My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 110: The Beautiful And Charming Idol Has Arrived (3)

"Ah, my apologies, but the only one available to be seen right now is Sun Aoyun—Bai Minghua has overworked herself tonight and needs some rest." A man explained to the crowd. "I hope this isn't too disappointing, but it can't be helped when she exerted her all to give you guys a good show."

About a fourth of the people left, mostly men, leaving gifts in store for their precious idol and cheering on "Get well soon, Idol Minghua!" loudly.

"Haha, I'm sure that she'd be thrilled and touched to hear about your wishes." the man then turned to the majority of people left, who coincidentally were women. "We'll be going in groups of twenty so as to not strain Sun Aoyun as well, please form groups."

It wasn't so often that Li Yang would go against a direct order made by someone who clearly was in charge. But could he put the blame on the System or Heavens for generating a Side Quest for him? "I'll be going to the bathroom."


"Go on and have fun."

Before the woman could offer any sort of protest, the CEO had already left and was already checking out the contents of his quest.

[ Side Quest: Find Out Her True Nature ]

Now that you have discovered the happenings inside of the concert that involve influencing the minds of the concert-goers and freed from such influence, it is up to you to find out what exactly the pure Idol Bai Minghua is hiding underneath her facade.

[ Time Remaining: 14 minutes and 15 seconds ]

[ Success: 5000 Charm Points ]

[ Failure: 10000 Charm Points]

It really was forcing him to find out more information about the woman, and that was in spite of the obvious desire of the woman to be left alone. If the CEO were discovered to be snooping around the backstage of this place in search of the woman—this was probably considered as some form of harassment.

Li Yang would have no excuse.

He couldn't exactly say, "I'm sorry—I was looking for the bathroom and had stumbled upon here." and expect to be released with no trouble. The risk of discovery wasn't mentioned, but paired with the amount of Charm Points he would lose… it was a great motivator in finding the woman.

All he needed to do was use 'Assess Individual' on her and it would be the end of this, so it didn't even mean that he needed to be seen by the woman at all either. The man took a couple of minutes, searching and hoping that he wouldn't get caught, but then he would come across a private room that was slightly ajar. The Idol's name was conveniently written on a star signboard.

The CEO's steps slowed, and he fell silent, even more silent than his usual self.

Beads of sweat formed across his forehead.

His heartbeat pulsed for a moment. The weight and consequences of actually being found out were what made him become nervous. Even when he tried to be logical about irrational fears and having perhaps the ability to use his name, money and own connections to clear such things out… this was still a forbidden thing.

But all of those doubts ended when he heard her voice.

"Oh god, did I see those people in the front stage? Disgusting pigs, all of them. Their voices were grating on my ears when they tried to sing along—I wish they all just shut up so I could concentrate on performing. Really glad I could request the manager to say that I was too sick to even entertain them… touching them? I would never. I'd rather jump in a freezing ocean."

A certain melodic laugh escaped from the room.

The idol continued talking with what he assumed to be a friend of hers.

Li Yang's face was impassive.

He had only appreciated her sheer persona on stage, the sweetness that she conjured and the talent and warmth she portrayed herself on the stage. But now that he heard all of this…? The CEO knew he would never go back to such a thing…

[ One Trait Discovered! ]

[ White Lotus Nature Discovered ]

Someone who is pure in appearance, like the beautiful flower floating on top of water, hiding the plant's messy roots stuck in marshy mud.

[ Discovered Nature 1 / 2 ]

The CEO really had to get a good glimpse of her, didn't he? He took one step closer to the door ajar about to take a peek and then saw long blue hair cascading down with an aquamarine eye staring back at him akin to those in horror movies—Li Yang took a step back and then stumbled down the floor. Somehow the strength of his limbs gave away when the door swung open and a laugh escaped from the idol.

"Oh my, I didn't expect someone to be so dedicated to seeing me. You know something like this could get you severely punished since this can be considered as sneaking and snooping around. Others may even say that you're a no-good stalker." A sweet smile crossed her face, and she held a hand to her face. "But ah… I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I think I remember seeing you in the front stage, may I help you up?" She offered a hand to him.

"I'm fine," he said, pulling himself to his feet and immediately putting his System to work. 'Assess Individual Bai Minghua' didn't work and so he had to stick with 'Assess Individual' to get answers. He lowered his head to avoid meeting her eyes, but he kept his face and voice calm. "My apologies for encroaching in your private time, Miss Bai Minghua. I had gotten lost trying to find the bathroom."


He nodded and then looked up. "Yes." Now would have been a perfect time for Bao to arrive and make a mean remark about his pathetic excuse, mock him or anything to keep himself looking at this situation from a distant perspective. But he couldn't rely on such things.

The young woman only giggled at him. Was she not suspicious of him?

Or was she laughing at his excuse?

"I have a bathroom here inside of my room, would you like to use it… I haven't exactly caught your name though?" She tilted her head at him and smiled. "I would really like to get to know one of my many fans, if you don't mind?"

The surrounding air tensed and at the timbre of her voice—he felt a wave of compulsion to give away the details of not only his name but any other significant details. Her voice was like velvet honey sinking and enrapturing his senses. And yet, like a wave, the compulsion ebbed away from him and he was soon free from such influences.

His Mental Fortitude Skill actually worked.

However, Li Yang hesitated for a second too longer and the woman grabbed his hand. She gave him a coy grin and her eyes sparkled. "You're a shy one, aren't you? Please don't hesitate at all and come inside of my room—I'm a person like you after all. I won't do anything weird like biting you, you know?" Her hands were soft like jewels, but her grip was far too strong than any normal woman.

She pulled him into her room and the door shut off behind them.


Author Note: Would you like to be trapped with a beautiful woman? I'm also trying to adjust the title chapter style lol.

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