My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 199: Taking advantage of traffic

After Zui Qianzhan received Helot's instructions, he immediately contacted Forgotten Kirishima: "Are you ready to break out?"

Forgotten Kirishima: "Why so slow!"

The players in Scorched Earth City organized attacks one after another, and the outer defense line was gradually losing ground. If the angels had not suppressed them from the air, the players in Scorched Earth City would have attacked them long ago.

Drunk Qianzhan replied: "You have people in the Eight Arms Guild, and you should know that I have been mobilizing personnel. It will take time for them to get to the location, and I also need to screen to prevent the leakage of intelligence."

Forgetting Kirishima: "I don't care, but you are responsible for delaying Higashiyamamaru-sama's opportunity to break out!"

"If it is my responsibility, of course I will take it, but who is wasting time now?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, in which direction shall we break out?"

"Qiu Shui invites the Moon Immortal and Shanhai Fengshen's people to be on the south side. You guys break out towards the north gate! I will lead my men to your one o'clock direction. You charge from this side. We will only cast magic and skills towards the sky.

After you leave the city and get out of the battle, you can use the teleportation scroll to leave. "


Forgetting that Kirishima ended the call with Zuizui Qianzhan, he turned around and saluted Higashiyama Maru: "Sir, Zuizui Qianzhan has led the people to prepare. We will break out towards the one o'clock direction, and then leave Scorched Earth City from the north gate."

Dressed in Onmyoji costumes, Higashiyamaru maintained the arrogance of his noble origin even though he was under heavy siege. He said to Forgotten Kirishima: "I need someone to lead half of the personnel here to intercept the people of the Shanhai Conferred God Guild to cover my smooth transfer. Enter."

Forgotten Kirishima understood what Higashiyama Maru meant: "I am willing to stay!"

Higashiyama Maru nodded with satisfaction: "As expected of the person I admire, I leave this place to you!"

"Please don't worry, sir!"

Higashiyama Maru notified all members of the Yaqi Orochi Guild to prepare to "transfer in", and Forgotten Kirishima selected the personnel who needed to stay to be responsible for blocking.

To stop him would definitely lead to death. To abandon his subordinates, something that would tarnish his image, Higashiyama Maru, with his noble status, would definitely not be able to do it himself. The purpose of forgetting Kirishima was to memorize this disgraceful thing... He took the initiative to ask someone to stay with him to break up the aftermath.

The personnel grouping is completed!

The personnel responsible for the breakout are also in place.

Higashiyama Maru decided to pretend to be a B before "transferring in". After all, the person opposite was Qiu Shui Yue Xian, and he had to use her traffic to increase his exposure. .

I want players all over the world to see... I fought against Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian, the second best player in the world, and my defeat was not because I was weak, but because there were more people in the Shanhai Conferred Gods Guild and there were fewer people bullying me!

Sacred energy burst out. Higashiyama Maru's white onmyoji robe was blown up by the energy. His body floated. A giant lightsaber opened a hole in the roof. Higashiyama Maru flew out from the hole. .

On the roof, Higashiyama Maru was hovering in the air, with the giant lightsaber standing behind him.

Around him, senior players from the Yamata no Orochi Guild were guarding houses, using their strength to resist the attacks of Scorched Earth City players.

Most of the death legions in Scorched Earth City are on the Vampire Castle side. The players here did not take full advantage of their numerical advantage due to lack of organization. The players of the Yamata no Orochi Guild cooperated tacitly and were able to hold the line in the east, west and north directions.

On the south side is the main attack direction of the Shanhai Fengshen Guild. They are also the main force of the guild with levels and equipment. If they were not unwilling to pay too much loss, they would have rushed in front of them with all their strength.

But it was already very close.

At Higashiyama Maru's call, the angel flew close to him, and he looked at the remaining time of the angel's existence...enough to finish this B.

The angel wears a set of white-gold full-body armor. The fully covered helmet only has a slit for the eyes. The wings made of light represent that it is not a real angel, but a projection of the angelic power from heaven.

Summoning this kind of angel not only requires the sacrifice of a large amount of rare resources, but the existence time of this energy is also extremely limited.

Higashiyamamaru ordered the nearby subordinates to turn on the camera and shouted loudly: "Qiu Shuiyue Yuexian, I am Higashiyamamaru from the Yamata no Orochi Guild, do you dare to come out and fight me!"

After Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to agree to Helot's release, he retreated from the front line to the back, replenishing the buff status and medicine, and was ready to rush out to contain the angel when the people from the Yamata no Orochi Guild broke through.

She never expected that Higashiyama Maru would invite a fight at this time.

Although someone has opened a gap to support your breakout, you have gone too far!

I accidentally killed you when I went to war. Broken Bones said I didn't keep my promise. Who should I ask to reason?

But not going to fight... would also affect the face of the Shanhai Conferred God Guild.

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to think about it and decided to go out to fight. If he accidentally killed Toyama Maru, he could only blame him for seeking death!

Several professional priests from the Mountain and Sea Conferred Gods Guild applied multiple buffs to Qiu Shui Yue Xian. She flicked the reins, and the white horse under her crotch stretched out a pair of light mist-shaped wings from its shoulders and turned into a Pegasus form.

The Pegasus runs along the street, flaps its wings and flies off the ground, and then lifts up to the sky carrying the autumn water to invite the Moon Fairy.

Then it swooped down and hovered in the air.

Qiu Shuiying Yuexian wears white heavy armor and holds a spear in one hand, showing a heroic appearance.

The silver spear shines on the white horse, and the autumn water invites the moon fairy.

Qiushui invited Yuexian to appear in the sky, which slowed down the pace of the entire battlefield. Players turned on their cameras to record this exciting scene.

Of course, Higashiyama Maru was also taken into consideration.

At this time, Higashiyamamaru was wearing a bulging white robe, with a giant lightsaber standing behind him, and a majestic angel beside him, who was also imposing.

Higashiyama Maru knew that he was definitely the focus of this game now. As a man who wanted to challenge Qiushui Yueyuexian, he had to show his most heroic side.

As usual, let’s start with a verbal attack!

"Autumn water invites the Moon Fairy..."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian not to let Higashiyama Maru, who couldn't even enter the top 100 list, use her traffic, so she launched an attack when Higashikata Maru opened his mouth. Pegasus rushed in, and the silver spear pierced a golden arrow and shot towards Higashiyama Maru.

The angel reacted faster than Higashiyama Maru, holding his sword forward to smash the arrow into pieces, and then rushed towards Qiu Shui Yue Xian.

The mute Higashiyama Maru did not expect Qiu Shui Yue Xian to be so unruly, not to taunt each other first, but to start a war directly. Although he was half a beat slow, he still showed the strength that a player of this level should have. He made gestures and recited prayers at the same time.

The giant sword behind him slashed at Qiu Shuiyue Yuexian, and then shot out a cone of divine light.

The battle begins in the air.

At this time, Helot had already ridden the ghost horse out of the north gate of Scorched Earth City and was looking for a suitable ambush location. He saw the shouting in the legion channel that Qiu Shui invited Yuexian and Higashiyama Maru to fight, so he clicked on the live broadcast being played by a player in the legion.

He couldn't help but scratch his head in confusion: "Did Dongshan Wan take the wrong medicine? If you don't break out quickly, why are you and Qiu Shui inviting Yuexian to fight!"

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