My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 260: Between Land and Sea (3)

"—so don't jinx us by asking about it, or else we're going to face something more treacherous than these. We're already getting delayed by the injuries, but we're nearly at our destination." Yuan Gen took out a golden compass from his pocket. 

Li Yang needed to remove that Aroma of Death status now.

He quickly pulled up the System's status screen to check on any 'status ailments' that afflicted him as one might have in a video game. It didn't appear like he wanted to—but after a quick thought, it showed up.

[ You Are Still Experiencing Aroma of Death ]

Undead creatures, ghosts and spirits not tethered to any spot like poltergeists will be inexplicably drawn to you to find purpose or release from their states. 

They see the Host as a fellow individual who understands the experience of death. Most unintellectual ones draw in quickly like magnets, the intellectual ones can also break free from the positive perception 

Depending on the numbers gathered, if they are in huge numbers, other Necromancers, Exorcists, Grim Reapers or those dabbling in the affairs of the dead will also take notice.

"I do not think that there is much need for any 'jinxing' for anything to occur at all," he finally said.

"What?" Yuan Gen blinked and stared at Li Yang with another judging look. "You don't have a Solar Yang constitution do you? That's like the only thing that comes to my mind that draws high yin-entities. This might only be us encroaching on their territories."

"I suggest you head below deck if you wish to keep yourself safe," Li Yang said.

"What? And leave you here alone?" Yuan Gen scrunched up his face. "I'll go ask for some of the people to come up again. We did pack some inventory suited against ghosts so we'll check those out."

Li Yang's grip tightened on his sword. "That won't be necessary, you already know that my weapon deals better damage than that of others."


"I think I hear something." Li Yang frowned and strained his ears. It wasn't obvious at first, but he thought he heard something akin to a song. A Mermaid's song perhaps, or a Siren.

There was a sense of uneasiness that erupted within Li Yang as he kept his eye out into the sea. As far as he and the System's assessment was concerned, the yacht was still in the territory of ghosts and sunken spirits that came from the depths of the sea.

"I don't hear anything—"

"Go." Li Yang pushed the guy away and stepped forward. So it appeared like a moth to a flame, several more deathly pale corpse-like entities arrived on the deck of the ship. Once again it was a variety of both merfolk and humans.

Unlike last time however, it seemed like the Aroma of Death was losing its effectiveness because one of the more stronger entities launched rabidly at him.The deathly howl rippled and echoed throughout the entire yacht, the mermaid looking more like a rabid fish with its scales and fangs. 

It should have attacked him and he would have cut it down.

Except for what came right after the mermaid corpse. A huge serpentine body leapt up from the dark waters, its large jaws took and tore the creature as it flew through the air and then it dove back to the sea—

Yuan Gen blinked and said it at the same time as the System identified the new apex predator. "Sea serpent!"

[ Nian ]

A serpentine beast that lives under the sea or in the mountains. Known to devour children.

The other ghost-like entities launched forward mindlessly despite the attack, even as the entire yacht rocked with the sudden change. The large crash of the waves tossed it back and forth through the waters, shaking it off its momentum. 

Li Yang slipped to the right side of the ship, gravity dragging him to fall over the ship—right until he simply fought past it and used his weapon as a spear. Qi bursting through his feet, the man rushed forward and dove the blade through the remaining ghost-entities chests.

Despite the newcomer sea serpent, Li Yang focused on relentlessly keeping the enemies back—until he heard a sharp cry. Yuan Gen failed to keep his balance and was tossed up in the air. 

Li Yang's hand moved through the System's inventory as he took the LSO glitter pen and threw it right at the man. The item zipped through the air and grazed on the shopkeeper's shoulder—but made the man fall back into the yacht pinned back against one of its sides.

There would be no conversation if the guy died—Li Yang returned to finishing off the rest of the ghost entities by himself. He used the remaining qi to keep his balance on the ship even while the Nian beast continued to leap up and tore through the remaining ones out of his reach.

While it was far from an ally that could have joined forces with him, the creature also seemed to be revulsed of the undead more than it did of Li Yang and the others.

… Although it might have been a different story if any of them fell into the waters. 

That may have turned out to be an inaccurate statement. When the Nian dove back into the water, it wasn't only its weight that created waves that made the yacht unsteady. A piercing cry echoed within the vicinity.

"Oh fuck, it's summoning others We got to get away." Yuan Gen thrashed in place before he attempted to dig out the pen right off his shirt—which was harder than it looked. The thing was literally planted into the external plating of the yacht.

Li Yang looked for the steering mechanism of the ship and finally saw the helm and the cockpit. The bodies of the creatures still left were blocking it and yet the curious thing was that nobody was steering it. "What…?"

"It's a self-driving yacht—just get us out of here!"

"I can't exactly drive a yacht," Li Yang started. 

"It's a wheel—it should be pretty easy enough!" 

Gritting his teeth, the man knew the circumstances were dire. And yet he was bound to get them in more trouble if he were to steer them in the wrong direction. Regardless, if that was what it took—Li Yang moved.

He leapt past the bodies littered on the ground and then caught the sight of the purple flame qi still burning bright despite the attacks. Finally, Li Yang reached the half-open helm and headed for the steering wheel.

And yet it was too late. 

Another large wave, more powerful than the lost one, crashed right on the yacht and knocked back against Li Yang and Yuan Gen. The latter was literally pinned and stayed right there all throughout the attack.

Li Yang on the other hand felt the sheer water pressure throw him back a couple feet away. It appeared like the sea creature itself was attempting to expel the entirety of them by summoning waves to cleanse everything.

He was knocked back against his feet—finding the water somehow stronger than whatever energy he fought before. There was an underlying strength contained in each water that somehow seemed to drain his energy.

The System didn't even need to confirm it.

Li Yang didn't see the creature anywhere—but only because it was too intelligent to even poke its head out of the waters. Regardless, the waves kept coming and thrashing the entire ship around.

He moved as fast as possible to get to the helm's cockpit. The man grabbed a hold of the helm's side right as another torrent of waves ripped not only him, but the entire ship backwards again.

Digging his fingernails on the ship, he held on and then started to reach for the ship's wheel. Li Yang finally grabbed a hold of it and then started to turn it into another direction, far away from where he last saw the creature.

The man also started gazing at what appeared to be the latest touch-screen control panel for the yacht. There were multiple glowing buttons that flickered in his vision. He kept his grab on the steering wheel and tried to look at them away. 

How he was going to speed this yacht up and stir it away from this area? Where was the buttons for it—

"—there." Li Yang finally found it.

He pressed it right at the moment that the Nian finally rose its head above the waters again. The entire yacht propelled itself forward, even though the yacht was already a hundred feet away from it.

Li Yang also took note that they had left the [ Ghost Mists ] area to much of his relief. In the distance, Li Yang could even actually see a small island in his vision. 

There were no obvious structures or buildings present, but he hoped that was the place they were going for. Yuan Gen already said that the island was just up ahead so that must be what he meant.

Or did he?

"Is this the right way?" Li Yang asked and glanced over his shoulder.

Yuan Gen was completely drenched from head to foot, but he raised his head a little and then rapidly nodded. "Yes! Godspeed—like move in that direction as fast as you can! Can this thing go any faster?"

Li Yang checked the controls and shook his head. "No, this is as fast as we can get away from them." 

Yuan Gen rested his head against the yacht and sighed a little. He believed that he had some seaweed or trash on his head, but that would have to wait. "Then we're good, I think. Just keep this up." 

However it was far too early to celebrate.

Behind them, the Nian sea serpent didn't just stop to stare as the yacht had left its waters. It was mustering up all of its energy within its throat and then let out a screech—it shot out a large ball of water headed straight towards them.

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