My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 101: She Was Waiting For Him

The aftermath of the evening turned out well after it—Ying Yue He indeed drank all the black sludge because he asked her to. He saw no immediate change in her status, but decided to check tomorrow. The CEO then brought her back to her apartment and then he would take Taiga back to his own house.

It was a little over eight when he returned.

He immediately deployed Taiga to watch over his house, and she had a small bag of food that she requested from a drive-thru. The tigress spirit had insisted on eating a burger, extra-large fries, and then a liter of soda topped with ice cream.

Li Yang complied with it—and decided that it was better that he didn't cook for her. She looked a lot happier sitting atop a tree and slurping down her soda than when he prepared her a sandwich and milk.

He would perhaps consider it a productive day.

And so he prepared himself to enter his house and see his brother and his partner—but didn't expect to hear laughter in the kitchen. "Ah, is that Yang? Come over here, we have a guest!" his brother called for him.

The CEO would have preferred to head to his room, but still stepped into the kitchen.

His brother perfectly knew that he wouldn't be rude when a guest was at stake, and he soon blinked and stared at the presence of Bo Lifen. She was inside of his house and had dropped by? The woman was sitting across Gabrielle Sauveterre, whilst his brother was busy in front of the stove.

"Miss Lifen?"

"A-ah… I dropped by." She held up a thick envelope. "Do you remember our conversation when we met at my great-grandmother's house?"

He could have said that he remembered it vividly, when she had trapped him in her arms and confronted him, but he just shook his head. "Which portion of our talk in particular?"

"I mentioned my brother and how he was into the idea of opening a milk tea cafe and you told me that you could have someone look over it?" Bo Lifen sheepishly smiled. "He actually prepared some documents and is eager for the great and amazing CEO to look into it."

"And I invited her to dinner," Liang glanced over his shoulder and gave him a rambunctious grin. "I mean, the two of you could discuss it over and we could all have a warm meal. I'm cooking pasta right now and Gabi brought a choice wine when we were shopping so you can consider it a splendid night of fine dining."

"If you can avoid overcooking the noodles." Gabrielle motioned to the stove.

His brother immediately turned off the stove and fussed over his cooking. The CEO would take a seat beside Bo Lifen and glance at the envelope in her hands. "I can give an initial look-over and I'll pass it to one of my colleagues."

"That sounds good to me." She passed it over.

Perhaps he would never admit it aloud because it might incite some jeers or a couple of laughs, but having dinner with other people tonight was actually a pleasant experience. Especially for him who was used to eating alone.

Li Yang glanced at Bo Lifen drinking her wine, and he also sipped his—doing it in moderation. Albeit he wasn't exactly thinking about it badly. There was something warm and cozy about this dinner, unlike what he and his brother experienced when they were younger.

But all good things also had their end.

"Thank you for the meal—I better get going back to Shanghai." Bo Lifen rubbed the back of her neck and picked up her helmet.

His brother raised a brow. "Huh, did you come all the way here for Yang?"



"I had to visit Granny Lanfen too, and since my brother heard that I would—he made me bring the envelope. He's actually hoping that his business plan could wow Li Yang a lot, that he'd become an investor." Bo Lifen explained and strapped on her helmet. "No pressure, though."

"But do you not think that it's a little too late?" Gabrielle asked.

"No, I'm fine with going home late."

"It's a little dangerous when it's late at night and you're on a motorcycle."

"You're being a worrywart, Gabi." Liang said, but shrugged. He glanced at Bo Lifen, "But maybe Yang can drive you home if you want?"

The CEO raised a brow. "If it's late and Miss Lifen is having trouble, then perhaps she can stay with Granny Lanfen tonight?" Those words earned some looks from both Gabrielle and Liang. It was as if he had said something wrong when he simply offered a solution.

At the end of the room, Bao had a paw in its face. "Geez. Opportunities."

"I think she sleeps early, I don't want to bother her at this time." Bo Lifen said with a sheepish smile. "Either way, I'll get going now. Thank you once again for the dinner!"

Li Yang would be the one to see her out as both his brother and Gabrielle would clear the dishes on the table. The two of them stepped out of the house and soon realized that it was raining. 


"What the—the weather does have a bad time, doesn't it?" Bo Lifen groaned and slapped a hand over her face. "I didn't see anything coming up when I checked the weather forecast today."

"It did rain yesterday or so…?" Li Yang offered and glanced in their general direction. Curious if Bao had anything to do with it and remembered the creature spoke about not liking lightning tribulations. When there was lightning, there was rain—

"Bossman!" A shadow appeared from the darkness and nearly tackled Li Yang—but Bo Lifen quickly shoved an arm in front of him. Taiga stopped outside of the small roof at the front door and glared at her. And then inched under to Li Yang's side… despite the fact that she was soaking wet.

Li Yang nearly forgot about her and asked, "Are you alright, Miss Taiga?"

"What do you think?" She frowned at him.

"Tigers are supposed to enjoy the waters though." Bo Lifen shrugged.

"You want Taiga to say that's hilarious?"

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