My Cell Can Infinitely Evolve

Chapter 130: Entering the Great Haze Again (Modified)

June 27

I told my husband about my situation, and I told him that in order to be with him, I also transplanted worm eggs, and I became a life like his.

My husband's eyes were full of surprise, and I saw the joy in his eyes.

I am very happy that I got the approval of my husband.

My husband accepted me, and we lived happily together again.

June 29

It was the only time we went to bed in a few months.

Although his body is a little prickly, I don't care.

Because I love his soul, not his body.

However, the body of the insect is really strong.

July 13

My husband and I decided to sell the company. With the remaining money, we will build a villa where no one can find it, and live there forever.

July 21

We acted and left the city where we had been living.

August 17

Today, my husband and I had just finished cleaning up our new home, and he suddenly rushed in in a hurry.

He hugged my body and said happily that he had found a solution to our physical problems.

I saw him take out a notebook with some documents on it that I couldn't understand.

But he says someone has discovered an energy crystal that can cause benign mutations, known as evolution, to the bodies of living beings.

He said some technical terms again. I couldn't understand what he was saying, but I could feel that he was very happy.

August 18

Since then my husband has started to prepare, and I don't know what he is doing.

Just keep saying that he has the opportunity to become more perfect and get rid of this ugly life form.

Ugly? But now I think you are beautiful.


November 12

My body also mutated, and I started to look like my husband.

At this time, her husband's body had completely lost its human form, and began to develop into the form of various insects and arthropods, like a little monster.

I am the same as my husband.

But... After I told my husband he wasn't very happy.

November 26

My physical changes became more and more serious, and my husband didn't want to touch me anymore.

He scolded me and despised my appearance.

But... I didn't become like you because of you?

I don't understand, you were very happy at first.

Maybe it was wrong from the beginning, and it was wrong from the time I transplanted eggs to my husband.

All mistakes are my choices in the beginning.

December 17

My husband scolded me again. He said he didn't like the ghostly appearance I am now.


The diary in the back is very loose, just like a resentful woman.

Until April 17 of the third year.

They came to a new city and built an underground lair.

The two started their business here.

April 19

It's disgusting that my husband actually let me use my body to breed these monsters.

He said that only by being able to cultivate truly extraordinary creatures, he also said that if he succeeded, he would take me to the happy days before.

I believe you.

April 23

My husband has done a lot of experiments on me, and I feel like I'm going out of shape.

My body seems to be getting bigger and bigger, what will I be like?


The diary ends here.

Luo Fan can almost guess the following plot, it must be this woman who was used by Zhuo Haisong for experiments, and finally transformed her into a mother's nest.

The latter woman loves and hates Zhuo Haisong, so she wants to kill Zhuo Haisong and Luo Fan who killed Zhuo Haisong.

Because of his disgust for his ugly appearance, Zhuo Haisong went to extremes and became the ghost he is now.

"Alas! What a tragedy."

Luo Fan sighed, but at this time the couple was already dead.

There was nothing to pay homage to, and Luo Fan wrapped the diary with the plastic again.

He used his intestines to dig a hole in the surrounding wall, and then found a very fast stone to pave it and made a small mausoleum.

Then, he stuffed the diary inside and buried it.

"I'm leaving here, bye!"

Luo Fanchong waved his hand behind him, and then walked straight into the haze.


The fire is out, and the haze persists.

Luo Fan stepped on the hazy land again.

The surroundings are very unfamiliar, but the haze is relatively familiar to him.

He glanced back at the nest, feeling a little emotional.

Time passed quickly, and Luo Fan didn't know that he had spent several months in this lair.

All in all, he certainly spent a lot of time.

Leaving here, Luo Fan continued to move forward.

Looking for a way out of the haze, looking for a way to continue to become stronger.

Luo Fan learned from various aspects that it is not only a large number of mutant creatures that have appeared in this city.

The application of extraordinary energy started very early, and now it is not necessarily safe outside the haze.

So even if Luo Fan escaped, it would not work without the corresponding strength.

With strength, the haze can also become a paradise.

As long as there is strength, anywhere is safe.

"My mass is more than 5,000 kilograms, and I still need to continue to swallow it."

Luo Fan decided to prey on the creatures in the haze while looking for a way out of the haze to prepare for his mass increase.

After leaving the cave, he began to search in the haze.

The haze persists, and there seems to be no spring, summer, autumn and winter here.

When Luo Fan passed by, he could still see the plants on the side of the road.

"It seems to be more prosperous here than it was a few months ago, with more plants."

Luo Fan didn't know that he had been in the lair for several months, so he could only think like this.

But the fact is that the creatures in the haze do seem to have increased.

Possibly due to the influence of extraordinary energy, these plants grow very fast.

In the haze, not only animals have mutated, but plants have also mutated.

Luo Fan walked forward as usual, and suddenly, a creature appeared in his perception.

"Cracked orangutan!"

Luo Fan found another chimpanzee, but this chimpanzee was much weaker than the one that chased him back then, and its body was only 8 kilograms of bioenergy at most.

"nice one."

The cracking orangutan quickly passed by Luo Fan's side, and he didn't find Luo Fan.

But the moment Luo Fan found him, he was already dead.

Luo Fan stared at the split gorilla beast, and then quickly approached.

Just as he was about to get close, the split gorilla beast seemed to have discovered Luo Fan.

Astute, it knew that a powerful supernatural creature was approaching, and fled away in a hurry, leaving quickly in the direction away from Luo Fan.

If it escapes a certain range of Luo Fan's field of vision, Luo Fan will completely lose its trace.

Seeing this, Luo Fan also directly chased after him.

In terms of speed, the Cracked Orangutan is not up to the mark.


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