My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 349 Four Stages (4000)

After chatting for a while, the two ended the call before the Soul Eater entered the Rotten King's Court.

If you go to the Rotten King's Court, it will not be so convenient to go back to the backstage world through the Old Cemetery, so Helot came out of the cemetery and arranged some things.

The work of the 13th Investigation Team is in charge of Reinham, and the work will be handed over to her when Officer Melissa returns from the Iceberg Snow Peak.

Keshia will be handed over to Anthony to teach her the rules of the human world and learn the common sense of the human world. If possible, arrange her to join the Imperial Security Bureau to participate in the security duty of the Covenant City.

There is also Jackson who risked his life to report the news. Helot asked him to join the Weasel Machinery Factory and continue to serve as a manager. While developing the market, he is also responsible for technology transfer and machinery factory expansion with the Tomorrow Group. At the same time, the Energy Department affiliated to the Weasel Machinery Factory was established, preparing to join the development project of the polar geothermal resources in the northern border.

Then Helot invested in the Weasel Machinery Factory to obtain the majority of shares, and let the factory director Red Hair Philip fully acquire the Black Gold Group industry auctioned by the Empire.

The Weasel Machinery Factory established a factory guard team, and Luna served as the captain of the guard team. Helot also introduced Luna to join the mechanical cyborg upgrade project of the Tomorrow Group, and upgraded to the second-generation mechanical cyborg funded by the Claulund Manor. At the same time, Helot added her name to the test selection list of the fourth-generation mechanical cyborg of the Tomorrow Group. Whether she can be selected depends on her physique and perseverance.

There is also the wizard Milo who came to the Covenant City to join him. Helot gave him the task of taking bread fungi to the Island Group. Improving bread fungi is the goal on the surface, and using the Island Group as a breakthrough to contact the biomedical system of the Comossos Islands is a task carried out in secret.

All signs indicate that the prisoner has a close relationship with the Comossos Islands.

The Tomorrow Group has the Northern Frontier Polar Geothermal Development Project as a ballast stone. Even if the emperor of the empire wants to move the Tomorrow Group, he must consider what kind of national strength this project can bring to the empire once it is implemented. The mother stays in the Tomorrow Group Building, and the safety issue can be assured.

If he had to come out to attend the congressional meeting, the Imperial Security Agency would be responsible for providing full protection, so Anthony would arrange for Keshiya to stay with her mother.

After Helott thought that there would be no major trouble if he left for a short period of time, he entered the origin world again.

The first stop was the dungeon of the vampire castle in Scorched Earth City.

Master Raem couldn't help but sigh when he saw Helott: "Since the King of Sorrow entered the decay period, each of you has been very busy. I have accumulated a lot of manuscripts here, and you need to spend some time to sort them out."

When Helott entered the prison, he saw the thick stack of manuscripts on the table: "I have dealt with some important personal affairs during this period. I will take these manuscripts to the Rotten King's Court. Frank will go with me, and we will be able to sort them out soon."

Master Raem asked in confusion: "Didn't Xingkong go to the Rotten King's Court? What important things happened that you and Frank need to deal with."

Helott picked up the manuscript and flipped through it. He did not answer Master Raem's question, but said casually: "Xingkong saw some things in the Immortal Tower that were similar to Books about plane collision. Plane collision is divided into four stages: interference of plane law, penetration of plane energy, exchange of plane material, and fusion of plane.

In order to protect the small world that is hit, the origin of the world will interfere with the execution of the law of the big world, so that the creatures of the big world will not be aware of the plane collision. Until the plane material exchange stage, when the origin of the world is difficult to interfere, the creatures of the big world will not be aware of the plane collision.

But some special individuals can be unaffected by the origin of the world at the beginning of the plane collision and can detect the plane collision.

Master Laem, you said a long time ago that the adventurers came because of the plane collision. It seems that you are a special individual. "

Hellot suddenly looked at Laem, waiting for his answer.

When he first discussed the plane collision with Laem, Helot did not take his perception of the difference between players to heart. But when Xingkong consulted more books about plane collision in the Immortal Tower, he realized the specialness of Laem.

Moreover, in the communication with Aisheliya, it was found that although she had rich knowledge of plane collision, she could not distinguish the specialness of the player group, and her cognition was still limited to the framework of the world origin painting.

In order to confirm the guess, Xingkong also consulted other immortal wizards who had studied plane collision, and they all distinguished the differences between players.

This made Master Laem even more special.

Master Laem seemed to have known that Helot would come to him to discuss this issue one day. He said: "Yes, I am that extremely special individual. I know that those adventurers actually call themselves "players". They come from a world without magic and regard this world as a playground. They can be resurrected and can quickly improve their strength through the special abilities given by the world origin.

They call us NPCs. If we receive tasks from us and complete them, we can gain experience and increase our levels.


Master Laem calmly recounted his previous contact with players, and slowly understood what the small world that collided with the big world looked like.

Helot noticed that Master Laem always called players "they" instead of you.

If Master Laem can see the specialness of players, he will definitely see that he also has the characteristics of players.

After Master Laem finished speaking, Helot asked, "What am I in your opinion?"

Master Laem smiled and said: "You and the Soul Eaters are both very special. You come from the old cemetery, which is a tiny plane that has been integrated into the big world. According to the rules, you should be the same as me in the eyes of the players. NPC, but the strange thing is... you have everything the player has, including resurrection after death.

That's why I focused on the Soul Eater, but he went to the Palace of Decay not long after. Fortunately, you are here. I teach you magic just to see what those of you who are favored by the origin of the world will become. "

Helot finally solved the doubts he had always had in his heart.

Master Laem must have seen a lot of magic geniuses in his many years of life. For example, Frank is a magic genius. Why didn't Laem teach him magic so seriously?

He began to say that he valued the special magic theory he had mastered, and that sorting out magic manuscripts was a matter of mutual discussion. This reason was too far-fetched.

Helot said: "I feel that the soul eaters and I are just fish that slipped through the net of the law, and are not favored by the origin of the world."

"No...any existence is within the origin of the world." Master Laem said categorically: "Since Xingkong is in the Immortal Tower, you should know something related to God."

"They appeared during the collision of the planes. They were existences beyond the laws, and finally disappeared after the planes merged."

Master Laem said solemnly: "To be precise, among the four stages of a major plane collision, the material exchange between planes is a cataclysm, and the fusion of planes is a war of gods. All planes are inevitably involved in the carry. In conflicts caused by plane collisions, planes without the protection of gods will collapse and disappear.

According to my judgment of this plane collision, it is the largest plane collision on record. "

Helot couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The size of the plane is different, and the intensity of the impact is naturally different. For example, the impact in the old cemetery may be a mosquito bite to the original world.

But Herot knows the size of the player's world, and the more independent laws it has, the greater the weight of the size. It was a civilization without magic at all. Master Laem's estimate of the intensity of the impact may have been conservative.

The origin of the world allows gods who transcend the laws to appear, allowing gods to protect the planes they belong to. A plane without gods will collapse due to the collapse of the laws caused by the collision and impact of the planes.

Think back to what Master Laem said before.

Herot: "You said that the origin of the world favors me, does that mean... that I will become a god?"

"I don't know." Master La'em looked at Herot and said, "My life is too short for the long history, and what I pursue most of the time is to build a community that truly understands death in the land of death. country.

If a god can be cultivated, it will certainly be an unexpected gain. "

Hearing these words of Master Laem, Helot was infected and laughed easily: "I almost took the responsibility for the survival of a plane just now. My strength is still so weak, God is not what I have to consider, at least now Stages do not need to be considered.

Now that you can see through Plane Collision, there's something weird going on that I'd like to hear your thoughts on. "

Then, Helot told Master Laem about the strange phenomena that occurred in the Rotting Court area.

After thinking about it, Master Laem also said in confusion: "The player world can release magic, which means that this plane collision has entered the plane energy penetration stage. There must be a reason for the high probability of players releasing magic within the scope of the Rotten King's Court. causing this exception.

Considering that the Sorrow King has entered a period of decay, perhaps there is some connection between them.

Sorry, there is too little information for me to help. "

"I have also considered that this strange phenomenon is related to the decay of the Sorrowful King. I will investigate slowly when I arrive at the Decaying King's Court. If there is nothing else, I will leave..." Helot picked up the manuscript and prepared to leave.

Master Laem said: "Pay attention to safety. I heard that the headquarters has sent many mages to the Rotten Royal Court. They may make big moves."

"I'll be careful!"

Helot left the prison with the manuscript, and on the way to the Tibia Street Library, he opened the communication with Drunken Qianzhan.

"Last time you said someone released magic outside the game. Is there any latest news?"

Drunk: "Legion Commander, you are finally online. I, I released the spell. I am very scared now. If the guild finds out, I don't know what they will do to me."

Helot didn't expect that Drunken Qianzhan would release a spell outside the game, and asked, "How did you do that?"

"Connect the game with your thoughts, open the chat channel, chant the spell... I will send you a video, you will know after watching it."

A video file was sent through the chat system by Drunken Qianzhan.

Herot opened.

In a very Japanese-style room, a woman wearing white yoga pants and a gray tube top stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror. She wears a white helmet, blue cycling glasses, and a tiny camera on the side of the helmet.

Judging from her appearance, she looks like a drunk girl, a very cute girl with a very sexy figure.

"The 37th magic release test." Because it was a video recording, Drunk Qianzhan said to himself in front of the mirror: "Holy magic, purify the fire ball. Open the chat message box, and the incantation begins..."

In the video, Drunk Qianzhan stretched out his left hand, palm upward, and grasped with five fingers.

The sacred language was recited by Jiuzui Qianzhan one by one, and a ball of white light suddenly appeared in her palm, and then shaped into a dancing flame. The flame was very small, even smaller than the candlelight, and it only lasted for three or four seconds before the white flame turned into a puff of white smoke and dispersed in the air.

Jiuzui Qianzhan in the video was panting heavily, with his shoulders slumped, and beads of sweat could be clearly seen on his skin.

Jiuzui Qianzhan took a towel from the side and wiped the sweat off his body.

Continuing to record, his tone could not hide his excitement: "The 37th magic was cast successfully! It has been successful four times, with a success rate of about one in ten. I seem to have found a little trick. Focusing on training can make me feel the sacred energy. Of course, it may just be an illusion.

It's just that the purifying fireball released is too small, and it consumes a lot of physical energy, but it is always worth being happy to be able to release magic."

The camera switched to the same place, and Jiuzui Qianzhan changed into a different color of fitness clothes.

The fire released this time was much bigger and lasted longer, but Jiuzui Qianzhan didn't seem happy.

"I don't know how long this secret can be kept secret! The guild gathered all the people who released magic and sent them to a private island. I don't know what's waiting for them, but they have definitely lost all their power as a person. Is this my fate? I used to be their pet, and I will be their livestock in the future.

I should give up seeking this power."

Although Jiuzui Qianzhan said that she would no longer practice releasing spells, there are still a few videos of her training later. The purifying fireballs are getting bigger and bigger, and they can feel more and more hot.

After watching the video, Heluot sent a message to Jiuzui Qianzhan: "You are making rapid progress!"

"Yes, I have mastered some skills now. After repeated training, the success rate of some sacred spells is still relatively high. But in order to master spells, the high-ranking members of the guild did... a lot of inhumane things.

You know that here, these aristocratic families are the gods!

I don't know when I will be locked up by them, tied to the operating table with tubes all over my body..."

Hailuot replied: "If you ask me for help, my answer will disappoint you."

"But who can save me?"

Hailuot thought of letting Jiuzui Qianzhan go to Qiushui Yaoyuexian, but considering that he didn't know Jiuzui Qianzhan well, it would be bad if he caused trouble for Qiushui Yaoyuexian.

But he couldn't really leave her in danger.

"I'll tell you a secret. It should be able to save your life at a critical moment."

"What secret?"

"My brother is a spirit-eating disciple!"

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