The next day, before Ji MuQing and I got up, we heard the sound of thundering outside. Ji's mother got up early to prepare breakfast for us.

I was tucked in the quilt and looked at Ji MuQing's sweet sleep. I couldn't bear to get up.

Enjoying it, Ji MuQing suddenly opened her eyes. At the moment, our faces are very close, but an inch away. As long as I move gently, I can touch her forehead.

Ji MuQing is not as shy as last night. She seems to have been used to this way, but there is a touch of crimson on her cheeks.

"I hate it. What are you looking at? Don't get up quickly."

"You get up first." I want to watch her get up.

Last night, she was afraid that I would plot against her. She didn't dare to take off her clothes and go to bed. She curled up in my arms like a little sheep all night. The more you see, the more lovely you are.

Ji MuQing seemed afraid of what I would do to her. She twisted my head aside and jumped out of bed.

"Hurry up," she urged me.

I really want to go to this gentle village for a while, but there is Ji's mother's voice outside the door, "Xiao Qing, Xiao Zhao, breakfast is ready, get up quickly."

Ji's mother's spirit is really exuberant. Last night, she climbed at the door to eavesdrop. We eavesdropped for a long time. We can get up so early in the morning. The key is that her skin is maintained so well. It's a miracle.

Ji MuQing urged twice and went out. I stretched lazily and got up from the quilt.

Dressed up and ready to go out, but at this time, my mobile phone rang. As soon as I saw the call prompt, it was a bin. I was a little hairy in my heart.

A bin usually doesn't call me. He doesn't like to trouble others. When he can call me, something must happen.

I answered the phone, only to hear abin's slightly anxious voice, "the man ran away."

To this end, I'm not surprised that the man can sneak away from the military district. It's really hard to see a bin.

I asked, "when did it happen?"

"I don't know. When I got up this morning, the window was open and there were no people. I specially welded the window of his room, and I don't know how he opened it." abin said.

I nodded, "I see. You don't have to worry about the rest. Do what you should do."

"Don't you need my help?"

"If he wants to hide, it's not that easy for us to find him."

"All right."

After hanging up the phone, I had breakfast with the Ji family, then said goodbye to them and said I had something to do. Ji MuQing subconsciously asked me, "what's up?"

She was not curious about anything before, but now she has been completely changed by me. She is full of curiosity about my things.

I scraped her nose with my finger and said with a smile, "you don't have to worry about a little thing. I can't accompany you to the company later. Drive carefully on the road."

Ji MuQing nodded and reminded me to be careful.

When I came out of Ji's house, I walked directly in the direction of Castle Peak.

I guess he must have returned to the cave on the mountain. Although Chengdu is large, it is densely populated. It is not safe for him to hide there. Only that cave is the safest place.

In order not to scare the snake, I walked very carefully. Along the way, I found a lot of fresh hair and plastic bags extending in the direction of the cave.

I really didn't guess. He did come back here and brought a lot of food. It can be seen that he should have left a bin's house in the middle of the night last night, and a bin didn't find it at all.

I followed these traces all the way up and finally reached the cave.

Different from what I saw last time, when I came last time, the hole was overgrown with weeds and messy. This time, a lot of thorny plants were put at the hole, which should be specially brought by him to defend against foreign enemies.

This man is not stupid at all. He has a lot of vigilant knowledge.

Instead of rushing in, I stood at the mouth of the cave and shouted, "Hey, I know you're inside. Come out and let's talk."

There was no movement. I'm not sure if he can understand me.

I didn't rush in, but I didn't want him to be frightened. This shout was a wake-up call for him.

Seeing that he could not come out, I pushed aside those thorns and went straight in.

There is no light inside the cave, which is illuminated by the sunlight projected from outside the cave. It is very dark. I didn't find him at first sight. After patrolling for a long time, I saw that he was curled up between the two stones. Because the two stones were large, they covered his body. In addition, he deliberately avoided, so I didn't find him so soon.

I approached him slowly. He looked terrified and threw something in his hand at me.

It's all food.

There are raw meat and lettuce with tooth marks on it.

Most people can't stand this kind of food, but he eats it with relish.

It can be seen that he has long been used to raw meat and lettuce.

I shook the plastic bag in my hand. It contained a roast duck and some cooked food such as chicken wings.

"Want to eat?" I gestured.

He understood, and his shrewd eyes stared at the plastic bag in my hand. I opened the plastic bag, took out the food one by one, swayed in front of him twice, "come if you want."

He was too alert to come.

I took a piece of chicken wing and bit it. "It's delicious. Come if you want. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Seeing that he refused to come, I walked over with chicken wings, hoping to dispel his doubts.

He didn't seem to have any malice when he saw me. In addition, I saved him before, he felt a lot less rejection of me. He tentatively took the things in my hand, hid between the two stones, smelled them first, and then ate them.

He ate very delicious. After a few times, he ate up a piece of chicken wing. He was still full of meaning. He even had to lick his fingers.

I have returned to my original position, smiled and said to him, "what else, come if you want."

He was completely attracted by the delicious food. He seemed to have no worries and came boldly.

No matter how I react, I grab something and put it in my mouth.

I opened a can of beer and handed it to him. "Eat slowly and drink while eating. Come on, have a taste."

He looked at the beer suspiciously, finally took the bottle and took a sip. It seemed very good. He drank several mouthfuls in a row.

I didn't say anything, so I watched him eat and drink.

One day I didn't see him. His hair grew a lot longer and completely covered Mi Yong's appearance. But as long as I think that this man has some connection with MI Yong, I feel very bad.

When he was full, I said to him, "sit down and let's talk."

He could understand my words and my movements. When he saw me motioning him to sit down, he sat down.

I asked tentatively, "do you... Know who you are and what your name is?"

He shook his head.

He's responding to me. It's a good start. I'm very happy.

I asked, "then how did you come to this place?"

He still shook his head and looked confused. He should not remember.

It doesn't matter. I'm not in a hurry. I can't force him to think of things he can't remember. That will only backfire.

I patted him on the shoulder to show my friendship, "you don't want to stay with my friends. It doesn't matter. Then you can hide here. I'll often bring you food in the future. Don't steal other people's things. It's not good to be exposed. Remember?"

He nodded.

I got up and said to him, "hide yourself and I'll see you another day."

The reason why I don't take him back is that he looks like this. It's difficult to hide him.

Since he likes this unrestrained life, let him live here. As long as he protects himself from being found, I can take advantage of this time to investigate some things.

I think it's time to ask the bears for help.

I called Xiong Xiaoyun and asked her when she would let me go to Xiong's house?

Xiong Xiaoyun said with a smile, "any time is OK. Don't we wait for you to make a decision?"

"Well, now. Tell me the address and I'll come right away."

"Tell me where you are and I'll pick you up."

I sent her a location.

Within ten minutes, the car sent by Xiong Xiaoyun stopped in front of me.

I have to admit that this woman is really efficient.

I got on the car. The driver drove steadily, turning seven and eight. The car stopped in front of a mountain villa.

There are few mountain villas in Chengdu. Tianxian villa developed by Chu family is second to none and occupies the best place in the ground, while other lots are slightly worse.

Although this villa cannot be compared with Tianxian villa, it also has a different taste.

Xiong Xiaoyun is practicing martial arts in the yard. Today, she is dressed in plain white clothes and her long hair is blown away. She is very accompanied by the surrounding scenery and feels like a fairy coming down to earth. Oh, if she doesn't talk.

The driver led me over, and with a Shua, a sharp sword suddenly stabbed me in the throat.

Xiong Xiaoyun was testing me. I smiled and gently clicked my toes on the ground. My body had withdrawn seven or eight meters away.

Xiong Xiaoyun took back his sword and said with a smile, "Yo, master is coming so soon. I was rude just now. I don't know if it's you. I still think it's Xiong Kun."

It's obviously intentional, but she pretends to be unintentional. This woman's heart is really bad enough.

I put my hands behind my back and looked at her seriously, "really? Your perception is really bad. Xiong Kun and I are not at the same level of internal strength, which you can't feel. It seems that it's necessary for me to teach from the lowest level of perception."

"You..." Xiong Xiaoyun was offended by me. He blushed angrily and had a thick neck.

At this time, Xiong Yabin's laughter came from the villa, "ha ha, master Zhao, you are really powerful. Xiao Yun, don't apologize to the master as soon as possible."

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