“Okay, I know, I will convey this matter to Yuandong as soon as possible, and then take him to you.” The god wiped his sweat and sighed again, “But the problem is that the snake road is so long… Does Yuan Dong have the ability to go to your planet? Or even if you can go, it will be half a year or even a year later, right? When the time really came, everything was dead. ”

“This is also…” Sun Wukong wanted to cry.

“Anyway, I’ll ask Yuandong first.” The god looked helpless.


A certain mountainous area.

“What just happened? Why did it suddenly turn dark in broad daylight? Sun Gohan looked up at the sky and muttered in a low voice.

Dunzi also glanced up at the sky, but did not take it seriously.

When it turns black, it becomes black.

It doesn’t matter if the planet is destroyed.

Well, after 10 months of cultivation, I feel that my Extreme Intention Gong has achieved a lot.

I’ll be able to go back in a few days.

I’ll say goodbye to the next time the master comes.


At this moment, Vic sped in from a distance and landed beside Son Gohan.

“Uncle Vick? You okay? Sun Gohan hurriedly asked.

Vic : “…”

Vic was originally quite good, but when Sun Gohan asked like this, he felt that the whole person was not good.

What do you call me?

I would have been fine.

Vic snorted.

“If nothing else, it should be the Shenlong appeared.” Vic turned to Son Gohan and said, “In other words, your father should be resurrected.” ”

“Huh? Is my dad resurrected? That’s great. Sun Gohan was excited for a while.

“Or to put me another way, the Saiyans should arrive sooner than we think, maybe tomorrow.” Vic said quietly.

“Okay, I see, Uncle Bike.” Sun Gohan nodded solemnly.

“Are you ready for battle? Gohan! Vic said.

“Yes! I’ll come on, Uncle Bike! Son Gohan nodded again.

Dunzi glanced at Bick and Son Gohan.


I remember that we also had Saiyans in the sixth universe.

Are Saiyans coming to Earth?

What did the Saiyans come to Earth for?

It seems to be coming to find this little douding their trouble.

I remember that the Saiyans of our universe were still relatively kind-hearted.

Could it be that the Saiyans on this side of the seventh universe are different from ours?

It’s possible.


I did sense that in the distant starry sky, two strands of energy were speeding towards the earth.

It is estimated that it will arrive on Earth tomorrow.

So, you can eat melons tomorrow?

Practicing all day is quite boring.

It’s finally time to relax.



The god hesitated, and immediately flew down, flying towards the headquarters of the Universal Capsule Group.

It didn’t take long for Tenjin to appear in the courtyard of the headquarters of the Universal Capsule Group.

The sudden visit of the god startled Bulma.

Bulma subconsciously thought that this guy was the Great Demon King of Bike.

However, Bulma soon recognized the gods.

“You… Are you a god? Bulma breathed a sigh of relief.

Tenjin: “…”

You just recognize it.”

We have seen it at the world’s first martial arts conference.

“It startled me, I thought that Vic who was killed by Goku before has been resurrected… You two look too alike. Bulma said.

“What about Yuandong? Miss Bccj. Tenjin asked.

“You came to find Yuandong? When did you meet Yuandong? Bulma was stunned.

“It’s not important, is he home?” Tenjin asked.

“Isn’t this the god of the earth? How did you have time to come to me? Yuan Dong came over from a distance and greeted the Heavenly God with a smile.

“Here’s the thing…” the god told Yuan Dong about what happened to Sun Wukong, and said with a wry smile, “The Saiyans will arrive on Earth tomorrow, can you go to the Realm King and find a way to resurrect Goku.” ”

“Resurrection?” Yuan Dong was slightly startled, “Can’t the Divine Dragon resurrect people who have died twice?” ”

“Ahem… yes…” Tenjin wiped his sweat.

Bulma froze on the sidelines.

The god of the earth let Yuan Dong resurrect Sun Wukong?

Did I hear you wrong?

What are you kidding?

Also, how to listen to what they mean, before Yuan Dong resurrected Goku, and then punched Goku to death?

The reason for the killing was… Goku can only go to the Realm King to cultivate as a deceased.

Let me brush it off…

Bulma felt a mess in her head.

“Heavenly God, Heavenly God, the level of the divine dragon you created is not very good.” Yuan Dong said with a smile.

“It made you laugh…” the god laughed dryly.

“Okay, little things.” Yuan Dong smiled, and after saying this, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately picked up the scepter in his hand.

Sceptre: “…”

“I’ve heard Elephant Pa say that there are so many things you can do, like resurrect people or something.” Yuan Dong said to the scepter.

Tenjin was stunned.

How are you talking to a stick?

What surprised the gods even more was still to come.

I saw that the stick suddenly shook slightly, as if nodding.

The god was stunned and couldn’t help but smile.

You yourself let the stick shake, do you think I can’t see it?

“So, you go to resurrect Goku, is there a problem?” Yuandong asked.

Rocking the stick from side to side indicates that it is fine. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is a great opportunity.

Just get out of your control.

I can take the opportunity to return to Bardos.

I can’t wait to leave.

“Hey, you won’t take the opportunity to return to the sixth universe, will you?” Yuan Dong asked with a smile.

The scepter was taken aback and hurriedly denied it.

“Before I let you go back, you’d better stop, do you think if you return to Bardos, I can’t help you?” Yuan Dong looked at the scepter with a smile.

Sceptre: “…”

The scepter felt that there was nothing wrong with what Yuan Dong said.

Because the scepter obviously felt, the angelic power that Yuan Dong provided to him was more refined.

And it was still the angelic power he threw out casually.

Simply compared to the strength of the angel’s power, the scepter felt…

Bardos is not necessarily Yuandong’s opponent.

If I really go back, I will be caught by him and beaten up.

No, don’t run this time.

When he has no novelty for me, I will go back.

The scepter shook his body vigorously, indicating that he would never run away.

“Then, you go and resurrect Sun Wukong, and after resurrecting him, you will come back.” Yuan Dong ordered into the scepter.

“Is Yuan Dong talking to this stick?” Tenjin asked Bulma.

“yes… Been talking to this stick these days … I feel like this stick has become fine. Bulma nodded.

“And this kind of thing?” Tenjin wipes his sweat.

“You don’t need me to say, you also know where Sun Wukong is, right? Don’t you know everything? Yuan Dong ordered, “Go, go early and return early.” ”


The next moment, the scepter flew into the sky.


The scepter disappeared directly into the void, and disappeared in a flash.

The gods were stunned on the sidelines.

What’s going on?

The scepter was originally intended to go with the gods.

It’s just that the scepter thought about it carefully and felt that there was no need for this lower god to act with him.

I’ll just go on my own.

It was a waste of time to take this low god.

“Then give it to the stick, and you can go back, god of the earth.” Yuan Dong waved at the Heavenly God.

Tenjin: “…”

Really fake? Let that stick go to resurrect the Monkey King?

Why don’t I believe it?

But now, even if the gods don’t believe it, there is nothing they can do.

“Then I’ll go back, the Saiyans will arrive on Earth tomorrow, you all be careful.” The god instructed.

“They should be careful.” Yuan Dong smiled slightly.

The god didn’t want to speak, and slowly flew into the sky.

“Hey, wait a minute, you come down first, I forgot to tell you something.” Yuan Dong beckoned to this heavenly god.

Tenjin: “…”

Do you call a dog?

The gods had to fall.

“What’s going on? Yuandong you say. Tenjin asked.

“I am now invincible, it is said that there is no one in the entire universe who is my opponent, even if it is a god, I will easily defeat him.” Yuan Dong muttered.

Tenjin wipes his sweat.

You really dare to say it.

You say you’re invincible?

“Of course, that’s not the point.” Yuan Dong smiled.

“So… What’s the point? Tenjin was stunned for a moment and asked.

You are all invincible, do you still say that this is not the point?

“I want to get myself a title, what do you think is the right name?” Yuan Dong looked at the god and asked.

“Title?” The god was stunned again.

“Bulma, think about it too.” Yuan Dong turned his head to look at Bulma again.

“Title?” Bulma was also stunned.

“It’s like the great priest, the king, the god of destruction, or something.” Yuan Dong explained, “But these three titles have already been used, and they don’t feel domineering, I mean I want a more domineering title.” ”

Bulma: “…”

Tenjin: “…”

The two laughed awkwardly and wiped their sweat.

I want a domineering title.

O great priest he just said, O all kings…

It really doesn’t seem domineering enough.

God of Destruction?

It seems quite domineering…

But it feels so-so.

Tenjin and Bulma looked at each other.

If not, just fulfill him, just give him one.

“Actually, I feel the most domineering is not… Emperor like in ancient times…,” Bulma mused.

“Yes, Miss Bulma is right.” Tenjin nodded gently, “How about calling the Great Emperor?” For example, the Emperor of the Universe! ”

“Cosmic Emperor?” Bulma was stunned and muttered, “I seem to have heard this name somewhere.” ”

“Someone called?” Yuan Dong was slightly startled.

The title of Universe Emperor seems to be good.

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