My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 311: A Trip To Shou Temple Sect

Panda Bao's Statistics 

[ 28 Days Remaining Until Deadline ]

[ 13 Days Left Until The Party ]

A certain limousine cruised through the roads that led out of the city and headed into another part of the nation. There were currently three passengers that were enjoying the luxuries of traveling in such a manner.

Or at least, one of them was.

"We're going on a trip, we're going on a trip!" Taiga cheered and wagged her butt and tail happily in her seat as she glanced at Narissa and Li Yang with a certain amount of glee. 

Most of the time, Li Yang and Taiga would have travelled unseen by normal people by traveling through the Veil of the World and at high speeds to reach their destination, but considering that they were with Narissa, Li Yang had hailed them a driver to bring them to their location.

Out of the four of them, Luo Ju Di was obviously a no-brainer when it came to her not being able to come and join them for this trip, but Ying Yue He failed to convince Li Yang to bring her.

"Are you sure that they don't mind us being there?" Li Yang and Narissa both asked at the same time. The two exchanged looks, but then glanced back at the Tigress Spirit.

Taiga flicked a wrist idly at them and nodded. "Everybody loves Taiga so they won't mind that Taiga brings visitors to the Shou Temple Sect. Also, Bo Lifen's younger brother is actually a student there."

"I see…" Li Yang found himself choosing an actual orthodox cultivation sect as the proper training ground to train Bo Lifen and she was okay with it while Taiga would back them up as visitors.

It was a curious thing that Bo Lifen didn't approach any other groups considering her background in the cultivation society as a whole, but Li Yang didn't actually mind that he was the person who came first on her mind.

The man's attention was suddenly seized when Narissa took a hold of his shirt's sleeve and asked, "Why did you bring me instead of your secretary?" The Mermaid blinked a couple of times as if she wasn't used to the idea of being chosen.

"You did say that you have some time, right?" Li Yang raised a brow.

Narissa got a hold of the news that she would perform in about two weeks at a large banquet party and was given the free time to work through the list of songs that she'd be playing with the crowd.

It was actually a large gig, but considering that it wasn't a concert, her management was more relaxed.

The Mermaid shrugged and scratched her cheek. She chose not to divulge unnecessary and possibly boring information to the man. "I wouldn't have minded keeping your ex-wife and child some company."

"Luo Ju Di was never my wife," Li Yang raised a brow. "But regardless, I wanted to see if you could actually cultivate too. I've been able to survive some incidents thanks to your intervention, after all."

Narissa blinked and remembered a screen popping in her vision which asked for her choice in lending an ability to Li Yang. She didn't think that the man would actually thank her for it… and so she felt her cheeks heat up slightly. 

It was an amazing thing to be appreciated, but surely it was embarrassing to admit such things aloud. 

"Ah, well you're welcome—but I'm not really sure if I'm interested in your people's practices," Narissa brushed a lock of her hair behind an ear and glanced out the window to hide her face.

"Well, you're free to observe and just relax then," Li Yang said. 

Out of all the women and people he encountered so far, Narissa turned out to be a little harder to read and understand because she intentionally tried to stay distant. The personality she had as Bai Minghua was a facade and this was what lay underneath. 

"It's a good opportunity to have some time for yourself," he added. 

"Don't worry, I'll watch. I mean, you guys just sit down and meditate or probably swing weapons around, right?"

Li Yang chuckled. "That's one way of looking at it."

"Yeah, I don't have much patience for that," Narissa shrugged. "I already did attend my people's athenaeum in the past to develop our own innate skills plus I even learned how to use a trident although that's normally for other merfolks."

"Is that so? Interesting."

Li Yang was actually thinking that having a 100% Water Roots Constitution was spectacular as a starting point and paired with the natural abilities that her kind, Undines, provided, she would be a formidable foe to others and an ally to him.

Did he have to consider Narissa mostly as a beneficial and healing ally? It wasn't that bad but—well, Li Yang's main priority was helping Bo Lifen, but perhaps he could sway the Mermaid's mind.

He had a good feeling that everyone involved were capable of becoming strong cultivators like Ying Yue He did over the course of the year, but Li Yang was someone who didn't try to enforce or make an individual do something they didn't wish to do so.

It was all down to the matter of convincing the other individual that they wanted something.

Li Yang idly wondered what Narissa's take would be on seeing the salmon of high wisdom. It may or may not be a turning point as well. Before he could say anything else though, someone beat him to it.

"Heey, what are you two talking about that doesn't include Taiga?" The Tigress Spirit leaned back and rested her head against Li Yang's lap. She raised a hand up and pressed it against his chest and snuggled herself against him.

Even though it was a simple and sweet gesture, Li Yang noticed that there was a certain glint in Taiga's eyes. She hated being left out of things and while Narissa was registered in the System as his official harem member, the same wasn't for Taiga.

She had no idea whatsoever.

Li Yang cleared his throat. "It was related to when I picked up Ying Yue He from the Liu's organization. I may have learned or picked up a skill or two from Narissa." It wasn't so easy revealing everything at once. He wasn't sure how Taiga might react.

"You promised to include Taiga, but then you ran off to that adventure," Taiga pouted her lips and then crossed her arms over her chest. "How unfair of you."

Her actions only managed to make her breasts even more pronounced that it may have distracted someone else from seeing how tightly she gripped her arms. It appeared to be some kind of physical tic.

A sign of nervousness or tenseness from knowing that Li Yang left perhaps. Or it might have been the mention of the organization that made her a little more tense. Taiga probably had heard of it before.

Li Yang raised a brow. "Well, you went with Narissa to her hotel so I don't see how things might have ended if you were with me."

"You were supposed to have milk tea with the Tea Temptress, but instead you ended up sharing your milk with Ying Yue He instead!" Taiga huffed.

Narissa choked on thin air for a moment and hacked her throat. Li Yang threw a look at her, but then she tried to appear unfazed by the insinuation of Taiga. It made the man relieved that the limousine kept the driver's side closed off.

But he really was impressed with Taiga's nose. Until he suddenly worried about it. "You're the only one capable of detecting that, right thanks to your beastial bloodline? I'd rather not enter a cultivation sect and have people be aware of my sexual activities."

Taiga lifted her hands and squeezed his cheeks. "Taiga didn't think that you care about what other people think of you."

"I don't, at least—not in a very bothered way," Li Yang's face was a bit squished, but he gave her a legitimate reason. "I do need to make a good impression though, that's how connections work. I'll consider your lack of a definitive answer as a no though."

He was not aware of how influential or strong the Shou Temple Sect was, but if they had a powerful Spiritual Beast on their side then it meant that they did have some good cards on their hands.

Taiga grinned. "Well, okay then, Bossman. Taiga thinks that people will think you're cool if they know that you're with Taiga though."

"I think people will be more impressed to learn that he's with me," Narissa interjected and teased the Tigress. Even though she was normally aloof, it couldn't be helped joining in every once in a while.

"Uh, sorry to break it to you, but Taiga's sect doesn't care much for idols." Taiga stuck her tongue out at the Mermaid. "Taiga doubts they'll even recognize you."

"What?!" Narissa's gaze whiplashed back to Taiga and she looked as if she'd been stabbed in the gut. There was a look of incredulity on her face. "You must be kidding me. Everybody knows who I am. Even this boring CEO attended my concert."

"I may have to break it to you that I'm no longer the CEO of my company," Li Yang coughed. 

Taiga poked his cheek. "Bossman isn't boring, his tastes and hobbies are very boring though. Except for women that is, then he's very creative isn't he?"

The two women chuckled as Li Yang rolled his eyes at their words. "I'm not particularly concerned about what adjective you guys stick on me. I've already heard of them before and it comes from the trade."

"I think only someone bothered would say that," Narissa smiled.

Li Yang was glad that the two women got along very fast despite initial introductions. The man could only hope that Luo Ju Di and Ying Yue He were also faring well in their own circumstances at the hospital.

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