My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 187: The Kitagawa Twins *

Li Yang looked away from the screen and was presented with the sight of the Kitagawa twins. He frowned slightly. "I would have at least expected a knock before the two of you can walk in here."

"Why?" Kei arched one of her brows as her pink lips pursed into an amused twitch. "Are we going to walk in on you doing something nasty?"

"Kei!" Rei quickly tossed a look at her sister. Compared to her calmer twin, Rei's face held a bright red tinge at the mere mention of the idea. While it was normal for Kei to be refreshingly blunt at times, it didn't mean that she could say something like this to Li Yang.

"I was asking, you know?" Kei rolled her eyes and then glanced at Li Yang up and down. 

The CEO sighed inwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "There's something called privacy even amongst the people living in Mashiro Temple, or was I mistaken about it?" 

"We were knocking earlier but you never answered so we let ourselves in," Kei said.

"Oh." Li Yang frowned. "I still don't think that warrants—"

"None of that matters now that we're here." Kei shrugged.

Rei glowered at him. "We thought something happened to you! You could have said something if you didn't want visitors at all instead of letting us worry about you."

"That was because I was asleep earlier," Li Yang said.

"You missed lunch too." Rei clicked her tongue. "At first we assumed that maybe you just wanted to avoid attention… but that wasn't still right, you know? You can't keep yourself holed in here."

"Even when the High Priestess herself ordered it?" Li Yang asked her. It was a little challenging to ask such a question when the woman was the highest authority in this temple and it showed in Rei's face perfectly.

"So you stayed in here because you were listening to the High Priestess' words?" Rei sighed and glanced at Kei. "Even Setsuko hasn't been able to check on you because she's been cooped in an arena, right sis?"

Kei smiled thinly. "Yes, she and the other Priestesses vying for the Inner Court are all preoccupied for how long until they can last in the forest. The last five survivors become the one who are accepted in."

"What? Survivors?" Li Yang wondered where Setsuko was, but he never expected for them to tell him where she was currently located. All he knew was that Setsuko was supposed to undergo a competition and Li Yang was expected to stay here like some dog and wait for her to come back.

Kei raised a brow. "Did you not know that their lives are on the line for admission?"

Rei quickly waved a hand to dismiss her sister's words. "The ones who become injured are quickly taken out of the arena and are treated—but it truly is dangerous to compete if you are caught unprepared."

"I see… she never told me anything." Li Yang rubbed his forehead. Setsuko only told her about the prizes and never the inherent dangers and risks involved in joining the competition. Maybe it was because she was confident in her abilities. "I hope she doesn't take it too far."

"Take it too far?" Kei blinked and turned to him stunned. "Her? You're more worried about her doing too much than her getting hurt during the test?"

Li Yang remembered the test in the forest that Mitsuko forced him to undertake. If the arena was located in the Sacred Forest's extended dimensions then he believed that Setsuko would be alright. More than alright.

What mattered was restraining her powers and not catching too much attention from the superior Priestesses in the temple. Speaking of which, Li Yang looked up at the twins and furrowed his brows. "What do you guys want from me anyway?"

"Took you long enough to ask that question." Kei snorted and stepped forward to him. "I am sure that you are aware of what happened last night during your little excursion, right?"

Li Yang glanced at Rei's face and remembered her apology earlier. While she promised him that she wanted to make it up to him—the CEO's instincts were rather tense and tight about this meeting.

Kei Kitagawa grabbed his shoulder and slowly pushed him down. Or at least attempted to do so. Her gaze was sharp and even critical, but her breathing was slightly heavy and damp. "You've got my sister reprimanded by the High Priestess, even hated by her own precious junior and that's all your fault you know?"

"That wasn't my intention—" Li Yang began, but then found the Priestess shoving him down further into the bed. The mattress beneath them sank more as it acclimated itself to her weight on him. 

In a couple of seconds, Kei Kitagawa had her legs on either side of him. She pinned him down and smiled coolly at him. "Does that really change anything though? Whether you wanted it or not—it still happened and I am unhappy about it. You can't simply talk down to my sister like this."

Li Yang sighed and glanced up at her face. He was letting her hover above him, but if she were to attempt on doing anything else then he might be forced to throw her off and he wasn't going to be sorry about it at all.

Kei's green hair fell over her face and framed it in a strange light. Her golden eyes were glowing and squinted in frustration, but she was still in an otherwise seductive position. Now wasn't really a good time for him to enjoy the otherwise sensuous act she was pulling on him. 

More than that—why wasn't her twin doing anything at all?

Li Yang glanced over her shoulders and found Rei frozen in place. Somehow she was in the position to act to help him or her sister, but she was instead hesitating about what she was supposed to do.

"My sister wanted to apologize and make it up to you—but you still refused her? Do you think you can get away from this by simply being a consort of Setsuko and having an alluring body?"

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