The taste was so beautiful that he looked at it and found that the pier had disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the taste was so delicious that cold sweat broke out on his back.

Wei Mei clearly sensed that the cat actually appeared behind him.

This guy is so fast.


Mimi turned around gorgeously, flew up and kicked towards Atsuko’s body.

Dunzi gently lifted the cat’s paw and caught the kick that flew over with delicious taste.

It was so easy to catch.

“What?” Wei Mei’s face changed again and again.


The pier immediately rushed up, scratching the delicious face.

It is not very hurtful, but it is extremely insulting.

After a few seconds, thousands of blood stains appeared on Wei Meide’s face.

“Meow meow!”

Dun Zile leaned forward and back, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, and smiled even brighter.

“I can’t spare you, you little.” The taste was so beautiful that he was angry, and the purple-red light on his body bloomed.

The taste is really beaten by the grass chicken.

The taste was so beautiful that it had to use destructive energy.

“Boy, this is what you provoked me first! Destroyed by me, I can only say that your life is not good. With a wave of his hand, a destructive energy whistled in the direction of the pier.

Looking at the rapidly coming destructive energy, Dunzi chuckled.

“Snap! Syllable! Syllable! ”

The pier directly used its own claws to scratch the destructive energy that flew over.

It’s just less than 3 seconds.

The destructive energy was thus turned into fireworks by the pier.

Delicious taste: “…”

“You you you… How is this possible? The taste was stunned, and her face changed again and again.

Although the destructive energy that was just released by the taste was not much different from the one that destroyed the earth before.

But the destructive capacity has increased by a hundredfold.

Such a destructive energy if hit the core of the galaxy.

The entire galaxy would be blown up on the spot.

However, it is such a destructive energy.

But it was scratched into fireworks by a few claws of the pier.

It’s so delicious that I doubt life.

It’s been a battering day since Mimi became the God of Destruction.

Mimi considered himself a very remarkable genius before he became the God of Destruction.

And after several years of growth.

Mimi also became a very good god of destruction in the eleventh universe.

And after its own efforts, it also surpassed the previous destroyer Douggs.

This made Weimei feel confident for a while, feeling that he should be the most powerful god of destruction in the 12 universes.

Although the taste has always provoked Beerus, Beerus’ greatest hobbies are sleeping and enjoying food.

Therefore, Wei Mei has never really fought with Beerus.

However, the taste is so delicious that I have had several exchanges with Xiangpa.

Compared to Beerus, there is a slight gap in the qualifications and talents of Xiangpa.

In addition, Xiangpa is already an old god of destruction, and he no longer has such excessive pursuit of his own strength.

I have been cultivating for 100 million years, and it is still only to this extent.

No, it can’t be called to that extent.

After all, it is already an invincible existence in its own universe.

In addition to the angels, the destroying god is the most powerful.

Without an opponent, the cultivation of the God of Destruction basically lost its direction.

Therefore, today’s Destruction Gods rarely practice.

Because it’s already strong.

Do you want to surpass the angels?

And many gods of destruction clearly know …

We started out as little pets of angels.

Beyond the angels… Not quite appropriate.

Even if you surpass the angels, do you still want to surpass the Great Priest?

Obviously unlikely.

With this strength, basically these gods of destruction are already very satisfied.

But the second generation of the God of Destruction is so beautiful that he is not willing to fall behind, he wants to become stronger, he wants to become stronger.

Mimi has an ideal to make herself the strongest god of destruction.

That’s why you have the taste to challenge Xiangpa.

Now, after seeing the gap between herself and the cat, her face turned pale.

Can’t I even beat a cat?

And this guy is just the illegitimate son of Elephant Pa.

I can’t beat the son of Elephant Pa?

Wei Mei’s face changed again and again.

“Meow . . .”

The pier let out a cat bark, with endless pride in the bark.


The pier disappeared in place.

The taste was so delicious that it immediately became vigilant.

In just an instant, the pier appeared directly above where the taste was located.


The pier slapped another paw.

Weimei was also extremely quick to react, hurriedly raising her hand to try to resist the squatting paw.

“Snap!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The cat’s claw of the pier broke through Weimeide’s defense on the spot, and a paw slapped on Weimeide’s head.

Wei Meide’s head changed shape, and she lost consciousness at that time and fainted directly.


The next moment, Mitamei’s body once again fell towards Frieza planet 79 below.

“It’s really not beaten…” Dunzi shook his head, his heart excited.

I didn’t expect that after learning the master’s extreme skill, he would defeat the taste so easily?

In the past, I was on par with Weimei’s strength.

No, I should be slightly weaker than him, to be exact.

After all, after so many years, I rarely practice.

But this guy usually works hard.

So it’s normal that I’m weaker than him.

But I have only practiced the Extreme Skill for less than a year, and I can put the taste of doubt into life.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!”

Dunzi laughed happily.

Immediately afterwards, the pier glanced at the falling taste.

Ignore him.

This guy can’t die anyway.

I’ll go back first.

I don’t know where the owner took the Macarita?

While Macarita didn’t notice me, I hurried away.


The pier turned into a stream of light and sped towards the direction where the earth was.

The taste continues to fall.

At the moment when the taste was just entering the atmosphere, Frieza also flew up from below.

I have to say that Frieza, as the emperor of the universe, is still very slow in speed.

It’s been a long time since they rushed forward, and Frieza just came up.

However, just as Frieza came up, Frieza’s pupils shrank sharply and he found the taste of falling towards him.

Of course, in Frieza’s view, a flame rushed towards him.

“Abominable! Dare to sneak up on me Frieza? Frieza was all upset.

Do you think I’m prone to sneak attacks?

Do you still want to attack me Frieza?

Without the slightest hesitation, Frieza immediately stretched out his hands, trying to block the flames that flew over.

However, when the body of the delicious body gets closer and closer.

Frieza’s pupils shrank sharply, and his face changed again and again.

Not a flame!

It’s the guy just now!

How did it fall off again?

What happened up there?

Also, what is the origin of this person?

Didn’t the energy cannon cause him a trace of damage just now?

Frieza thought a lot for a moment, and then he was shocked.

Because at this time, it was too late for Frieza to dodge.

Frieza hurriedly raised his hands, trying to resist the falling taste.

Only, the moment when Frieza’s hands and delicious body just touched.

Frieza felt an extremely powerful force rushing towards him.

This extremely powerful force carried endless energy, and these energies made Frieza a little suffocated at this moment.


Frieza flew backwards and spurted blood from his mouth as he flew upside down.

The next moment, Wei Mei just carried Frieza’s body and fell towards the ground, streaking a bright light on Frieza Planet No. 79 (Wang Li Zhao).


Frieza was flabbergasted.

Frieza endured great pain, and without the slightest hesitation at this critical moment, he immediately transformed into a fourth form.

“Hmph, I will definitely block you now!” Frieza tooth.

However, the wish is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

Frieza tragically discovers that even if he turns into the fourth form, that is, the final form, he still cannot resist the tendency of the other party to fall.

“Wow, whoa!”

Frieza exerted all the strength to eat milk this time, and a huge amount of energy emerged from his body, trying to bombard this guy into slag.


An extremely powerful mass of energy in Frieza’s hands covered the taste inside.

The powerful energy slowed down the trend of the fall of delicious flavors slightly.

It’s just a little slow.

Immediately afterwards, Mimei continued to wear Frieza and fell from the air.

Frieza: “…”

Frieza was desperate.

Because of the speed, Frieza couldn’t dodge at all.

Moreover, his body seems to be sucked by this guy, and it is difficult to escape if he wants to escape.

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