yuan Dong asked rhetorically.

“You sit over there.” Bulma pointed to the co-pilot and then to the back of the car, “Aren’t you going to sleep?” You can also sleep in the back. ”

“It’s okay, I don’t have high requirements for sleeping, I can fall asleep anywhere.” Yuan Dong moved his butt and came to the co-pilot.

“Whatever you want.” Bulma nodded.

“Well, are you going to find the second Dragon Ball next?” Yuandong asked.

“I’ve found the second Dragon Ball, this one is the five-star Dragon Ball I found in the valley to the north 10 days ago.” Bulma said, feeling out another dragon ball from the small bag he was carrying, and shook it in front of Yuandong.


As soon as Yuan Dong raised his hand, he grabbed the dragon ball.

You’re still dangling in front of me.

Bulma: “…”

“Hey, don’t crack this dragon ball too!” Bulma was startled and hurriedly said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll just take a look, and I seem to like to break things.” Yuan Dong sighed, and took the dragon ball to look at it carefully, nodded and said, “Well, there are indeed 5 stars in it.” ”

“Huh? It’s really not easy to find seven, we still have a long way to go. “Now let’s go find the third dragon ball, and the third dragon ball is in this mountainous area, not far from here.” ”

Bulma glanced at the Dragon Ball radar again and started the car.

“What is it?” Yuan Dong came over.

“This is Dragon Ball Radar.” Bulma grinned, “I’m a genius girl, I invented it myself.” I made this radar based on the faint radio waves emitted by the Dragon Ball, and you see, these two are the ones we’ve found, in the center. ”

“Weak radio waves… It should be a special energy fluctuation. Yuan Dong guessed.

“It can be understood that way.” Bulma nodded.

“Your instrument is quite advanced… When you say that, I did sense the presence of Dragon Ball in that position. Yuan Dong pointed straight ahead.

“Sensed… The existence of Dragon Ball? Bulma was stunned.

“That’s right.” Yuan Dong nodded, “Since it is a special energy fluctuation, it can be sensed.” ”

“Whatever you want.” Bulma shook her head, “We’re going.” ”

With that, Bulma stepped on the accelerator in gear.

The car started and headed ahead.

“What do you call that? Cars? Yuandong asked.

Bulma: “…”

“Yes, cars.” Bulma nodded.

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